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Subject: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I would have to say most of it was the computer age and President Bill Clinton primarily. I wouldn't say the 90s were totally forgettable, but other than the Gary Condit scandal and the Persian Gulf War, not much else. What was your opinion on the 90s?
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I would have to say most of it was the computer age and President Bill Clinton primarily. I wouldn't say the 90s were totally forgettable, but other than the Gary Condit scandal and the Persian Gulf War, not much else. What was your opinion on the 90s?
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I remember MTV and VH1 turning to shit, I also remember sitting off the coast of Kosovo for months. I remember how cool everything was prior to 1993. I remember how politically stupid people became, and how mainstream media first showed it's true colors.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Hmm. Going to kindergarten. My dad ALWAYS watching the O.J. Simpson Trial (when I wanted to watch Nickelodeon). I remember when I used to watch Nickelodeon. I remember Nickelodeon turning into sh*t. I remember when Princess Diana and Mother Theresa died when we were on vacation in St. Louis. :(
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Going to Jr.high, and high school. Thinking the world was going to end because of the Gulf war. And when the internet started getting really popular. And i remember wearing hiker boots with long skirts, very stylish back then. The oj simpson trials, the oklahoma bombing in 95. When hiphop was #1(which i kind of didn't like, but many of my friends did ::). When many famous people passed on :(
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
most of the 90's for me were full of depression.
1994- got fired from Genovese
1995- A death in our family
1999- was in my vocational program after 7 years.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
My "best" friend stealing my man. That's the short story. I'm not even going to get into the longer version of it.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
The 90s were exactly like the 80s. One long blur..... ??? (Now, ask me about the 70s.... ::) )
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
It followed the 80's.
The standard of popular music went down down down BIG TIME but it started picking up again toward the end :-/
That's about it - apart from making me another decade older...
FB :)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
The best thing about the '90's is that is buried the '80's in a shallow, forgettable grave.
Everyone, please drop remembering the decade through personal hardships most people in every decade go through something, hell, if a person could go 10 years w/o losing a family member or major relationship than celebrate that decade but don't damn the next.
The '90 music brought us from whining british angst to grunge anger and honest, quality musical talent. Hair relaxed and looked much more healthy, clothes less bulky and more earthy, politics beacame open for scrunity (but very few cared) US automakers finally learned that if you want to sell cars make them better quality, tv got better and more honest, but make sure your kids aren't watching. I don't need to say another thing about technology.
There were some fucked up times but I grew up in the 70's and became and adult in the '80s, the 90's were my favorite decade so far.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
The 90s weren't really so bad, Race. Other than the people were meaner, I had a nervous breakdown, had my life savings almost evaporate, had my car stolen in Denver,lost a case in court, had some of the worst weather here in Indy, having an liar as President, and my mother dying, it was OK. At least I didn't take drugs, have HIV, or get shot at. And as for technology, it's the reason why America is in the financial mess we are at now. Yeah, Race, we shouldn't condemn the 90s or any other decade, because we can't change our past. And there's no use complaining. ::)
The best thing about the '90's is that is buried the '80's in a shallow, forgettable grave.
Everyone, please drop remembering the decade through personal hardships most people in every decade go through something, hell, if a person could go 10 years w/o losing a family member or major relationship than celebrate that decade but don't damn the next.
The '90 music brought us from whining british angst to grunge anger and honest, quality musical talent. Hair relaxed and looked much more healthy, clothes less bulky and more earthy, politics beacame open for scrunity (but very few cared) US automakers finally learned that if you want to sell cars make them better quality, tv got better and more honest, but make sure your kids aren't watching. I don't need to say another thing about technology.
There were some fucked up times but I grew up in the 70's and became and adult in the '80s, the 90's were my favorite decade so far.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember "childhood." Also, "adolescence." Perhaps when I've experienced another full decade, I can get back to you on what important things I remember about the nineties.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Getting my first computer.
Going through primary school.
Dissing hanson/spice girls
Getting into radio ;-)
And the galf war, that keep them in control for about 2 weeks ;-)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
being as my childhood took place mainly in the 90s i remember a lot...
my major obsession with the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers springs to mind, as well as the rest of my other favourite Tv shows...
most of whcih on at ridiculous hours on Saturday Mornings... i'm talking like 6am here.... but i'd still get up and watch them, all of them
The Fantastic Four
The World Of David the Gnome
The bionic six
the paw paws
ah what joy
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
President Clinton and his vacuum (monica)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Man some of you guys that were in elementary school in the '90s really make me feel old. You talk about the 1990s like it was so damn long ago or something. I gradutated high school in 1996, so it's all like yesterday to me.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I was in college in the early part, so I don't remember much about what happened in the outside world (the Gulf War only touched my life because I had male friends who worried about the possibility of the draft starting up). I remember a lot of parties, and all of the flavors of the week, and I remember how important it seemed to lie out under the stars and talk about really deep things that thinking back now, doesn’t seem so deep. And then there were the bad things that happened that I try not to remember. Right after college, I was pretty wild still, though I gave up the whole flavor of the week thing. And in 1994, (believe it or not, I was a bartender then) I met my other and slowly gained control over my life (he likes to think he tamed me, and I let him keep his delusions).
