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Subject: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I hate this.
Where I live, '90s music has been on an "Oldies" station for the past year now. They didn't waste any time at all. It just seems early to me is all, I mean it wasn't that long ago.
Guy 1: "Hey dude you listened to the oldies station?"
Guy 2: "Yeah man, the stuff from like a year and a half ago rock!"
Here there is a slogan for one of our stations, "the best hits of the '70s, '80s....AND '90s". :-/
I guess fair is fair. If all other music had to be put on the damn oldies station, then when the '90s had its turn, it would also join the freaking oldies station. Now all the music I grew up with in the '80s and '90s are on an OLDIES STATION. :-/
I remember this past summer Conan O'Brien made fun of the fact that the '90s are already treated as "oldies music". He did a skit like on June 12th where some company sold CDs titled, "The Greatest Hits of June 11th, 2001". Yes all your great hits from yesterday.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
That is exactly what has happened over here as well. On my local station, which used to have the slogan Good Times, Great Oldies, there used to be played solely 60s-70s stuff (Leppard, Beatles, Beach Boys, even Greenbaum from time to time).
Then, with no prior warning, it changed the slogan of its site to Good Times, Great Music...
Then, what did I find playing on the radio? Not just the Leppard, Beatles, Beach Boys, Greenbaum (a fair sprinkling, ok, I understand), but also 80s and 90s stuff which varied from A-Ha's Take On Me, to everything and anything by The Spice Girls, The All Saints, even Westlife, Boyzone, then Simple Minds, Tears for Fears, the B-52s, et cetera, et cetera.
Most of this music very annoys me... although I don't know why, I guess you can draw your own conclusions through that.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I remember back in the early 90's watching tv and they were advertising one of those "classic rock" or "oldies" type cd's. I was floored when one of the songs on the cd was "We Built This City". It was quite a shock. I still don't think of the 80's as old, so the 90's are way new to me anyway. :)
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I think the 80s were a Novelty period, so everything remained as much of a phenomenon now as they did so long ago. The 80s are not an old decade, just one thats gone past already. A bit like the 90's, only older. That blows my theory out of the water, huh?
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
A friend of mine is a Boy Scout leader, so he takes these 9, 10 and 11 year olds camping. These are kids were born in '90, '91 and '92 He says he plays music from as recent as 1996 or 1997 in his car and the kids ask who these singers and artists are. This is stuff only 4 or 5 years old but they don't know who it is because they were only 4-6 years old in '96 or '97. We're talking only 4 or 5 years ago, but these kids don't know who singers from 1996 or 1997 are.
So for them, '90s music does belong on the oldies station.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Okay...I'm glad I'm not the only one who lives in a town that refers to the 90's music as "oldies". It's funny, you know. I teach freshmen Englidh, and there are students who think Prince, or TAFKAP, is ancient. Yet, these same kids still listen to freestyle that includes...oh, that song that goes "look out weekends cuz here I come because weekends were made for fun"
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Your lucky then, we can get any music label(l)ed as oldies nowadays. Absolutely anything
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
The thing that annoys me about that..the 90's being played on an "oldies" station... is that a year or so ago I got really hooked on an all 80's station. They played all the classics from the 1980's. Even the late 80's were cool by me, because that included more of the hair band stuff. ( Not enough, imo..but I digress... ;D ) But then recently, I turn on that station and there is Sheryl Crow. Hootie and the Blowfish. All kinds of stuff that to me just wasn't "worthy" of being on an all 80's station!! I got so irritated! Now I'm almost glad that hubby broke the antenna on the car and I'm stuck with my cd's.... ;)
Hey, if someone out there wants to call the 90's oldies, well, I guess it is a ten year span of music that isn't exactly 'new' . It IS so last millenium, you know.. ;) Though I don't personally recongnize that much difference between late 90's and today's music, I understand that to some people, the 90's is "old". But don't tell me that a radio station can't keep on the air with TEN YEARS of music of any era.
