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Subject: 90's Fashion and Trends.
What did you wear or sport in the 90's? The Grunge Look? The Baggy Pants Look? Tounge Ring or anything else?
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
What did you wear or sport in the 90's? The Grunge Look? The Baggy Pants Look? Tounge Ring or anything else?
End Quote
I did none of that, i had rebok Pumps in the early nineties, and thought I was so Cool. I also wore Cords a lot. In the late nineties I wore Old Navy clothes, mainly performance Fleece and cargo pants.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I was grunge before there was a word for it.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
'90s grunge style? Yuck. Dressing like a homeless lumberjack wasn't my thing.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I wore baggy sweaters alot, mostly in style in the early 90s.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I dressed in the style that was popular around here: baggy clothes, Dickies jeans, flannel shirts, and LOTS of dark make up.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I wore the flannel shirts too! ;D
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
i wore a lot of ESPRIT cloths and Guess Jeans with the tie shirts.. never got in to the grunge.. i did buy a pair of VANS...i still have them they are brand new..wore them like 3 times..I used to cut the inside of my jeans by the calf in the late 90's ...i thought that it looked good with sneakers..
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
these are some of the things I remember wearing in the 90s:
Jeans by Gap, Levis 550's, Geoffrey Beene, Eddie Bauer
Solid color T-shirts with pocket
Band collar shirts (for a split second)
Dr. Martins footwear
I always wore jeans to go out clubbing. and usually a black shirt or a black or white T-shirt with a sportcoat.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
i wear f*ckin dark colours and have spiked hair... but who the hell cares
we all wear clothes.
and to whomever it may concern:
i hope you die and live the next life as a factory worker in madagascar. then we'll see what your impression is of the Gap
and to whomever it may concern:
Tommy Hilfiger is an infamous racist and i would look upon the bearers of his logo no differently than i would of someone who was wearing a shirt that says "Ku Klux Klan" on it.
"If i had of known black people would be wearing my clothes, i never would have made them in the first place."
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
and to whomever it may concern:
Tommy Hilfiger is an infamous racist and i would look upon the bearers of his logo no differently than i would of someone who was wearing a shirt that says "Ku Klux Klan" on it.
"If i had of known black people would be wearing my clothes, i never would have made them in the first place."
End Quote
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
yeah ok jess so what if he didnt say that?
i'm sure he's very acceptable of other people's origins. after all, he does supply underage asians with quality jobs under excellent conditions and reasonable pay am i right?
don't answer that f*cking question..
i bet you were one of those poster girls for the gap and other garbage like that. you probably wouldn't wear anything except stuff like that, just to join in on the 'trends' and be cool. yeah i know a lot of girls like that, some guys too. if you weren't like that, then why would you support him?
even if that is slander, he deserves it. he is a racist. that comment was most likely put out there to be an effective way of expressing the truth through a lie.
anyways i hope you are proud of defending and sticking up for mr hilfiger... we sure can't have the reputations of such godly figures destroyed right?
good job. i commend you. and i'm sure mr hilfiger would appreciate it.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
yeah ok jess so what if he didnt say that?
i'm sure he's very acceptable of other people's origins. after all, he does supply underage asians with quality jobs under excellent conditions and reasonable pay am i right?
don't answer that f*cking question..
i bet you were one of those poster girls for the gap and other garbage like that. you probably wouldn't wear anything except stuff like that, just to join in on the 'trends' and be cool. yeah i know a lot of girls like that, some guys too. if you weren't like that, then why would you support him?
even if that is slander, he deserves it. he is a racist. that comment was most likely put out there to be an effective way of expressing the truth through a lie.
anyways i hope you are proud of defending and sticking up for mr hilfiger... we sure can't have the reputations of such godly figures destroyed right?
good job. i commend you. and i'm sure mr hilfiger would appreciate it.
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So are you done ranting for the night? I never said I supported him, I just thought you would like to know that he didn't say it. As for being a poster girl for Gap and such, not likely! All my clothes come from Factory 2 U and such discount stores as that. As for your spiked hair and black clothes, isn't that a trend too? Or do you think you're actually "original"?
