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Subject: 90s definition-once and for all
I must let this go people. Why were the 90s the most dis-liked decade of the 20th century?
I was born in 1980, so i grew up in the 90s, of course. Well, the 90s weren't so bad. I think maybe, prior generations couldn't understand what the 90s were really about. I hear so many people saying how the 90s was just about violence and anger..and it isn't true at all. I never heard of a school shooting growing up, to my knowledge that has been happening recently. I believe all the decades had ups and downs, the 20s(great depression), the 80s(Aids disease) ect.
;Dwould anyone like to politely argue with me? It'll give you x-tra posts everyone!
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I must let this go people. Why were the 90s the most dis-liked decade of the 20th century?
I was born in 1980, so i grew up in the 90s, of course. Well, the 90s weren't so bad. I think maybe, prior generations couldn't understand what the 90s were really about. I hear so many people saying how the 90s was just about violence and anger..and it isn't true at all. I never heard of a school shooting growing up, to my knowledge that has been happening recently. I believe all the decades had ups and downs, the 20s(great depression), the 80s(Aids disease) ect.
;Dwould anyone like to politely argue with me? It'll give you x-tra posts everyone!
End Quote
That's just the way it always is. The current decade, or most recent decade or time is always ragged on and called the worst time ever. Then after years people look back at it fondly and think it really wasn't all that bad. They remember all the good times they had and think all the crappy stuff that happened maybey weren't so bad after all.
Take the '80s. I remember back in the '80s, all kinds of bad stuff were said about the '80s and how awful things were. The elders of the time critizied the '80s music for being all style and no substance and talked about how back in their day of the '50s, '60s and '70s, "music meant something". Many of the same stuff that is said now was said back in the '80s, like kids are no good, all they do is hang out at the mall or play video games, there's too much violence, "back in MY DAY!" blah blah blah. Now we look back on the '80s and think about how wonderful it is. It's just the way people operate. The '90s are still recent so it still gets ragged on. Wait about 5 to 6 years and you'll hear people talk about how wonderful it all was. It's just the way people are.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
The 90's were good in the early and middle parts. I think the late 90's things started to kind of turn kind of awkward.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I was born in '66 and may have loved that decade if I could remember some of it. I Experianced the '70s, 80's, and 90's and can honestly say the '90s was the greatest decade and will argue that point myself as well.
Give me a break, marketers tried that retro '70s look and gave up after 6 months. That was an ugly decade, feathered hair, wide leg jeans, synthetic materials were huge. Don't get me started on the shoes.
Mostly listener friendly pap, innovation was only found underground. There was some good but most was damn boring.
Started with Nixon and ended with Carter, 'nuff said.
An embarrasing decade for US automakers, I don't know of anyone who wants to collect a 1973 Pacer or '75 Pinto.
H'mm- Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy ring a bell? Had a few serial killers that decade, crime rose at an oustanding level with the high unemployment rate and liberal court leanings.
Started bad in the early years and only worsend. Hair became higher rising, teased, crimped, permed, gelled, and whatever chemicals that were especailly popular among black people. Clothes became so baggy that pop band Kris-Kros had to wear there pants backwards to make it worse. Even sunglasses were guady, those Oakly's were horrid.
So damn bad that most stations continued to play the pap from the '70's and dubbed it "classic rock" for us to still suffer through. There was some good stuff but I tired of whining british angst pop and amazing collection of talentless instumentalists. As the the song predicted, "video killed the radio star."
Started with Reagan and ended with Bush Sr., 'nuff said.
Detroit was still learning that consumers would buy elsewere if they don't start making better products. Attemted to impose greater tariffs on foriegh autos to increase sales instead of builidng better. Still can't think of a person who longs for an '83 Fairlane or '85 Citation.
Remember Green River Killer? Jeffrey Dahmer did most his evil things in the '80's but wasn't arrested until '91. Crack hit it big, gangs went from a collection of neighborhood boys to a profit driven organized crime. The war on drugs began.