I guess this wasn't really the topic here..sorry..I've just been dying to vent about it for so long now... ::)
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Indeed, many fans of bands including Westlife, N*Sync etc may include "anything recorded before my favorite bands were formed" as oldie music (that's not a personal attack, I'm just saying that these are recent bands, that have been given a lot of attention) - including NKOTB. Speaking of which, when I heard 911 on the radio earlier today, my brother said "what is this, it must be very old". I said... "1996, man, 1996. You think thats old" "Well, yeh". That's the problem with people of my brothers age (10, born in the 90s.) That was half a lifetime away, so, in a way, yes, but I've got a habit of remembering music too well. Nothing else though, so I guess that leads me into problems.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I think N'Sync and Backstreet should just do New Kids on the Block remakes and none of the kids today would know the difference.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
And who would criticize them for that. You maybe, me? I can't really be bothered. Anyway, I'm not that kind of a person.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
Slightly off topic here, recently I actually heard "Warning," by Green Day on an adult contemporary station. That took me by surprise. So knowing this, I don't think it'll be long before you hear songs like "Longview," and "Basket Case" on oldies stations. Personally, I think if they can play Green Day they shouldn't have such a problem with The Sex Pistols, The Clash or The Buzzcocks. :P
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
Yakk! I thought it was bad when my "oldies" station started playing stuff from the 70's. :-/
I don't listen to regular radio much anymore, just because of the pigeon-holing radio stations here do. You are either oldies, top 40, disco, country, "classic rock", talk, "urban sounds" (which usually means rap), or whatever. God forbid one should play a popular song from another genre. Even the college stations, who try to play a little of everything are strictly regimented by the clock. Say for example 2-3pm is disco from the 70's, 3-4pm is 50's oldies,4-5 pm is "Irish Hour" etc.
I recently called up one station to request a song from the late 90's that I liked for one of their "all request" promotions. I was told no, that it was "too old". >:( >:(
Needless to say, I'm not listening to them anymore.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Our 80's station recently went to an 80's 90's and now format. They still play mostly 80's and not *NSYNC or Backstreet Boys, Britney, Christina, NKOTB thank God. They aren't too bad, although there are times that I must turn it off because they are playing a ghastly 90's song.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
The definition of "oldies" is anything from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Anything after that is just 80s or 90s. Of course, the younger you are, the more recent the "oldies". :-/
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
They still play mostly 80's and not *NSYNC or Backstreet Boys, Britney, Christina, NKOTB thank God. End Quote
Don't speak too soon Dagwood...figure the Backstreet Boys came out originally in the early 90's..1993, I think..and if you think about it, that's close to 10 years ago... ;)
And NKOTB, well weren't they late 80's? Gonna sneak right up on us "oldie lovers" before we know it...LOL!!
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
Don't speak too soon Dagwood...figure the Backstreet Boys came out originally in the early 90's..1993, I think..and if you think about it, that's close to 10 years ago... ;)
And NKOTB, well weren't they late 80's? Gonna sneak right up on us "oldie lovers" before we know it...LOL!!
End Quote
They do play stuff from today and the 90's, mostly stuff that would appeal to the older (as opposed to teeny boppers) generation. They also made a big deal about how NKOTB is not allowed. People request it and they are told flat out no. I hope it stays that way.
A little OT, I was able to participate in a survey for this station last weekend to help decide what they should play. Hopefully everyone in that room agreed with me.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
We got a new station here called NOVA...
http://www.nova969.com.au for Sydney
http://www.nova100.com.au for Melbourne
And they paly all genres, 80's, 90's, rap, disco, Top 40..ya da ya da
Have a tune in..its quite good
or you can tune in my station at http://listen.to/starfmradio
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
"The definition of "oldies" is anything from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Anything after that is just 80s or 90s. Of course, the younger you are, the more recent the "oldies". :-/"
/rant on
I have been listening to WODS (Oldies 103.3) in Boston today, since the conjunction of the planets allows my radio to pick it up unusually well. Now, I accept that an oldies-format station can't play a whole lot of doo-wop, or even a lot of Lieber-Stoller. People in Boston apparently want to hear Motown, British Invasion pop and a little bit of psychedelia while they work. I like Motown, and WODS plays enough early, Chuck Berry-influenced Beatles and blues-infused Stones to keep me from gagging on a constant diet of bubblegum, so their rotation is mostly fine with me.
