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Subject: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I nominate "Detachable Penis," by King Missile. :D ;D
Your choices?
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I always loved New Age Girl...I always thought the line "She don't eat meat but she sure loves the bone" was hilarious. Back in the 80s that would NEVER have made it on the radio!!
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
That song called 'A*sshole'. I can't rememember who it was by, but it used to go 'Oh, I'm an A*sshole, a*sshole.' And so on. Does anybody remember that song? I can remember basically everything about it except for the people who sang it. And yes, I thought it was a heaps funny song
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
That song called 'A*sshole'. I can't rememember who it was by, but it used to go 'Oh, I'm an A*sshole, a*sshole.' And so on. Does anybody remember that song? I can remember basically everything about it except for the people who sang it. And yes, I thought it was a heaps funny song
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That was comedian Denis Leary.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Definitely the King Missile song; also "She Don't Use Jelly" by the Flaming Lips, and "If You Don't Love Me I'll Kill Myself" by Pete Droge.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
"People Are Still Having Sex" by LaTour
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
On the country side, anything by Cledus T. Judd. Also like any Jeff Foxworthy skit turned into a song, like "Party All Night" done with Little Texas… ;D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
For some reason, I never find songs to be funny, so much as "amusing". "She Don't Use Jelly" was pretty cool.
So maybe, instead of "funny" songs, I'll nominate the stupidest:
"Max Don't Have Sex with Your Ex"
I want to kill the person who conceived that abomination.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
(Almost) Anything by Weird Al, Cletus T Judd, Bob Rivers, or Adam Sandler is funny. My favorites are "Who Put The Stump" by Bob Rivers, "Amish Paradise", "It's All About The Pentiums", and "Smells Like Nirvana" by Weird Al, "How Do You Milk a Cow" by Cletus, and EVERYTHING by Adam Sandler.
"Lenny Kravitz is half-Jewish, Courtney Love is half too, put them together -- what a funky bad a s s jew!"
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Yes, I agree, the best professional parodists are among the top geniuses of any countries... (assumably those of their own origin).
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
The Bloodhound Gang's "Fire,Water,Burn" and "Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me?" Profane but funny. :D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
'Big Butt' --Bobby Jimmy and the Critters. Was that 80's?? Either way, I LMAO whenever I hear it! :P
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
The Ballad of Tom Jones by Space and Cerys Matthews. Thought that song was brilliant when it first came out, some hilarious lyrics :)
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
My wife's also big fan of "New Age Girl" by Dead Eye Dick...
Course I like most of Weird Al's stuff....
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
That Flaming Lips song was really funny... ;D
I would also vote for nearly any of Wierd Al's songs, as well as "Peaches" by the Presidents of the United States of America.."Billions of peaches, peaches for me, billions of peaches, peaches for free...." I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I caught my sister watching that video, since at the time I had never heard of it. :D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
That Flaming Lips song was really funny... ;D
I would also vote for nearly any of Wierd Al's songs, as well as "Peaches" by the Presidents of the United States of America.."Billions of peaches, peaches for me, billions of peaches, peaches for free...." I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I caught my sister watching that video, since at the time I had never heard of it. :D
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Yes, that song and video was SOOOOOOOOOOO funny!
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I would have to say:
-"THE POWER"By Snap.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
"Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies
"Short D*** Man" 20 Fingers
"Lick It" by Roula
"Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex
"Giddy Up" by 2 in a Room
"Big D*** Man" by S e x club
"Fee Fi Fo Fum" and "Wham Bam" by Candy Girls
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
"Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies
"Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex
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Good choices DJ Midas!!
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm was quite a kick..hadn't even thought of that one. And I have three of their albums! I actually really liked them, though "The Ghosts That Haunt Me" was a better album, IMO..not that that has anything to do with anything... ::)
Cotton Eye Joe was funny too..my husband got that cd for his birthday that year, and the whole album was pretty funny. Really catchy though! ;D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Were these songs an inspiration for "Short, Short, Man" by Gillette?