Hair is much more natural and healthy, maybe will lead to less balding problems. Clothing isn't oulandish and is functionally comfortable in the mainstream and whatever any freak want's to wear was available.
Talent came back for the most part. Grunge made up relise that American rage and frustration kicks British angst ass! Pear Jam is still the best band, ever. Music also gave itself more identies, not all 16 year olds were listenig to Mariah Carey, choices were had with pop, grunge, techno, rap, classic rock (still!) Sure, plent of suck bands but lots of choices.
Started with Bush, ended with Clinton. Never thought it would happen but I went Republican.
US finally caught on and did darn much better in the '90s, we could by US w/o being embarrassed. Of course Japan and Europe still out performed for the most part.
What the '90's gave us was to much information, crime went down to '60's levels but everything that happended was reported on, analyzed, theorized, and debated 24/7, I think the OJ debacle was the incident that changed our information world. Hey, I never said the decade was perfect.
Good topic, let me know what YOU think.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I was born in '66 and may have loved that decade if I could remember some of it. I Experianced the '70s, 80's, and 90's and can honestly say the '90s was the greatest decade and will argue that point myself as well.
Give me a break, marketers tried that retro '70s look and gave up after 6 months. That was an ugly decade, feathered hair, wide leg jeans, synthetic materials were huge. Don't get me started on the shoes.
Mostly listener friendly pap, innovation was only found underground. There was some good but most was damn boring.
Started with Nixon and ended with Carter, 'nuff said.
An embarrasing decade for US automakers, I don't know of anyone who wants to collect a 1973 Pacer or '75 Pinto.
H'mm- Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy ring a bell? Had a few serial killers that decade, crime rose at an oustanding level with the high unemployment rate and liberal court leanings.
Started bad in the early years and only worsend. Hair became higher rising, teased, crimped, permed, gelled, and whatever chemicals that were especailly popular among black people. Clothes became so baggy that pop band Kris-Kros had to wear there pants backwards to make it worse. Even sunglasses were guady, those Oakly's were horrid.
So damn bad that most stations continued to play the pap from the '70's and dubbed it "classic rock" for us to still suffer through. There was some good stuff but I tired of whining british angst pop and amazing collection of talentless instumentalists. As the the song predicted, "video killed the radio star."
Started with Reagan and ended with Bush Sr., 'nuff said.
Detroit was still learning that consumers would buy elsewere if they don't start making better products. Attemted to impose greater tariffs on foriegh autos to increase sales instead of builidng better. Still can't think of a person who longs for an '83 Fairlane or '85 Citation.
Remember Green River Killer? Jeffrey Dahmer did most his evil things in the '80's but wasn't arrested until '91. Crack hit it big, gangs went from a collection of neighborhood boys to a profit driven organized crime. The war on drugs began.
Hair is much more natural and healthy, maybe will lead to less balding problems. Clothing isn't oulandish and is functionally comfortable in the mainstream and whatever any freak want's to wear was available.
Talent came back for the most part. Grunge made up relise that American rage and frustration kicks British angst ass! Pear Jam is still the best band, ever. Music also gave itself more identies, not all 16 year olds were listenig to Mariah Carey, choices were had with pop, grunge, techno, rap, classic rock (still!) Sure, plent of suck bands but lots of choices.
Started with Bush, ended with Clinton. Never thought it would happen but I went Republican.
US finally caught on and did darn much better in the '90s, we could by US w/o being embarrassed. Of course Japan and Europe still out performed for the most part.
What the '90's gave us was to much information, crime went down to '60's levels but everything that happended was reported on, analyzed, theorized, and debated 24/7, I think the OJ debacle was the incident that changed our information world. Hey, I never said the decade was perfect.
Good topic, let me know what YOU think.
End Quote
The music of the early 90's were filled with people whining. The singers were just wallowing about how their life sucks. It seemed to get much better as the years went on. I think we are in the midst of a sugary up-swing.