Oh, and I do remember the Oklahoma City bombing. I was a corporate trainer for a restaurant and I was doing a store opening in Richmond when it happened and my roommate and I sat in our hotel room and cried as we watched in on the television.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
1993: Keep The Faith
1994: Cross Road
1995: These Days
Oh yeah.....and my divorce....
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember watching the disney channel, and watching the mickey mouse club. I used to come home and watch that every day.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Being pregnant.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
That OJ thing was real big. I remember the chase cut into my basketball game. I was upset, but ehh..what could ya do. I was in highschool...so that was a huge blast. ;D Good times...good time <sighs and smiles> hehe ;D
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember persuing a girl in 1997.
-howard- :)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
1990- i remember having a shitty teacher
I remember when the yankees were one of the worst teams in baseball
the first bush can't finish things in Iraq
Married With Children
The Simpsons at their peak from 1992-1995
Seinfelds glory days 1991-1995 (though I mostly saw those in reruns, didn't become a real seinfeld fan until 95)
SNL has an all star cast, Carvey, Spade, Sandler, Hartman, Farley, Myers etc
Friends debuts sometime in mid 1994 I think
Rangers win the Stanley Cup in 1994, REJOICE!
April 8 1994 :'(
TGIF(step by step) interrupted by the OJ Chase
90-95 was eventful, 95-00 sucked.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
If we're remembering it for personal reasons, I'd say:
1990--Graduating high school
1992--getting married/moving to Florida
1993--having my (first) son
1995--leaving Florida and coming back home (Washington)
1997--having my daughter
1999--buying our house, losing my mom, my son starting Kindergarten
Overall, I'd say I remember the OJ "thing", the Oklahoma City bombing, (and the Mariners going to the post season ;D) and the whole grunge movement..honestly I was too darned busy during the 1990's to really feel "moved" by much, outside of the personal, during the decade. :-/
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
90s..being little, being depressed, Iraq, new school...stuff...
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember alot about the 90's. I was 10 years old in 1992 now in 2002 I am 20years old. Time sure does fly by fastly. I remember them talkin about the LA riots, the OJ simpson trial, the oklahoma city bombing(very unfortunate), and I remember when the Internet had just become popular like back in 1995. I also remember when some of my black male classmates would wear the fades, and baggy jeans on backwards like criss cross. I remember when everyone like the reebok classics, and when Toyota Stanzas where considered the most populat cars back then too.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I also remember watching soul train and looking at all those sprite, Just for me Perm, Pringles, etc commercials. The 90's rocked, although much quieter than the 80's.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember when everyone like the reebok classics, and when Toyota Stanzas where considered the most populat cars back then too.
End Quote
No the Stanza name was dropped when Nissan changed name to the Altima starting with the 93 model year.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
The 1990's, for me, were not very memorable. It was just a "blah" decade.
I must add:
The 1980's ruled! ;D :D ;) :)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
The 90's were a tough decade for me on a personal level. I watched my brother go off to the Persian Gulf. My father became very ill. Long term relationship fell apart. My grandmother passed away. I spent much of the 90's trying to be a "grown up" and dealing with big issues like how I was going to survive. I remember OJ and Oklahoma City. I remember the music. But the popular culture of the 90's passed in the wake of just life in general. It was the decade that gave me a deeper appreciation for the 70's and 80's when my life was much more carefree and fun.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I will remember the comeback of Annie Lennox, the war in Yugoslavia, the famine in Somalia, and the killings in Rwanda. Also the peace accord between Israel end the PLO. I will remember The Nannie, Married with Children, and the blowjob Monica gave to Clinton. I will remember Roxette, Sarah McLachlan. And I will remember my exboyfriend from Venezuela, and how much I still love him after seven years of the break-up. I will remember getting sick in Caracas, working at a Kibbutz, living in Indonesia, Venezuela, India, Israel, and back in Holland.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember going to Tijuana and having to sneak back on the trolly because I spent all my money...
Graduating from high school...the death of my sister from Lupus...meeting and marrying my wife...having corrective surgery on my arm twice...