However, ABBA and Fleetwood Mac do not belong on an oldies station. Fleetwood Mac are a fine band, but they are indubitably outside the scope of oldies rock--stylistically if not chronologically. And ABBA, best of an annoying genre as they were, don't deserve to share the same air space with Roy Orbison or the Drifters. I thank the Music Gods that I am too young to remember disco first-hand. If oldies stations are going to be oldies stations, darnit, they should play, well, old stuff. More Elvis, less BTO, and absolutely no freaking Tom Petty!
/rant off
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
When I was 3 years old (now 12), I would be in the car with my parents & their oldies stations always said something & then they would say that they play the best of the 70s,80s & today.In my opinion, some stations in 1993 were already on the oldies station.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I don't think the 90's can be oldies already. What year was the 70's music being called the oldies? I am 22 and I don't think the 90's sound that OLD already. I think anything 1983 or older can be called oldies. I heard a Madonna song and a Jody Watley song being played on an oldies disco station once and I was kinda shocked.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Eventually some music will die as far as being played on radio stations. So be prepared to get out your 8 tracks and jam :) ;) ;D :o 8) :P :-*
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I don't think the 90's can be oldies already. What year was the 70's music being called the oldies? I am 22 and I don't think the 90's sound that OLD already. I think anything 1983 or older can be called oldies. I heard a Madonna song and a Jody Watley song being played on an oldies disco station once and I was kinda shocked.
End Quote
I think the most FAIR way to define "oldies" is anything OVER 20 years. So that would mean that anything from 1981 and before is oldies. Not even 1982 should be oldies, because I think it should be over 20 years.
Now I will admit, I myself don't even like this system because I am 24, I grew up in the '80s, and all my life oldies were anything from the '50s, '60s and '70s. '80s and '90s were by no means oldies. '80s and '90s were the modern era. But I realize that is changing now in the post-2000 years. But if we are going to be fair to everyone, music and pop culture should not be considered oldies until it is OVER 20 years. This gives us all plenty of time to adjust to whole bit about "getting old".
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Even the oldies have changed! Here in Columbus, OH, we had an "all 80s station" that started about 5 years ago. It ended when it switched format to "true" oldies..60s, 70s, SOME very early 80s. The oldies stations traditionally played mid 50s to late 60s..even into the mid 90s. Now there is a classic rock station, almost all 1968-78 stuff..a "younger oldies" station, playing "70s and 80s rock"..The 50s music, save an occasional Elvis song, have been thrown into what I called as a kid "grandpa music" and generally are no longer heard on any "oldies" station. There is a station here which focuses on 40s-early 60s. I think it's funny though..how an oldies station here was playing early 70s music in 1992 or so..but that same tradional "oldies" station won't play anything from the early 80s in 2003. Many oldies from the 60s get WAY overplayed IMHO, but just now they are changing and feature any year from about 1965 to 1977 on any "top six on this date" night (that makes me feel old!), though the bulk of oldies songs played now is late 60s, early 70s.
What is an "oldie"?? Well, even though what they play is different, the request guy here said it had to be at least 25 years old..The next day they played the Beach Boys "Kokomo", which was umm..15 years ago if I do the math right.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
The definition of "oldies" is anything from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Anything after that is just 80s or 90s. Of course, the younger you are, the more recent the "oldies". :-/
End Quote
And I was born in the mid 1980's.
I think the 80's & '90's are too new compared to the 50 years of rock n' roll.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
And I happen to listen to my local adult comtemporary & alternative rock station & happen to like 'em. 8)
Strangely enough, my alternative station plays some songs from the early/mid 1990's on the "Resurrection Sunday" show.
Like Live, Oasis,The Cranberries, Bjork, and Bush.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
anything after 10 years these days is considered oldies.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
They also made a big deal about how NKOTB is not allowed. People request it and they are told flat out no. I hope it stays that way. End Quote
Good thing that my local adult contemporary station plays '80's hairbands, '80's pop princesses (Esp. Debbie Gibson), old school hip hop, pop, free style, early '90's dance, funk, new wave, '80's/early '90's R&B, and even songs from Milli Vanilli, Vanilla Ice, & MC Hammer on their "Retro Party Friday" nights. :D
(Yes, the songs are requested.)
Though I can't stand NKOTB & some early '90's acts like C+C Music Factory & Snap!.