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
i bet you were one of those poster girls for the gap and other garbage like that.
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and I bet you were one of the poster kids for the huggiez comercials ;D
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I never said I supported him
End Quote
you're right you never said you supported him. most people would have the sense to leave it be for the sole reason that he deserves that sh*t
here's an example for you.
a newspaper headline reads a quote from osama bin laden that says "F*ck americans, i hate those dirty bastards. They all deserve to die."
if a low key article a while later said that he didn't say that... would you defend him from slander in a conversation?
don't answer that f*cking question.
you know damn well he deserves to be treated like that.
if someone forces underage asian children to work under awful conditions for longe hours at a couple cents an hour, do you think they have any care for that race?
i doubt mr hilfiger even regards those workers as people.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
you're right you never said you supported him. most people would have the sense to leave it be for the sole reason that he deserves that sh*t
here's an example for you.
a newspaper headline reads a quote from osama bin laden that says "F*ck americans, i hate those dirty bastards. They all deserve to die."
if a low key article a while later said that he didn't say that... would you defend him from slander in a conversation?
don't answer that f*cking question.
you know damn well he deserves to be treated like that.
if someone forces underage asian children to work under awful conditions for longe hours at a couple cents an hour, do you think they have any care for that race?
i doubt mr hilfiger even regards those workers as people.
End Quote
Do you actually have proof for all his cr@p your saying?
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Okay, let's get back to the nineties fashion and stop talking about Tommy Hilfiger. I don't like his style anyway. During the nighties, I was in high school and college. I remember in college I did have the "grunge" look. I loved to wear a flannel shirt, a T-shirt underneath, and jeans. It fit the college atmosphere. Then in the late nineties, I did have the "Rachel" haircut. I loved it. But then I grew tired of it and wanted a different look because that seemed like the only hairstyle around. I also remember in the early nineties, everyone in my high school started wearing their hair down instead of up like in the eighties. Everyone had straight bangs that touched their brows and long hair and that was in for awhile. In the early nineties, people also wore these chiffon blouses and skirts. Those were in. Oh, and do you remember around 1993-1994, when everyone in Beverly Hills 90210 cut their hair short. The haircut that Kelly wore was also very fashionable back then. Right now, the hair is still flat and mid length hair seems to be in. However, I want to try something different and have layered bangs like in the eighties. Does anyone think that's a good idea?
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Do you actually have proof for all his cr@p your saying?
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what crap?
are you debating the fact that Tommy Hilfiger uses sweatshops?
or are you being ignorant and thinking that the example i used was actually meant to be real?
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
or are you being ignorant
End Quote
Trust me if I'm being ignorant, I'm not the only one :)
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
c'mon guys, be nice.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Trust me if I'm being ignorant, I'm not the only one :)
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you never answered my question you ignorant little girl ;)
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
There..thats better :D
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Mostly, I wore lots of black. And didn't find out what an iron was until I turned 24.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
And didn't find out what an iron was until I turned 24.
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Err...what is it then? ;D
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Err...what is it then? ;D
End Quote
It's a heavy piece of metal that trendy types apparently keep in their houses. I think it's a good luck charm of some sort.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I think it's a good luck charm of some sort.
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somethin like that.. it gets you jobs
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Okay, let's get back to the nineties fashion and stop talking about Tommy Hilfiger. I don't like his style anyway. During the nighties, I was in high school and college. I remember in college I did have the "grunge" look. I loved to wear a flannel shirt, a T-shirt underneath, and jeans. It fit the college atmosphere. Then in the late nineties, I did have the "Rachel" haircut. I loved it. But then I grew tired of it and wanted a different look because that seemed like the only hairstyle around. I also remember in the early nineties, everyone in my high school started wearing their hair down instead of up like in the eighties. Everyone had straight bangs that touched their brows and long hair and that was in for awhile. In the early nineties, people also wore these chiffon blouses and skirts. Those were in. Oh, and do you remember around 1993-1994, when everyone in Beverly Hills 90210 cut their hair short. The haircut that Kelly wore was also very fashionable back then. Right now, the hair is still flat and mid length hair seems to be in. However, I want to try something different and have layered bangs like in the eighties. Does anyone think that's a good idea?