The 90s were chocked full of fun
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember starting a vocational program in 1992,getting fired from Genovese in 1994,dating for the first time in 1997.That's basically it. -howard- ;)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember how cool everything was prior to 1993. I remember how political stupid people became, and how mainstream media first showed it's true colors.
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Very well said. The whole "Politically Correctness" movement was/is disgusting to me. Everybody started becomeing "offended" by everything, and the media...well, don't get me started on them.
The 1990's, for me, were not very memorable. It was just a "blah" decade.
I must add:
The 1980's ruled! ;D :D ;) :)
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Amen to that! To me, the 90's were just a cheap knockoff of the 80's.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Oh come now...the 90s brought about some very cool changes...such as cell phones and sampling... ::)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember evryone I loved in the 90's died. My brother died in 90, my bestfriend died in 97, my mother died in 99 . The best thing that ever happened in the 90's was giveing birth to my little girl in 97. And listening to country music and eating alot of pb max candy bars (that also died in the 90's). What ever happened to pb max candy bars? ??? ???
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
big sunglasses, cartoons were actually GOOD, the o.j. simpson trial being on constantly, bill clinton, the beethoven movies,plaid shirts over t-shirts,disney's descent into crap, celine dion (not fondly), mariah carey, (also not fondly), Friends, soft rock, seinfeld, hootie and the blowfish, teenage mutant ninja turtles, adidas tearaways, GAP khakis, people suing each other for the stupidest things, mushroom cuts, alanis morisette, animaniacs, giant cell phones, the rise of hip hop, the fall of grunge, nike basketball shoes, primitive internet, Titanic movie, and assorted screwed up political activity.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
The early half of my childhood was the 90s. They may not have had the diversity and pop-coltural definition that the 80s had, but the 90s did prove to be memorable in their own right . . . .
The Gulf War raised fears on the home-front
Sinéad O'Connor tops charts with "Nothing Compares To U" and later rips a picture of the pope on "SNL"
Tickle-Me-Elmo creates a Christmas shopping craze
"Seinfeld" re-invents Prime Time
O.J. Simpson and Joey Butafuoco become household names
Solid colored blazers carry out the "corperate look" of the early half of the decade
No Doubt with "Don't Speak"
BIll CLinton and Monica Lewinsky (how will we ever forget)
Hatign "Barney" the dinosuar
Pokémon cards start a craze
JNCO jeans makes baggier=better
Grunge music
Chia pets and the "Clapper" (remember the "Clap-on, clap off" commericlas?)
And the list goes on. So, just think, those days are over and we'll never have them back. Who knows, maybe in ten years we'll look back at this decade as having great memores.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Two others that stick out to me that i didnt see anyone talk about where the Columbine shootings and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Bombing.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Let's see, 90-92 kind of a drunken blur...
93, my brother was killed :'(
94, met my hubby :)
95, got married, had our first son ;)
96, bought our first house :)
97, my grandpa died of cancer :'(
98, had my second son :)
99, my grandma died :'(
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
well if we are doing it this way.
91-Braves went from worst to first and my older sister got merried.
92-My Nephew was born
93-Moved to Peachtree City, Ga.
94-Started Middle School
95-Braves win the World Series and my grandfather died.
96-Atlanta Olympics and the Bombing, Family reunion in PA, and my Niece was born.
97-Started High School and my oldest sister got merried
98-Falcons played in Super Bowl XXXIII on my birthday but lost.
99-My grandmother died, went on vacation to Mn., and turned 16 and could drive.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
man i graduated hs in 93....to me the nineties were the bomb
i remember,the popularization of good rock bands like the peppers,nirvana ect ect....beverly hills 90210 and how much it sucked,new seasons of married with children, and the edge,in living color,batman the aimated series....all of these bring good memories!
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I only liked the first half or so of the 90s. I have never enjoyed anything after 1996.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember most of the music sucking........ugh.... :(
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Betsy, that's now going on 7 years of never enjoying anything. Thats a tough long haul!
I only liked the first half or so of the 90s. I have never enjoyed anything after 1996.
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Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Unfortunately I still remember Paulie Shore.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Why oh Why did you have to bring him up? It was just a bad dream and I thought it was over. Now he's probably gonna come out with some new movie since his name was mentioned. :'(
Unfortunately I still remember Paulie Shore.