Though I don't consider them "oldies", but today's youth probably think of them as "oldies" because they were around before their time. But the songs aren't that old, in my opinion.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Strangely enough, my alternative station plays some songs from the early/mid 1990's on the "Resurrection Sunday" show.
Like Live, Oasis,The Cranberries, Bjork, and Bush.
End Quote
This era to me is not really "oldies", but it is "older" and I can understand that..that was the best music of the whole decade in my opinion. (I wish Oasis wasn't such a bunch of a-holes..I really liked their music)
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Here in New York, the main oldies station (WCBS-FM) generally does 50's through 1985...although the 80s were very recent. Until about 2 years ago, it was only 50s through 70s. They haven't played as much Elvis as they used to since they put 80s in the format.
I don't think it's as far fetched as some may think to put early 80s on oldies stations. Think of it this way, in 1993, would you consider something from 1972 to be an oldie?
In terms of other stations...the main classic rock station generally goes from Rolling Stones to Nirvana/Pearl Jam. You have your adult contemporary "Lite-FM" that does late 60s through today. Some lesser oldies stations in the area still stop in the mid-70s...right around the time disco became popular.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
For the longest time, "Oldies" used to only mean the 50's and 60's. Elvis, Beatles, Beach Boys, Chuck Berry, Roy Orbison, stuff like that. Even the 70's were not really thought of as oldies. Well not the late 70's anyway.
And if you weren't around for the Vietnam War, then you were part of the Youth Culture. Now at the very least you have to be born during the Reagan years to truly be "young". It's so weird how this has all changed so fast.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
My parents listened to "oldies' mostly when I was growing up. Of course in the 80s..it was all 50s and 60s..but i do remember aound 85-86 they were playing Crimson and Clover and the Archies type music..which was only some what..15, 17 years later?? Also in 1991 I remember the local oldies station went on this kick of playing "Crocodile rock" by Elton John..a 1973 release..an 18 year difference if my math skills serve right. Starting then they played a lot more early 70s with their 50s and 60s standards..then eventually late 70s and very few early 80s.(though they seem to have cheated for the likes of Barry Manilow and the Beach Boys) It's not inconceivable to play a song from 1985 or so now..considering those above statements.
The oldies station here rarely plays 50s music now..unless it is Elvis or Buddy Holly/Richie Valenz
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
See,My parents aren't too crazy about my kind of music which is disco and funk and I'm not too crazy about their doo-wop music.They were born in an era of jazz,swing and rock and roll and as for me,dance,pop,rock & some early disco and funk.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I can't believe this either!! There's a mix station around here that plays late 70's through the 80's and today I heard a song that came out in 1995 by the Gin Blossoms!! I remember when that song was brand new, I was 11 years old!! That's crazy, talk about making you feel old, I'm only 19 now but when something like that happens it's like, whoa!!
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I know how you feel -- our station that used to play The Seventies, Eighties and Today in the mid 90s has now switched to playing The Best of the Eighties, Nineties and Today. But they play the SAME SONGS from the past two decades!!! Even the "oldies" station has switched from 50s/60s music to 60s/70s. Also, our Classic Rock station just the other day played Tom Petty's "Mary Jane's Last Dance".
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Ok heres how I define radio genres:
'50's to mid '60s (until the rise of the Beatles)-Oldies
'65 to '85-Classic Rock/Classic R&B
'75 to '80-Disco/Funk Era
'79 to '90-80s/Retro Pop
'91 to '96-Grunge
'97 to present-Top 40
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
^That about sums it up! 8)
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
My question is why are radio stations so driven by a tight format as they are now.
I used to listen(80's early 90's) to a great station that played whatever they considered 'good' be it 60, 70, 80 etc though it was mainly a 'rock' format but the station broke new bands in Canada especially from the UK (Lloyd Cole, The The,Split Enz(ok not UK). then they were taken over by a large corp and became an oldies station...there's only so many times a day you can listen to 'Blinded By the Light'.
How come there isn't more 'free form radio like that?
I'm nearly forty but I like music from all eras, whether my kids(Sum 41, Good Charlotte) or my parents(Beatles, Ventures, Aretha) introduced me to it.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Sadly, free form radio officially died in '79...
Why? Commercial advertisers and radio suits & ties are convinced that familiarization is the key factor in a listener's comfort level. That's why there are "heavy rotations" for successful songs and "light rotations" for unknown bands and/or a possible stiffs. Radio rarely takes chances. They don't want you to push the button because you're not familiar with the song.