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Very nice summary of 90's fashion trends for females(I am a guy but I did notice some of the trends females wore back then.) Anyway about the layered bangs you should go for it if you want to. You seem like a person who gets tired of a trend on then moves onto something else. Personally I would like to see the 80's come back again a little bit. I think the 80's trends are a little awkward for the time we live in now though.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I thought I had a job. Maybe I dreamed it.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
'90s grunge style? Yuck. Dressing like a homeless lumberjack wasn't my thing.
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Shut up I love the grunge look you just can't stand someone who has had a hard life and was so much poorer than you struck it rich you conceited vain teenybopper I still dress grunge everyday and I have money well a little so shut up teenybopper.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Shut up I love the grunge look you just can't stand someone who has had a hard life and was so much poorer than you struck it rich you conceited vain teenybopper I still dress grunge everyday and I have money well a little so shut up teenybopper.
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i completely agree with you.
i hate all these little bltch preps who think they're cool and better than everyone else because they wear nothing but 80$ Gap khakis and shirts that say something like "American Eagle Football 1993" for whatever reason. People who think they're better because they have more cash to waste on promoting child labour..
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
People who think they're better because they have more cash to waste on promoting child labour..
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I don't think designer clothes are the only thing in the world to have been made through exploitation. In fact, I'm confident that 90% of houses in the developed world will contain a long list of things that have been made through amoral means or by unethical companies. Coffee usually comes from 3rd world countries and the farmers are paid a ridiculously low wage, cosmetics and pharmeceuticals can be linked to animal testing, Nestle very notoriously sold powdered milk for babies with no nutritional value whatsoever until quite recently...I could type away all night, if I wanted to. My point is that it's very difficult to claim the moral high ground in terms of ethical shopping if you live in the developed world, and I frankly don't think anyone on this thread could do so (perhaps I'm wrong).
As for the notion that all people who wear fashionable/trendy/designer clothes (pick your word) are 'conceited vain teenyboppers', I've never been one for judging a person by the clothes they wear. And seeing as this particular round of vitriol was sparked because someone said that the grunge look makes people look like 'homeless lumberjacks' - isn't it strange that people have chosen to counterattack a sweeping statement about people and clothes with an equally sweeping statement about people and clothes?
I'm quite confident that I'm going to get at least one reply consisting of lots of verbal abuse to this post. That's fair enough; people have to write what they think it's best to write (even if they just end up looking slightly stupid). But before that happens, I'm not going to return to this thread because I've said what I want to say and I'm not going to argue the point with anyone. We all have our opinions, and a right to express them.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Closing Song:
The Doors - The End
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
To answer the initial question. I was completely grunge in the early 90's...but that tapered off. By mid 90's i was experimenting and wore 70's clothes. <blush>
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Blue Cargos usually by Tommy or Nautica. Converse or Adidas superstars, i wore out the bottom of the legs so they'd be frayed, t-shirt of my favorite band at the time ( you can guess that one), chain hanging out of my pants, occaisonal flannel shirt depends on the weather. i still dress similair to that this very day except my shirts say quicksilver instead since i've decided to allow myself to flow into the tasteless homogenized mainstream of clothing that seems to predominate our society now. It's hard to get a damn pair of superstars anymore unless you special order them!
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I think they were wearing FUBU at the time,weren't they?
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I have been Gothic since 1987 so I never followed any of the trends........I think clothing trends are humorous and I find it fascinating that people fall for them.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
i wear f*ckin dark colours and have spiked hair... but who the hell cares
we all wear clothes.
and to whomever it may concern:
i hope you die and live the next life as a factory worker in madagascar. then we'll see what your impression is of the Gap
and to whomever it may concern:
Tommy Hilfiger is an infamous racist and i would look upon the bearers of his logo no differently than i would of someone who was wearing a shirt that says "Ku Klux Klan" on it.
"If i had of known black people would be wearing my clothes, i never would have made them in the first place."