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Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
;D I remember living in Venezuela for 3 years and falling in love with a local guy, I still love him. I remember finally getting my PhD Economics, my time in Venezuela, then India and then Israel. I remember Annie Lennox coming back solo, Win Wenders movies, the Clinton-Lewisnky affair, the war in Yugoslavia, the israel-PLO peace accord, the bombing of Libya by the US, and then Irak. I remember Enya, the Annie Lennox concert in Central Park and coming back to Europe. Also having Internet at home for the very first time and my first cellphone (in 1991). Above all, I remember Giovanni, my Venezuelan boyfriend for 3 years, we broke up in 1995 and I am still in love with him. The 90's were somewhat crappy for me, I dealt with a lot of depresssion after coming out, my break-up, and coming to terms with the idea that Giovanni doesnt love me anymore. I also remember being totally exhausted after finishing my dissertation and trying to learn Spanish.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Um, I don't remember much from the early 90's. I remember the 1995 Quebec Referendum, even though I didn't understand how historical it could have been. I remember Clinton and Monica. I remember just a little bit of the OJ Simpson trial. Don't forget about the whole "Y2K bug" either. The Spice Girls were big for me at the time. They produced the first CD that was truely mine. Um, I remember getting my first computer back in 96 and that's all that comes to me off the top of my head.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Being a quintessential 'child of the 90s' (born 1980), I remember the entire decade. Every decade has two or more distinct periods of change. The early 90s weren't much different from the late 80s: neon everything, mall hair and flat-tops, and clowns like George Bush Sr., Milli Vanilli, M.C. Hammer, and Vanilla Ice.
Then, in 92/93--depending on your location in the country--things changed: Bush was out, Clinton was in; mall hair was out, long hair was in; neon was out, flannel was in; baseball caps were in (worn forward!), chain wallets were in (remember wearing four or five chains of varying lengths on your wallet? I do. 8)) It lasted through 94, with a brief Industrial interim in 95/96.
By 96/97, the Grunge and Industrial phases were complete; the Spice Girls and Fred Durst paved the way for the return of bubblegum pop and 'rap-metal' (an oxymoron), which lasted through the rest of the decade, and into this one.
http://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/347082~586bfd776ed561d9c51a16d75785115d/1995.jpg Me, keepin' it alive in 95! 8)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
By 96/97, the Grunge and Industrial phases were complete; the Spice Girls and Fred Durst paved the way for the return of bubblegum pop and 'rap-metal' (an oxymoron), which lasted through the rest of the decade, and into this one.
http://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/347082~586bfd776ed561d9c51a16d75785115d/1995.jpg Me, keepin' it alive in 95! 8)
End Quote
Limp Bizkit hit big in 97? I thought it was towards the tail end of 98 with George Micheal's remake of "Faith".
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Being a quintessential 'child of the 90s' (born 1980), I remember the entire decade. Every decade has two or more distinct periods of change. The early 90s weren't much different from the late 80s: neon everything, mall hair and flat-tops, and clowns like George Bush Sr., Milli Vanilli, M.C. Hammer, and Vanilla Ice.
Then, in 92/93--depending on your location in the country--things changed: Bush was out, Clinton was in; mall hair was out, long hair was in; neon was out, flannel was in; baseball caps were in (worn forward!), chain wallets were in (remember wearing four or five chains of varying lengths on your wallet? I do. 8)) It lasted through 94, with a brief Industrial interim in 95/96.
By 96/97, the Grunge and Industrial phases were complete; the Spice Girls and Fred Durst paved the way for the return of bubblegum pop and 'rap-metal' (an oxymoron), which lasted through the rest of the decade, and into this one.
http://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/347082~586bfd776ed561d9c51a16d75785115d/1995.jpg Me, keepin' it alive in 95! 8)
End Quote
*ugh*Barney! Can I shoot him now or later? >:( ;D
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember starting my comics in the early 90s. Me & my brother found an old toy in 90, and that later inspired me to draw my comics during my school years. They went from silly kid stuff to the terrific storyline comedy/fantasy/sci-fi/drama combo genre they are today.
It's still just a hobby, but I hope I can make a career from it soon.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
For me the 90s were about: high school, college, a new political era in my home country (Hungary) as the communist system has fallen at the end of the 80s, more or less freedom of speach and relegion but also increasing crime and corruption, increasing poverty, Internet, computer boom, grunge, techno (although I wasn't a fan of either genre), Gulf war, Yugoslavia, mobile phones, OJ Simpson, Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember getting addicted to the Internet ;)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember my obsession with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies and toys.
I remember Hurricane Andrew
I remember I really, really started getting into wrestling in 1993.
I remember my first real girlfriend in 1994.
I remember my obsession with the OJ Trial.
I remember how much top 40 music went into the crapper, after 1996.
I remember my movie theatre obsession in 1998 and 1999.
I remember getting a Webtv for christmas, in 1998.