Everything else about the decade was fine. I guess we were all waking up with the internet age booming as it did.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
The music of the early 90's were filled with people whining. The singers were just wallowing about how their life sucks. It seemed to get much better as the years went on. I think we are in the midst of a sugary up-swing.
End Quote
No, I liked the music from 1990-1996 myself. 1997-1998 had some alright stuff. 1999+ has been one of the worst musical periods ever in my opinion. Britney Spears, N'Sync, Ashanti. These people aren't even musicians.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
No, I liked the music from 1990-1996 myself. 1997-1998 had some alright stuff. 1999+ has been one of the worst musical periods ever in my opinion. Britney Spears, N'Sync, Ashanti. These people aren't even musicians.
End Quote
I couldn't agree more, I like to divide the nineties into three musical periods though:
90 - mid 93 "Pre Grunge era"
Mid 93 - early 97 "Grunge and Gangster rap era"
mid 97+ "The You got to be Kidding era"
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I was born in '66 and may have loved that decade if I could remember some of it. I Experianced the '70s, 80's, and 90's and can honestly say the '90s was the greatest decade and will argue that point myself as well.
Give me a break, marketers tried that retro '70s look and gave up after 6 months. That was an ugly decade, feathered hair, wide leg jeans, synthetic materials were huge. Don't get me started on the shoes.
Mostly listener friendly pap, innovation was only found underground. There was some good but most was damn boring.
Started with Nixon and ended with Carter, 'nuff said.
An embarrasing decade for US automakers, I don't know of anyone who wants to collect a 1973 Pacer or '75 Pinto.
H'mm- Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy ring a bell? Had a few serial killers that decade, crime rose at an oustanding level with the high unemployment rate and liberal court leanings.
Started bad in the early years and only worsend. Hair became higher rising, teased, crimped, permed, gelled, and whatever chemicals that were especailly popular among black people. Clothes became so baggy that pop band Kris-Kros had to wear there pants backwards to make it worse. Even sunglasses were guady, those Oakly's were horrid.
So damn bad that most stations continued to play the pap from the '70's and dubbed it "classic rock" for us to still suffer through. There was some good stuff but I tired of whining british angst pop and amazing collection of talentless instumentalists. As the the song predicted, "video killed the radio star."
Started with Reagan and ended with Bush Sr., 'nuff said.
Detroit was still learning that consumers would buy elsewere if they don't start making better products. Attemted to impose greater tariffs on foriegh autos to increase sales instead of builidng better. Still can't think of a person who longs for an '83 Fairlane or '85 Citation.
Remember Green River Killer? Jeffrey Dahmer did most his evil things in the '80's but wasn't arrested until '91. Crack hit it big, gangs went from a collection of neighborhood boys to a profit driven organized crime. The war on drugs began.
Hair is much more natural and healthy, maybe will lead to less balding problems. Clothing isn't oulandish and is functionally comfortable in the mainstream and whatever any freak want's to wear was available.
Talent came back for the most part. Grunge made up relise that American rage and frustration kicks British angst ass! Pear Jam is still the best band, ever. Music also gave itself more identies, not all 16 year olds were listenig to Mariah Carey, choices were had with pop, grunge, techno, rap, classic rock (still!) Sure, plent of suck bands but lots of choices.
Started with Bush, ended with Clinton. Never thought it would happen but I went Republican.
US finally caught on and did darn much better in the '90s, we could by US w/o being embarrassed. Of course Japan and Europe still out performed for the most part.
What the '90's gave us was to much information, crime went down to '60's levels but everything that happended was reported on, analyzed, theorized, and debated 24/7, I think the OJ debacle was the incident that changed our information world. Hey, I never said the decade was perfect.
Good topic, let me know what YOU think.