End Quote
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I remember wearing really super white foundation. Not like goth white, but pretty close. I also wore my flannel, t shirt and jeans. So, I pretty much looked like a grunge mime. I also wore lots and lots of chokers. But, I have a very thin neck, and they never looked right on me. Everyone wore them in their senior portraits and I thought even back then "that's going to look so dated!". I was right.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I remember quite a few clothing items that were around in the 90s. Spice Girls T-shirts, combat trousers, pedal pushers and those trousers that had skirts attatched to them. Loads of girls wore them in 1999. I used to have purple and black pairs of combats and Cameron Diaz wore pedal pushers in There's Something About Mary.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
In the early 90s I wore mostly t-shirts, flannel shirts, regular jeans, and combat boots. In the mid 90s I started wearing baby-tees and midriff tops. Belly chains were popular and I remember white eyeliner being popular too..yuck! I have photos of me wearing white eyeliner and it's a scary sight! In the late 90s I still wore baby-tees as well as Capri pants, bellbottoms and platforms.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
Oh man...I was total skater kid at the beginning of the 90's, briefly went "white boy high on hip-hop" with my starter gear and all, then went prep, then went big into grunge (I even wore a super ugly hunting cap with ear flaps), then went kindof slacker-goth wearing mostly black, then went to skater again which is pretty much how I dress now when I'm not working.
Oh remember at the beginning of the 90's with the leather Africa necklaces that would say stuff like "The Motherland" and "It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand"? Those were big at my school. Remember Jimmy Z clothes? Oh I HATED it when girls would wear those retarded microscopic backpacks, which were really purses I think. I REALLY hated the "everyone color your hair neon blue" phase. Oh yeah, British Knight shoes were soooo cooool. Oh I really couldn't stand the mid-90s when ever boy you saw had an extremely overgrown skater cut, where they would shave underneath all around but let the top grow down to their shoulders. HEMP JEWELRY was so overdone too.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I forgot about Starter coats and those lil backpacks. I had a Knicks Starter coat in 6th grade and I still have one of those lil backpacks in my closet.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
In 1990 I was only 8, so my mother dressed me in culottes, dresses and other various "Marks & Spencer's" scary garments.
By 1995 I was Benetton obsessed and loved Nike Air Max trainers!
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
For me in the 90s, the fashions I got into were baggy jeans around 96', Tie-Die shirts around 95. Also in middle school (96'-98') Skater type clothes were pretty big. (Pacific Sunwear at the time was my main provider)
I Had the Skater cut around the summer before 6th grade to start of 7th.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I never got into trends. I couldn't afford them, and even if I could, I still wouldn't wear them. I just wear what I want.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
cell phones attached to pant buckles during the later half of in the late 90's.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
8) 8) 8)I wouldn't say i was super trendy--I like Gloria vanderbilt,Liz Claiborne,Calvin Klein,Bongo,and Guess jeans,but that's because they fit a real woman's figure--those low-waisted things don't work for me at all.Heck,I can't even get them on past my knees!I also like the 30s style dresses,and Laurel Burch jewelry.Cheers! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I'm surprised people still wear stupid ass flipflops, I still wear sneakers year round. ;D
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
i wore RL Chaps type stuff a lot throughout middle school. Before that i was into the attitude shirts(stick figure guy, sayings like "im just better than you are") etc..i had a lot of tank tops, lots of Notre Dame t-shirts(hey, they WERE still good back then). Also a lot of turtlenecks and sweaters up til 8th grade i believe. In High School, i wore $40-60 Nikes a lot, Fubu, Polo, Tommy, and tons of other stuff by whoever had cheap jeans n shirts. Always have had a few striped shirts. Had some wide leg jeans, some regular. Never ever in my life had shorts that went further than an inch past my knees.
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I'm surprised people still wear stupid ass flipflops, I still wear sneakers year round. ;D
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yeah.I see them around too.Where do they think they are? California? sheesh! ::) >:(
Subject: Re: 90's Fashion and Trends.
I'm surprised people still wear stupid ass flipflops, I still wear sneakers year round. ;D
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Hey! Don't 'diss' the flip-flops! I have bout 4 pairs and they're pretty much all I wear when it's hot in Summer ;D (Which isn't all that often in England :()