I remember the Clinton/Monica scandal.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I was born in 1988, so I wasn't like into the style of the 90s until like 98 or 99, but anyways, I remember Pogs (those cardboard disks that fascinated everyone) and the grunge music of the early 90s with the roots of techno (Ace of Base and Snap really). Laser Tag, all those obstacle course TV gameshows for kids on Nickelodeon (Double Dare, Legend of the Temple Something (lol)). I also remember my cousin making me watch the Real World on MTV with her and I hated it then, I hate it now (those people never stop whining). I remember the boy bands all starting at the same time and wanting to shoot myself because of it. Creepy Crawlers (easy bake oven for boys) was the coolest thing ever made! Jurrassic Park was popular too. There's alot more I could name, but there's just to much, lol.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Lets see:
I remember the whole Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky thing.
I remember the grunge music and dance music of the mid 90's and teen pop taking over when Britney Spears came out in late 1998.
-Getting my first brand new car.
-Graduating High School.
-The Giants Beating the Bills in Super Bowl 25 when Bills kicker Scott Norwood missed a potential game winning field goal.
-The economy boom of the late 90's along with the internet boom.
Of course who can forget about OJ's trial and the famous car chase. I also remember listening in one of my High School classes listening the radio along with classmates when the OJ verdict was being read(that was historic.)
-I also remember when the 1998 Honda Accord was released: Honda couldn't make them fast enough because they were selling so fast.
-Hurricane Floyd tearing Central New Jersey to shreds(that was 1999.)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I was a kid in the 90s, but I remember when CD-ROMs started to get popular in '94-'95, I got one and I was like the first person with a CD-ROM. The same thing happend to me with DVD Players, I remember we won one at an auction in 1997, and we were the first people with one (that I know of), and it was hard because there was only like 50 movies out on DVD, and nobody had them, so we only had 2 DVDs to watch for a year, then they started getting more popular. I remember as kid watching Nickelodeon all the time and my favortie shows were Clarissa Explains it All (with Melissa Joan Hart, and whenever her freind Sam would come up into her room from the ladder, she'd say "Hey Sam" and then you'd hear this guitar riff, I thought it was cool, lol); the Adventures or Pete and Pete (It was such a great show at the time and even my parents loved it); Alex Mac (where she'd turn into this big puddle of Mercury looking liquid and go under doors or something, lol); Are You Afraid of the Dark (the stories on the show were never scary, but they where interesting); and then there was all of those sports shows on Nickelodeon, such as GUTS (with that annoying British lady in the Ref. Shirt, her name was Mo, lol) and Legends of the Hidden Temple (God I loved that show, except no one ever won the final thing where they went through the temple and it was a huge obsticale course). There was this one show that would come on on Sunday Nights called like "Weekly News on Nick" or something like that, and it had that dykey looking lady, and they would always talk about the starving kids in Boznia or Zimbabwae and the War in Boznia and other stuff about boring things that most kids probably couldn't comprehend. Some other shows on Nick, were Kablam! (where the two brothers ro freinds would compete to see who's better and such, and there was Promethus and Bob, and Action Figure Heros ( my favorite part)), All That ( a show that was supposed to be a kids version of Saturday Night Live or Mad TV), Figure It Out ( I thought this show was annoying because the "celebrities" trying to figure out what the guests did would purposfully say dumb stuff and get slimed and all that crap). Do any of you guys remember that show "Dude Ranch" and it had the kids who lived on the ranch and it was just a fun show about them living on a ranch? The kiddie shows that I watched on there were Rugrats and Doug and Ren and Stempy, Rocko's Modern Life. Ahh the good stuff, before any annoying Sponge Bob or Wild Thornberries.
Some other stuff from the 90s:
The Different kinds of Lunchables
Creepy Crawlers
Micro Machines
LA Gear Light Up shoes
Life Size Barbie
Hanson (damn I can't believe i had their CD, lol)
Club Music (like La Bouche and Snap! and Ace of Base)
Those annoying 1-800- BE A GEEK commercials for Internet America
Where in The World/US is Carmen Sandiego?
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Beanie Babies
Tamagotchies/Nano Pets/ Giga Pets
American Girl Dolls
Baby-G Watches
Laser Tag
Discovery Zone/ Leaps and Bounds (remember those cool places?)
Pogs (looking back on those things, what was the overall point of those? lol)
GooseBumps (books, shows, games, etc. You had to have Goosebumps)
The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (that dumb show on Nickelodeon with the asian girl)
Spice Girls
( the movie came out then the board game came out and I remember my cousin thinking that you'd really get sucked into the game if you rolled didn't role a 5 or a 8, lol)
Drop Dead Gorgeous(1999) (funniest movie ever!)
