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Subject: Old or New Madonna?
For Madonna fans: Which Madonna persona do you like better: the old cut-off stocking clad Material Girl, the oversexed cone shaped breasted Erotica babe, or the new post-maternal Music lady? I prefer the newer Madonna better. She looks cleaner and her music is better, IMHO. I still think she's zonked out of her head, but motherhood mellowed her out.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I like her in the "Like a Prayer" video, which is after the cut - off jeans days, but before the cone days.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
She looks cleaner and her music is better, IMHO. End Quote
Even though we don't agree on pop, J.C., at least we agree on something!!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
But the "new" Madonna is old...
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I love the old Madonna from 20 years ago.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I love the first incarnation. The Boy Toy era.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Classic Madonna...just like Classic Coke!! ;)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I love the first incarnation. The Boy Toy era.
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Definitly agree. She looked great back then - I'm even dressing up as 'Boy Toy' Madonna for my 80's party. As Modern English would say, 'It was always mesh and lace' ;D .
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Whatever Madonna it was when she did "Papa Don't Preach"
FB :)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Whatever Madonna it was when she did "Papa Don't Preach"
FB :)
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You mean the one where her boob pops out during a dance routine? That was legendary when the music video first came aired ;)
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Old 80's Madonna. The new Madonna looks old, trashy, like a throw-away of the old Madonna. Her music is not exciting at all, does not sound fresh, or new. No innovation.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I have to disagree, TV9. The old Madonna looked young and trashy and the songs weren't innovated when they came out. Plus, the maturity of the new look Madonna makes her new songs more innovative. Their not great as far as danceability, but technically they are better. ;)
Old 80's Madonna. The new Madonna looks old, trashy, like a throw-away of the old Madonna. Her music is not exciting at all, does not sound fresh, or new. No innovation.
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Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
And that's where I have to disagree. The old Madonna introduced us to a new look, a new style, that girls and women wanted to duplicate. People wanted to BE her. her music was catchy, fresh, highly danceable. It was fun to listen to, very enjoyable.
I remember a year or so ago, seeing one of her new videos on TV. In it she was in a plain plaid, button up shirt, crappy jeans and a cowboy hat. Boring, especially for someone who used to SET trends, not follow them. It struck me as just that, someone trying to fit in with what's popular now instead of being on the forefront of CREATING what's popular. And her music strikes me as being of the same attitude now. Just trying to follow the trend...
THAT'S why I prefer the old Madonna.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Honesty, she looked and acted like a girl then. IMHO, it was a turn-off. Even during her "Blonde Ambition" days, she needed to grow up. I like normal and bland. At least she has her clothes still on. ;D
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
http://privat.schlund.de/D/DSchmidt/Maddy/cdfirst.jpg :-*
Tarzan Boy
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She looked fantastic then. If I was a teeneger in those days I would indefinitly have been one of those Madonna 'wannabes'.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
The original/classic which cannot ever be duplicated Madonna in her "Like A Virgin" days. Wow, that was a mouthful. :o
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I like her more nowadays because she looks more like a normal human being.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Well, back in the old days.....1983....she was more of a simple person, as was her music....now she has moved away from the USA and tried to make everyone believe she is British....similar to Hillary "Pretending" she was New York born & raised. I'll take the real deal over the Fake sell-out anyday ;)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
now she has moved away from the USA and tried to make everyone believe she is British....
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Yeah, have you heard her "British" accent?
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Madonna always faked an accent depending on where she lived at. When she was a New Yorker, she had a New York accent. When she was in Detroit, she had a Midwestern accent. Can't wait til she moves to Africa.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Madonna always faked an accent depending on where she lived at. When she was a New Yorker, she had a New York accent. When she was in Detroit, she had a Midwestern accent. Can't wait til she moves to Africa.
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Yes, there are so many countries from which to choose her next accent from!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Brush up on your Swahili, Madonna! ;D
Yes, there are so many countries from which to choose her next accent from!
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Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Brush up on your Swahili, Madonna! ;D
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Can't wait to see her "Walk Like An Egyptian".....
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Two words: New Madonna. Her older stuff (mid-eighties) was too over-rated & far from her best work.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I perfer neither
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
She's way different now that she was back then. So its really hard to compare. It's almost like two different people. I say..i like both of them.
As far as the accent thing, well.....she's always spoken like that, so i don't understand where people said that she now has a british accent. Look at her old interviews...really. And, some people naturally have an accent...e.g. Tina Turner.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
oh yeah I would just like to point out (since people didn't read it on the other topic) that a lot of people who like Madonna Don't like Marilyn Monroe....whats funny is that they seem like both the same to me....now why is that?
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
oh yeah I would just like to point out (since people didn't read it on the other topic) that a lot of people who like Madonna Don't like Marilyn Monroe....whats funny is that they seem like both the same to me....now why is that?