End Quote
I think the 80's fashion's had their time. By late 91 80's fashion's were done with. I grew up as a little kid in the 80's and that was just the fashion for that time period. As far as US automakers improving I'll still buy from Honda, Toyota, Nissan, and Mazda. US Automakers except for Chrysler still have lots to do in the styling department. I agree all cars(Japanese, German, and American Cars) have all gotten better with quality/reliability and reliability is the best its ever been. I agree also the Grunge Revolutuon was a good thing for music in the early-mid 90's but now look what we have is terrible music now. Also 80's music has some good stuff like Pop/R&B and New Wave(forget about the hair metal.) As far as 90's fashion is concerned there has been no new fashions lately and it still seems like in the 00's we are living in the 90's(I want a change myself.) Despite that the relaxed fashion look of the 90's I saw it as a response to the wild 80's fashions and was a good thing. Also, Kris Kross was 90's not 80's. As far as the 70's is concerned I never cared much for the 70's. It seemed like in the late 70's music was going in the right direction in the forms of acts like Aerosmith, Hall and Oates, and Earth Wind& Fire. Early 70's is bleak to me. I try to listen to some stuff from but can't seem to get into early 70's Music. As far as television is concerned 80's TV kills 90's TV. The OJ trial has killed TV in my opinion. Now we have stuff like The Mole, and Amazing Race(yuck!)
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
The '90s- Good input. I have to mention that grunge started well before '93, hello Kurt Cobain died in April '94. Of course I have lived in Seattle since '89 so I may be a bit more consiance of it. If the referance to "whining becasue life sucks" is towards grunge I argue this point; One early release in that Era was called Temple of the Dog a tribute to the former singer of Mother Love Bone who died of a heroin od. The album was put together by Chris Cornell of Soundgarden and members of MLB that were to become Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder was even featured on the Album and that was before PJ was formed. If you listen to Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, etc you don't hear whinging self pity, these are not simple hair band, heavy metal lyrics that are easy to listen to. This is rage, frustration, anger, at others and at selves for not helping others. There are some master works for you to find. If you want to raise your pulse and the hair on the back of your neck, crank up The Rooster by Alice in Chains and experiance the confusion leading to rage of the Vietnam Vet. If you want to experiance homelessness with muticultureal diversity then turn up Spoon Man by Soudgarden. If you want to hear the rage of an adult daughter who was the victim of incest than PJ's Don't call me daughter is the one to listen too. Hey, not everyone wants to hear this, stick to your Boys 2 Men or Def Leppard or N'sync.
Correct, lots of crap on I don't watch but the best thing is I never have to. There is some smart stuff out there that I enjoy and the best thing is there is always something interesting on the History, Discovery, Travel, etc. channels.
Bring up another challenge, I like the debate.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I couldn't agree more, I like to divide the nineties into three musical periods though:
90 - mid 93 "Pre Grunge era"
Mid 93 - early 97 "Grunge and Gangster rap era"
mid 97+ "The You got to be Kidding era"
End Quote
I liked the late 90's...the music started to lighten up. It was a nice up swing from the dark grunge.
Interesting what's going on now with the the rap and rock mixing...e.g. Linkin Park
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I liked the late 90's...the music started to lighten up. It was a nice up swing from the dark grunge.