Empire Records
In the late 90s, they made all these disaster movies like Twister, Armegedeon, Deep Impact, Volcano, Dante's Peak, Asteriod (th movie that destroyed Dallas and Kansas City (the two most likely place for total inailation, lol)).
Water World (1995)
The worst movie from the 90s, and unfortuantly was one of the most expensive ones too.
Titanic (1997)
My freinds and I were obssesed with this movie, we saw it 3 times in the Theater, and had pictures of Kate Winslet and Leo Dicaprio in our lockers, lol.
The Cranberries
Starbucks getting really popular in the late 90s
Talk-Boys (that thing that McCully Culkin had in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York City)
Ricky Martin vs. Enrique vs. Marc Anthony
Eiffel 65 (late 1999) coming out with the most annoying song ever "I'm Blue (Da ba de da)"
No Doubt
Scream and I Know What You did Last Summer
All of the GAP Commericals were extrememly annoying
The Real World (allthough the title with the stuff happening in the show put together is an oxymoron)
Playstation and N64 and the Sega Dreamcast
Independence Day(1996)
Backstreet Boys, N*Sync, LFO, 98 Degrees, 5, all the other crappy boy-bands
Push-Pops, Ring Pops, Sour Straws, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Roll-ups, that Flinstone Ice-Cream hing where you'd push the straw looking thing up and more Ice-cream would come up, ZIMA slushie drinks, smoothies getting really popular, Kid Cuisine (frozen dinner things for kids, they were disgusting, but I still ate them)
The Flinstones Movie (1994)
That's kind of it, I don't really remember anything else from then, because I was ages 2 (1990) to 11(1999), so I mainly remember everything from the mid to late 90s. I hope you enjoyed some of the stuff I stated above. LATA
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember with fondness:
The 1990's Pittsburgh PIRATES(the team owners then made the most BONEHEAD move in recent baseball history,getting rid of BARRY BONDS!)
my becoming a NASCAR addict
Jeff Gordon winning his first few Winston Cups and his rivalry with the late Dale "Intimidator"Earnhardt
Clinton playing the saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show
Sonic The Hedgehog,videogame and cartoons,also there was a Sonic comic book
Chyna wrestling men in the WWF(E)
Boris Yeltsin,Russian Prez,with the tank while thwarting a hardliner takeover!
Me going to Berkeley,California to do a workshop on mental health consumer issues
Joe Gibbs forming a NASCAR Winston(now Nextel)Cup team,getting Bobby Labonte first,then signing TONY STEWART to the team.
Broderbund Software's "The Print Shop"-learning how to use it!
Domino's Pizza"The Noid"(80's or 90's?)
MTV "Alternative Nation" with host "Kennedy"(Believe it or not she's a Republican!)
The Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan knee-whacking incident(Oksana Baiul actually won the Gold)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I forgot Leona"only the little guy pays taxes"Helmsley. Leona truly was a meanie to those who worked at her hotels! She fired one guy for calling his wife about his son,who was in the hospital! I certainly hope she enjoyed her stay in the BIG HOUSE!
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Disney came out with quite a few hits then
(Aladdin, Beauty & the Beast, Lion King...to name a few)
Flavor crazes(Blueberry flavored everything)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
We have an liar for a president right now.
The 90s weren't really so bad, Race. Other than the people were meaner, I had a nervous breakdown, had my life savings almost evaporate, had my car stolen in Denver,lost a case in court, had some of the worst weather here in Indy, having an liar as President, and my mother dying, it was OK. At least I didn't take drugs, have HIV, or get shot at. And as for technology, it's the reason why America is in the financial mess we are at now. Yeah, Race, we shouldn't condemn the 90s or any other decade, because we can't change our past. And there's no use complaining. ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
What was your opinion on the 90s?
End Quote
Terrible clothing tastes. Ie: Grunge/Skater. :P ..and they're still wearing their baseball hats crooked. Now that's not getting old.. is it? <insert sarcasm here> ::)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember all of the crappy video game systems that came out in the 90's. They were 3D0, Sega-CD, 32X, CD-I, Atari Jaguar/Jaguar CD, and Virtual Boy.