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Well they're both blonde. And Madonna paid homage to Marlyin Monroe in her "Material Girl" music video.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Thought I answered already but no. I like old (ooops - past?) Madonna. I mean, I never "liked" her (even less when I saw her TVed concerts - yikes how she ruined some songs w/her sex-crazed sluttiness) but I loved her songs when they 1st came out and she really was the thing. Later she got too bland sounding as well as bland looking (but probably still a slut on stage from what I've seen tho' not really recent).
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Ah, Madonna, possibly one of the most overrated people in this history of everything.
Personally, I think that she was never innovative at all, musically. You can worship her all you want, she's just a pop starlet with the foresight to take control of her image (which is actually quite commendable). She jumped on the 80's new wave pop phase, she rode out the daring shock-everyone wave, she's riding the techno-pop wave now.
Musically, old 80's Madonna rules over all other Madonna. She could turn out some especially fine pop singles, but it all went to sh*t after she turned out that piece of garbage Vogue, and she hasn't recovered from it since.
Imagewise, I'll take any era that wasn't that midperiod one where she was as fetish-y and sex-goddess-y as she could possibly be. She was just ugly then, not to mention it was her worst period of music. But she was definitely hot in the 80's, especially her Lucky Star days, and even now, she's still attractive. I'd dress her up in MY love, if ya know what I mean.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
the "express yourself" and vogue madonna was beautiful
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Ah, Madonna, possibly one of the most overrated people in this history of everything.
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I'd say that The Beatles are possibly the most overrated band in the history of popular music. I know I'll get slaughtered for saying this. :-X
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I'd say that The Beatles are possibly the most overrated band in the history of popular music. I know I'll get slaughtered for saying this. :-X
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I can actually see your point. :-X <Hides behind a rock>
I believe many celebrities and musicians are overrated, including Madonna, among many others. Don't take that to mean I don't admire their accomplishments and talent. It's just I can't relate to building people up to be more than they should be (like Gods on Earth). They're just people like us who happen to have their accomplishments in the public eye.
I wonder if it's safe to come out from behind the rock... ;)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Nope, I think the Grateful Dead were. Maybe Black Sabbath.
I'd say that The Beatles are possibly the most overrated band in the history of popular music. I know I'll get slaughtered for saying this. :-X
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Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
The Vouge days from 1990-1994.I liked her in '89 too. not that I liked her in Justify My Love and Erotica.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I'd say that The Beatles are possibly the most overrated band in the history of popular music. I know I'll get slaughtered for saying this. :-X
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I won't. I don't know if they're "most" overrated, but probably OR in any case!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I like the"old"Madonna better.Remember when she would always touch herself in almost every video she made? :P ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
For Madonna fans: Which Madonna persona do you like better: the old cut-off stocking clad Material Girl, the oversexed cone shaped breasted Erotica babe, or the new post-maternal Music lady? I prefer the newer Madonna better. She looks cleaner and her music is better, IMHO. I still think she's zonked out of her head, but motherhood mellowed her out.
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I liked the old one, the "Like a Virgin" Modonna. I thought she was great when she first came out and was competeing with Cyndi Lauper and Micheal Jackson. But that was the very early 80's.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Madonna, one of my favorite singers, she is good no matter what , she has no limits , she a timeless performer
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I'm not really into her new sound (sorta techno, sorta club, sorta confused), but think she looks great. She's taken care of herself. My favorite look had to be the 'natural' look she retained for Like A Prayer. But the 'Material Girl' era was decent as well. Peppy pop like that fit so well with her.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I enjoyed some of her early songs, and certainly thought her better looking way back when.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Her age is showing, especially in her face. She looks worn.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I prefer the Madonna of the 80s.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I prefer the Madonna of the 80s.
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Me too !
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I prefer the old Madonna.. her early years in NYC, before she married S.Penn. I also like her Blond Ambition and Erotica period.. but thats the old Madonna too... but i still like her anyway!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Madonna always faked an accent depending on where she lived at. When she was a New Yorker, she had a New York accent. When she was in Detroit, she had a Midwestern accent. Can't wait til she moves to Africa.
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Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
The classic Madonna is better. In my opinion.
I recently heard her recent song on the radio and it sounded like a broken car alarm. I can't stand any of her work from 1998 to the present. Some of her hits from the early '90's are also pathetic. I'd prefer Madonna from 1983 to 1990.
The only acts that sounded better (or as good) in the 1990's are U2, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Bon Jovi, Deborah Gibson (albums released in between plays), Def Leppard, Sting, Annie Lennox, Michael Jackson...til 1992,L L Cool J, The Beastie Boys,REM, and some (15) others.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I love Madonna in that mermaid video she made, I think it was in 1990 or maybe 89, not sure.
she was so hot, the peak of her sexuality
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
The Old madonna.I heard that new song"American Life"and that song sucks! It's degrading to some religions. >:(
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I like her in the "Like a Prayer" video, which is after the cut - off jeans days, but before the cone days.