Interesting what's going on now with the the rap and rock mixing...e.g. Linkin Park
End Quote
I never viewed grunge as "dark music". I don't know the last few years of music has seen so many gimic acts I just can't take it anymore. I don't see anything amazing about Linkin Park. The only good thing about the late 90's was R&B artists such as Deborah Cox, Eric Benet, Usher, Ginuwine, Monica, and Faith Evans. All the Ja Rule, Nelly, Puff Daddy, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, Backstreet Boys stuff was terrible. Also another good thing about the late 90's was Red Hot Chilli Peppers and TLC coming back from drug problems(RHCP) and TLC(Bankruptcy.) The bright spot of the 00's has been rock bands such as System of A Down and Queens Stone of the Stone Age. Music needs more talented acts and fast. I respect everybody's taste in music but music is just so packaged nowadays and the marketing is so good that they make a bad artist actually look average. I like alot of genre's of music and artists but some of the music is just hard to digest. I have a soft spot for Kylie Minougue's disco stuff so I think I'm more tolerable than most people in terms of musical taste.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I couldn't agree more, I like to divide the nineties into three musical periods though:
90 - mid 93 "Pre Grunge era"
Mid 93 - early 97 "Grunge and Gangster rap era"
mid 97+ "The You got to be Kidding era"
End Quote
Yeah those three musical periods are accurate. You could feel music shifting in 97 a little bit. I said to somebody once a few years ago that grunge lasted until early 97 and than after something in the music scene changed. Most people think grunge died somewhere in 96. It seemed like once the east-west fued died along with Biggy and Tupac rap went mainstream with Puff Daddy and Master P selling alot of records around 97-98. Than in 99-00 Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys were popular. 01-02 has seen the rise of rap even going more pop with Ja Rule and Nelly. I wouldn't say Eminem is pop bacuse he has a good delivery when he raps but the songs he does aren't heartfelt. Music just seems to be in a mess right now. We need another Public Enemy. Like Chuck D said on "VH1 Behind the Music" we were here(Public Enemy) to destroy music . Well its time for somebody else to destroy music(in a good way) in 2002.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
My personal enjoyment of the '90s ended around 1996 or '97. I graduated high school in 1993, and it seemed like up to '96 a lot of the same artists or groups that started up or were very popular when I was a teenager were still around. For instance like Pearl Jam. I never related to the late '90s very well, probably because I was always over 21 and maybey too old to "get it".
It's weird, the shift in pop culture in '96/'97, sorta reflects the way many people feel the '80s really ended around 1987.
Subject: Re: 90s definition-once and for all
I agree w/Paul S, it's mostly just a who's-in-control-gets-to-look-down-on-the-young phenomenon. And I don't mean that in a bad way, necessarily; not everyone who thinks "their" era is better necessarily rats on the younger all the time, or hates everyone else, etc. Just their viewpoint.
My view - Overall I loved the '80s as a culture (I'm not confusing personal w/whole culture - altho' that was good too). And I honestly dislike the '90s - and the spillover rite now. Yes, I'm an '80s child, but I've been an old-fashioned person largely and I can't say the '80s is my fave decade (perhaps so far of my life, yes, but not of the century).
OK, rant time: >:(
Incidentally, I HATE the "fashion" of the 90s. It's all slobs. At best, the girls look weak and wilting, slouching. The boys are total disgusting slobs worse than on a construction site, and I wish the huge drooping sweep-the-floor pants would GO AWAY!!!! Not to mention backward-baseball hats (which should not be worn inside, anyway - that's rude), the huge open sneakers (too much garbage built into them, BTW), shirts (usually T) hanging out. Some of these younger guys are actually wearing this stuff as I speak in our work (allegedly a professional place). And quite frankly, that pretty much sums it up. There's been very little diversity of flavor this whole past decade in "fashion". And I guess that goes along w/alot of the music, too - some of the not-quite-mainstream *sound* like slobs the way they groan, moan and wail w/too much phlegm in their throats!
OK, sorry; just I can't bear to let anyone say the 90s had good fashion! Yikes! I would not ever date anyone that looked like that. It's a lack of respect, looking like that and not making the effort to look nice and sharp.
....Off my soapbox.... :-X :D
Geez, I hope no-1 kills me for what I just said! Esp on a 90s board! Sorry, no offense, but ask anyone I know and they'll tell you I honestly felt this way thru this whole time.
Let's just say this: my very un-favorite decade 60s. Next unfavorite, probably 90s. Have a harder time sorting out the others.
Anyway, if you want to post about why you like the 90s, go ahead; this is an outlet. (And has anyone said 90s is most disliked? I've not gotten that impression, moi excluded.)