Also the full-motion video games. I remembered how cheesy they were.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
i remember new jack swing, alternative/postgrunge rock, hip hop soul, rock rap, the return of pop.
the videogames were awesome, from NES games like Crystalis(pssh, forget Zelda!) to Dreamcast games like Soul Calibur.
cartoons were great too, tiny toons to x-men to rockos modern life to darkwing duck to duckman to freakazoid(just freakin hilarious!) to 2 stupid dogs to the MTV oddities. the WB and Nickeloden made great stuff until the late 90s, and we could still see oldies like underdog, rocky and bullwinkle, speed racer, the jetsons, etc..there was some crap too, like mortal kombat and spongebob squarepants.
also great shows for teens and kids, alex mack, my so-called life, ready or not, parker lewis can't lose, ghostwriter, saved by the bell, clarissa explains it all, all that, boy meets world, hangtime, so weird, the famous jett jackson
movies for kids, Disney movies(tho i dont really remember them after 94) also spawning hit songs, Hook, Home Alone, The Little Giants. Teen movies were pretty spotty until the teen horror explosion, but there was some fun stuff like Encino Man, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Clueless, Can't Hardly Wait, 10 Things I Hate about You, Varsity Blues.There were some cool Action movies-Total Recall, Termintaor 2, Speed, Blade, Men in Black, Independence Day.
in the news, politics, and society it wasn't the greatest of times, with the school shootings popping up all over, Bill Clinton, OJ Simpson, Rodney King beating/trial/LA riots, WTC, Olympic, Oklahoma City bombings, Gulf War, still major resistance towards Gays & Lesbians(not that there isn't today), Tanya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan incident.
Then there was just stupid stuff,like gimp coming back, the keychain necklaces, the nanopets, the LAD(liberals against dodgeball ::) ) Beanie Babies and Furbies, Pokemon. Dont forget about the jeans-shorts(ie-shorts so big they went down to your ankles, thank goodness for Wideleg pants), Sweats with one leg up to your knee, girls wearing those platform sneakers(kinda defeats the purpose of sneakers, no?) the LA gear Lights(dont they give you foot cancer?)
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Anyone remember the sega saturn?
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I was born in 1988, so I basically remember tons about the 90's, I really miss the 90's, I remember:
Nickelodeon being AWESOME (nick today is shit)
the major craze of tamogotchis, Spice girls, hanson and power rangers.
REALLY started listening to music and watching MTV around 1998.
My dog Snickers dying at age 5 in 1998.
Losing my grandpa in 1998.
I mean I was 10 1/2 in 1999 so it was crazy times
I remember it being very carefree and fun.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Nickelodeon was great in the 90's. Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Nick Arcade, Salute Your Shorts, What would you do?, and Are you Afraid Of The Dark? were my favorites.
The new Ren and Stimpy from this decade is crap! Not the same.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Did You ever notice how in the late 90s they came out with all these disaster movies, and there would be two movies with the same idea (i.e. Armeagedon vs. Deep Impact, or Volcano vs. Dante's Peak) but one of the two was alot better. Anyone remember that made for TV movie, Asteroid, the one where Kansas City and Dallas (where I live, uh-oh) are destroyed by asteroids, it was so funny beause those two places would just seem the least likley to have total enialtion (however you spell that). Also, remember that movie with all of the "teen heart-throbs" (JTT, and others, lol) , Wild America, what a stupid movie.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I remember most of the music sucking........ugh.... :(
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these 90's bands were actually COOL-
Collective Soul
Alice In Chains
The Verve
Green Day
Goo Goo Dolls
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
these 90's bands were actually COOL-
Collective Soul
Alice In Chains
The Verve
Green Day
Goo Goo Dolls
End Quote
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE and their POLITICAL AGENDA that was on display thru Zack De La Rocha and his leftist rants!! Ever see what Zack looks like? Weird! Those dreads he has overpower his whole body!!
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
i remember new jack swing, alternative/postgrunge rock, hip hop soul, rock rap, the return of pop.
the videogames were awesome, from NES games like Crystalis(pssh, forget Zelda!) to Dreamcast games like Soul Calibur.
cartoons were great too, tiny toons to x-men to rockos modern life to darkwing duck to duckman to freakazoid(just freakin hilarious!) to 2 stupid dogs to the MTV oddities. the WB and Nickeloden made great stuff until the late 90s, and we could still see oldies like underdog, rocky and bullwinkle, speed racer, the jetsons, etc..there was some crap too, like mortal kombat and spongebob squarepants.
also great shows for teens and kids, alex mack, my so-called life, ready or not, parker lewis can't lose, ghostwriter, saved by the bell, clarissa explains it all, all that, boy meets world, hangtime, so weird, the famous jett jackson
movies for kids, Disney movies(tho i dont really remember them after 94) also spawning hit songs, Hook, Home Alone, The Little Giants. Teen movies were pretty spotty until the teen horror explosion, but there was some fun stuff like Encino Man, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Clueless, Can't Hardly Wait, 10 Things I Hate about You, Varsity Blues.There were some cool Action movies-Total Recall, Termintaor 2, Speed, Blade, Men in Black, Independence Day.
in the news, politics, and society it wasn't the greatest of times, with the school shootings popping up all over, Bill Clinton, OJ Simpson, Rodney King beating/trial/LA riots, WTC, Olympic, Oklahoma City bombings, Gulf War, still major resistance towards Gays & Lesbians(not that there isn't today), Tanya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan incident.