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Indeed, this was the one I lusted after the most. The "Justify My Love" Madonna takes a close second with the "Vogue" Madonna a distant 3rd. Still, I must say that all incarnations of Madonna are hormone stimulants.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I love Madonna in that mermaid video she made, I think it was in 1990 or maybe 89, not sure.
she was so hot, the peak of her sexuality
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I think that was cherish and yes, that was hot too. I just got her new CD on a whim and there are only 3 good songs on there. They are pretty good though, the 3 that are good. I'm also listening to some of her "erotica" phase stuff and finding that I actually like some of it. She did that "Bedtime Stories" with Bjork and it is pretty hot. I don't know why I ignored it before. I remember when the erotica stuff came out I just thought she looked like a freak but now I find it strangely attractive.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I really liked the mid-80s Madonna. Crazy for You and Into The Groove are probably my two favorite songs.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
80s Madonna and Erotica Madonna . :)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
80s Madonna and Erotica Madonna . :)
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My feelings exactly! ;)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Definately the "old" Madonna.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Madonna of the 80's of course! Anybody see her performance of "Like A Virgin" on the MTV Music Awards? She always wanted to push the envelope to see what she could get away with. She doesn't do that anymore. She still hot.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
The classic '80's Madonna. 8)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I prefer the 80s Madonna even though my favorite album of hers came out in the 90s..."Ray Of Light" is a masterpiece!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Old 80's Madonna. The new Madonna looks old, trashy, like a throw-away of the old Madonna. Her music is not exciting at all, does not sound fresh, or new. No innovation.
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I totally agree! Her Immaculate collection album speaks for itself. I'm not feeling her new stuff at all. CLASSIC...MADONNA...RULES! ;D :)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
i like the overly spiritual one
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I'd say that The Beatles are possibly the most overrated band in the history of popular music. I know I'll get slaughtered for saying this. :-X
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You must be out of your mind!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I like the 2 Madonnas.
I think the first part of her profissional life give us the opportunity to see how much she change and grow as artist.
She's still having her limitations as a singer and a dancer but now she has something really important to say and she can say it with the clothes on.
I have all her records and a great colletion of VHS tapes with all her tours. I'm a fan, but I have to admit that she isn't as brilliant as she wanted to be ::)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Definitely old Madonna in that her songs were infinitely more danceable and catchy. Most importantly, it seems like a cliche nowadays when she courts controversy, more a publicity ploy rather than an artistic decision. I haven't seen her American Life video and probably never will but it probably wouldn't have created such a splash or shockwave, much as many of her actions recently.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Her best album IMO was "Like a Prayer",
but to me she was best in the "Like a Virgin" years.
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
You must be out of your mind!
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I'd go visit the 'Before the 70s' board if you want to see what others have said on this topic. And no, I'm certainly not out of my mind ;D There are many bands which in my opinion are better - I just never have got into the Beatles.
Anyway - back to Madonna... :)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I'd go visit the 'Before the 70s' board if you want to see what others have said on this topic. And no, I'm certainly not out of my mind ;D There are many bands which in my opinion are better - I just never have got into the Beatles.
Anyway - back to Madonna... :)
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I love the Beatles...thats all I care about. ;) ...and 80's madonna rules!
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Looks wise - "Vogue" Madonna
Personality wise - New Madonna
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I prefer old Madonna hands down. I loved all her old stuff 'Holiday','Like a virgin','Material Girl','Dear Jessie','Cherish','Lucky Star' . . . The list goes on.
Know we get covers of American Pie and the awful 'American Life' where she inexplicably tacks on a rap half way through.
Give me 'Live to tell' and 'Open your heart' anyday. :)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
lol Philbo! I liked the old one when she was young. Funny though, in contrast to J-lo, Madonna really didn't appear to have much of a tush. The camera shots in all her videos never feature her der re-air, it appears her legs attach right into her trunk.
But the "new" Madonna is old...
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Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
Funny though, in contrast to J-lo, Madonna really didn't appear to have much of a tush. The camera shots in all her videos never feature her der re-air...
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In contrast to J-Lo? ? ? LOL! She's latina and latinos in general have more of a propensity to well-rounded tushes, as do african-americans. No offense at all intended, by the way. :)
To compare an anglo tush to J-Lo's, well, of course they'll look like they were smacked in the tush with a pan! :o ;D ;)
Oh, and Madonna does show some tush in some of her videos. 8)
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
"Lucky Star"was my favorite video.That video made me a happy camper.just oogling at her luscious body and her belly button makes you wanna do a rasbperry on it. ;D :D
Subject: Re: Old or New Madonna?
I liked the Lucky Star/Borderline Madonna best.