Since the 1996 de-regulation of FCC caps on ownership, radio has become "cookie-cutter", i.e. major corporations like Clear Channel and Infinity Broadcasting now broadcast the same playlists on EVERY station they own. Localization be damned. In the case of Clear Channel, they own nearly 1300 radio stations nationwide. Mom & Pop ownership is verrrrry rare. Most of these 'consultants' for CC, Infinity & the like position themselves as a certain kind of format (e.g. "oldies") but still include a few songs that do not fit the format; but test well with listeners, especially in smaller markets where the number of available signals is also smaller. These corporation giants fool themselves into thinking they are "servicing" everyone so they don't have to feel guilty about the lack of localization and the increasing use of pre-recorded voice-tracking. If you are not familiar with the 1996 cap B.S., click on the Clear Channel Sucks link below & read all about it. It's no coincidence that the quality of radio really began plummeting in '96. I urge passionate people like yourselves to speak up against the FCC caps. Thanks to this brilliant organization, your television viewing and news options will soon be subjected to the same.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I wish radio stations would interlace old music with new music so that listeners can get a broader idea of the types on offer.
I get bored of Radio 1 (contempory station in Britain) because not only does it play new music, it plays certain songs to death.
The attitude displayed is "Well that's old stuff, let's deny it ever existed".
I feel that music stations limit the music and their listeners. Instead of listening to a celebration of different music, we get stereotyped by what station we listen to - some people can't believe I like to listen to Classic Gold FM.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I've found weekday Radio 2 to be o.k. It seems to play a reasonable mix of music.
I know you're a Wolves fan but don't think you live there now? Pity cos a commercial station I listen to covers that area I think. It's Century FM (106.?? FM) It plays a mix of 70's to present.
My local station Oak FM plays a good mix of stuff too. They play 70's to present throughout the day (with the occasional 60's creeping in by request) and have a Saturday night motowny type stuff request show. I think many of the DJ's must be a similar age to me given the songs they play.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
The definition of "oldies" is anything from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Anything after that is just 80s or 90s. Of course, the younger you are, the more recent the "oldies". :-/
End Quote
>:( >:(I agree!When i tune into an oldieas station,I want to hear Elvis,the Everly brothers,Ruth brown,Chuck berry,you get the picture.Not a bunch of stuff i didn't listen the first time around!Cheers!
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
I've found weekday Radio 2 to be o.k. It seems to play a reasonable mix of music.
I know you're a Wolves fan but don't think you live there now? Pity cos a commercial station I listen to covers that area I think. It's Century FM (106.?? FM) It plays a mix of 70's to present.
My local station Oak FM plays a good mix of stuff too. They play 70's to present throughout the day (with the occasional 60's creeping in by request) and have a Saturday night motowny type stuff request show. I think many of the DJ's must be a similar age to me given the songs they play.
End Quote
Thanks for the information, Karen. I am a Wolves fan but I live in the south of England now. I miss The Midlands though . . . :'(
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
Thanks for the information, Karen.
End Quote
That's o.k.
I am a Wolves fan End Quote
I won't hold it against you ;)
I miss The Midlands though . . . :'(
End Quote
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Even the rap station play stuff that started 1990 and up.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
We have a local station here that plays "adult contemporay" music. I really felt my age when they played Pearl Jam. :-/
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Maybe 'Oldies' should be considered a new genre of music where the song sounds like oldies. Then I would include 80s-00s music, but nothing like most new wave, grunge, hardcore hip-hop or nu-metal. For the 80s, stuff like Huey Lewis & the News, for the 90s, stuff like Soul For Real, and the 00s would be Norah Jones.
Either that, or an all-pop station with today's new stuff, plus the most popular of the older stuff.
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on
Not too long ago I heard "Smooth" by Santana on a station that specializes in "Classic rock" mostly from the 60s, 70s and 80s. (And some early 90s.) Anyway, just about every song they play has been around for more than 10 years, but I couldn't believe my ears when they played "Smooth" .. that was a first. :o
Subject: Re: '90s Music is already on "Oldies" Stations
Now we hear everything from 1990-1995 would be considered "oldies". :D