"Short D*** Man" 20 Fingers
"Big D*** Man" by S e x club
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Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Were these songs an inspiration for "Short, Short, Man" by Gillette?
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I think "Short D*** Man" and "Short Short Man" are the same song. The copy I had for about a week once when I was DJing, before everyone got sick of it and didn't want to hear it anymore, was "Short D*** Man" by 20 Fingers featuring Gilette.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
My vote goes to.....
Aqua - "Barbie Girl" :D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Lene did herself proud on that track, I have to agree... wait, you're saying it's good, right? That's what I think anyway...
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Remember "Happy Happy Joy Joy"?
"I'll teach you to be happy...I'll teach your grandma to suck eggs!"... ;D :D :o :D ;D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
ANYTHING by Wierd Al ;D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Trying to remember which ones were 90s tracks... The second "Ivor Biggun" album, including "Halfway up Virginia", "The Majorca Song" and "Toolbag Ted from Birkenhead"
Denis Leary's Asshole (so to speak)
The Goblin Song (by a bloke wot I met once)
Barbie Girl (as sung by Tim Brooke-Taylor and Jeremy Hardy)
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Let me add Bingo Hand***'s (aka REM) version of "Tom's Diner."
"Dit-dit duh-duh dit-di duh-duh..." ;D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
One word:
Macarena :o
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Weird Al was cool!
Got Bad Hair Day and Running With Scissors
I think Gump is great...its wicked how he can put movie quotes and stuff to pre made songs..its wicked!!
Seeya soon
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Were these songs an inspiration for "Short, Short, Man" by Gillette?
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"Short, Short Man" was actually the radio edit of Gillette's "Short D*** Man." Sex Club's version came after that, and their version doesn't really sample the music of Gillette's version. There is another version of "Big D*** Man" that has the same music as Gillette/20 Fingers' version, but I can't remember who does it (I may still have the 12" single at the house)...
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I hear a dance song on KTU sometimes where the lines go: "boom boom let me say ya yo girl your booty is so round". Its kinda of a funny little riddle.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
That song rocks! My whole nickname is Skippy Peaches (Long story, dont ask ::)) and my friends and I always sing that song. ;D
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Humm Ditto on any of Weird Al's stuff but my favorite was 3 little pigs by Green Jelly
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I hear a dance song on KTU sometimes where the lines go: "boom boom let me say ya yo girl your booty is so round". Its kinda of a funny little riddle.
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Hmm, is that the Outhere Brothers record - 'cause it sounds so familiar!
I have to nominate practically any football song that England have recorded, top prize goes to: Fat Les - Vindaloo. However, I really like 3 Lions ( for Euro 96, and re-made for France 98 ) - Baddiel, Skinner and the Lightning Seeds did good :)
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Yes, that's the Outhere Brothers.
What do you think of the latest British soccer anthem, We're On The Ball, sang by Ant and Dec? Personally, I think it's so catchy, that it can't not succeed.
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I nominate:
"One Week"-Barenaked Ladies
"Headline News"/"Christmas At Ground Zero"-Weird Al
and one of the dumbest dance tunes of ALL TIME-
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I would have to say "The Hannukah Song" or "The Thanksgiving Song" by Adam Sandler. Or how about "Ode To My Car"; I haven't heard that one in a while. "Piece of *honk* car.." :D I can't remember the last time I heard it, but I sure laugh my blank off when I do. 8) :D
Oh wait, did someone already mention these?
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
I laugh at unintentionally funny songs . . .
'On a rope' - Rocket from the crypt (this was only because my brother kept singing the chorus and he called them 'Johnny Rocket from the crypt' for some stupid reason.)
'Informer' - Snow (I remember laughing at the line; 'I'll lick y' bum bum down.)
Subject: Re: Funniest Songs of the '90's
Sir Mix-A-Lot - "Baby Got Back" :D
ZZ Top - "TV Dinners", "Tube Steak Boogie" ;D