Then there was just stupid stuff,like gimp coming back, the keychain necklaces, the nanopets, the LAD(liberals against dodgeball ::) ) Beanie Babies and Furbies, Pokemon. Dont forget about the jeans-shorts(ie-shorts so big they went down to your ankles, thank goodness for Wideleg pants), Sweats with one leg up to your knee, girls wearing those platform sneakers(kinda defeats the purpose of sneakers, no?) the LA gear Lights(dont they give you foot cancer?)
End Quote
As far as 90s cartoons go,Sonic The Hedgehog,both the weekday and Saturday morning versions,were my fave! As far as Furbys go,I have a "Shoot The Furbys" game I downloaded on my PC!!
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
--Baby Doll dresses
--"In Living Color"
--The SUV craze
--goodbye LP's, hello CD's
--McDonald's Super Size Menu
--graphing calculators
--70's nostalgia
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
--Baby Doll dresses
--"In Living Color"
--The SUV craze
--goodbye LP's, hello CD's
--McDonald's Super Size Menu
--graphing calculators
--70's nostalgia
End Quote
Tim Allen"Home Improvement"
Jeff Gordon wins his first NASCAR Winston Cup;his rivalry with Dale Earnhardt sr
Tony Stewart coming to NASCAR
WCW Wrestling giving the WWF(E)a run for their money
the NWO in WCW
Metallica's "Black Album"
Boris Yeltsin on top of a Russian tank
Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Freddie Mercury's death from AIDS
Van Halen"For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"and the song"Right Now"
rap crap like Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer
Movie"The Last Temptation of Christ"
Live's "Throwing Copper"also their appearance on MTV's"Unplugged"
The Cult's "Sonic Temple" and "Ceremony"CDs
Charachter of SONNY CORINTHOS is introduced on General Hospital,played by Maurice Benard
Seinfeld becomes a hit for NBC
Winter Olympics 94 in Lillehammer and the Nancy-Tonya feud that was just plain UGLY!
CD's and DVD's gain a foothold over cassettes and VHS
CD-ROM drives on computers
"Tower" computers free up precious desk space,computers become streamlined and more attractive
AOL and MSN come on the Internet scene
Microsoft monopoly
Apple introduces the MAC with a new look and different colors(sorta like the Panasonic radios and tape players of the 70's)
PlayStation and Super Nintendo and N-64
cell phones get smaller
palm camcorders
Dish Network and DirecTV
HDTV starts becoming a viable reality
and on a personal note
I move into my supported apartment
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
I was born in 1987 and turned 7 in 1994 and am now 2 months from 17. I loved the 90s, having a computer was so cool when i first got one in 1993 now its just another thing in the house. I remember Full House was big, I remember Power Rangers. I remember when the www came into the mainstream around 1995. I remember my first computer, a macintosh quardra 610 25 mhz 300 mb hard drive. I remember thinking about where will i be in the year 2000. I remeber the OJ trial. I remember getting our first VCR. I remember getting my first game system way back in 1992. I remember playing super mario world and mario paint. I remember this old vtech computer thing when i was really little.
Subject: Re: What Do You Remember About the 90s?
Even though I was very young during the 90s, I remember a lot of stuff, although most of it will be different to what's been mentioned considering I'm from England.
all of the britpop bands that were around. Pulp, Suede, Elastica, Supergrass, Sleeper, Republica, Menswear.
Then there was Blur vs. Oasis in the battle for No.1.
Most of them have split now.
I remember the Spice Girls were massive. I remember Tom Jones' cover of Kiss and Peter Andre's Mysterious Girl, which has now been released again...
My sister was a big fan of TLC aswell.
I remember watching Tots TV or something like that when I was really little. I think children's TV has changed a lot.
Then there was the Saturday night TV, in particular Noel's House Party, which was set in a big mansion. I remember this Noel's "brother" Liam would run around the audience throwing stuff at them, wearing that coat. I only got the joke later though.
I've never been interested in clothes so I don't remember that much about the fashion. I remember a lot of baggy stuff during the beginning though, and although no-one actually wore it on a day-to-day basis, near the end, people kept going on about how we'd all be wearing this silver stuff. ::)
I can't think of much else right now, except for the feeling of it, which I can't describe.