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Subject: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I believe the 90s were the best known for very moronic ideas that, despite their lack of feasability, found the light of day in a catalog or a novelty store near you. Recently, I came across a catalog for football tailgaters that featured a portable potty can with the "odor-absorbing" crystals found in some new cat litters. (Made for Detroit Lions fans, whose season has gone to the crapper).
Other bad ideas:
Billy Bass singing fish :-X
The Flowbee haircutting "system" that requires a vacuum hose ???
Nad's hair remover-Too easy to mock :o
Poof skirts :-[
Chia Head (Looks like Bill Clinton) ::)
Crystal Pepsi :P
What else?
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Nad's hair remover-Too easy to mock :o
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Forget the mocking thing. That stuff is painful as hell!!! I don't see how them women did that in the infomercial without showing any signs of discomfort (understatement of the 90's).
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Nad's hair remover-Too easy to mock :o
What else?
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It's too bad that that Aussie lady who invented that depilatory had to have a daughter named Nad. If she were in America, she would have been the butt of all Beavis and Butt-Head jokes. What was that Aussie woman thinking when she named her daughter and then used it to name a depilatory? Doesn't she know that "n a d s" is a term Beavis and Butt-Head use to describe their private parts? :o
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Nads is supposedly short for Nadine in Australia. Still I don't think the name would go over well in the small American towns. :-[
It's too bad that that Aussie lady who invented that depilatory had to have a daughter named Nad. If she were in America, she would have been the butt of all Beavis and Butt-Head jokes. What was that Aussie woman thinking when she named her daughter and then used it to name a depilatory? Doesn't she know that "n a d s" is a term Beavis and Butt-Head use to describe their private parts? :o
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Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Her eldest daughter's name is actually "Nadine".
A mainstream sports/humour show ("The Footy Show") sponsored a racing greyhound named "Nads". Just so people could have the please of barracking for the dog - "Go, Nads!" ::)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Her eldest daughter's name is actually "Nadine".
A mainstream sports/humour show ("The Footy Show") sponsored a racing greyhound named "Nads". Just so people could have the please of barracking for the dog - "Go, Nads!" ::)
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LOL!!! At least that hideous product can bring some humor into the world if nothing else and just because of its name. ;D Sorry, Nadine! :-/
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Nads is an unfortunate name...
Just don't any of you American people refer to your butt as a fanny if you come to Australia. In this country, "fanny" means something else.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Nads is an unfortunate name...
Just don't any of you American people refer to your butt as a fanny if you come to Australia. In this country, "fanny" means something else.
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Enlighten us, won't you? ;)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Do any of you gals remember the EpiLady hair removal system? THAT was painful.
Can you imagine sitting in a room thinking...
"Hmmm, what product can I make that people will buy at least one time to try, will cost a fortune, and make me rich?"
Idea! A product that will pull hair out of your body!
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
The Flowbee was pretty funny.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Enlighten us, won't you? ;)
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A "fanny" in Australia is a woman's genitalia.....I made this mistake once with an Australian girl...I told her to watch out for this particular person at work b/c he liked to pinch women's fannies and she flew off the handle...which I can understand now...but obviously was shocked at the time....
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
A "fanny" in Australia is a woman's genitalia.....I made this mistake once with an Australian girl...I told her to watch out for this particular person at work b/c he liked to pinch women's fannies and she flew off the handle...which I can understand now...but obviously was shocked at the time....
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oh wow.. hadn't heard that before.. that's too funny.. I never use the word fanny.. I'm way too much of a pig.. it's always butt or ass.. I think now though, I'm gonna start using it.. just incase I do meet an aussie >grin<
ahh.. the Flowbee... I still prefer the term "Suck-Cut" ... it sucks as it cuts.. (it certainly does suck!)... damn.. gotta pull that movie out now..
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I don't think this was just a 90s idea, but it seemed to be most prolific in the 90s. It was manufactured bands, and broadcasting the auditions on TV. Absolutely pathetic...a completely bad idead >:(
While on the subject of bad television ideas, I would also have to include reality shows such as Big Brother, Survivor, Popstars etc. Ok, Survivor was interesting enough...the first time around, but doing the same things over and over again??? come on!! Plus I never understood the phenomenon that was Big Brother in Australia. I watched the show once and was completely bored out of my brain. Am I the only person who thinks reality tv shows are pathetic?
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Actually, the reality shows never came out til the decade after the 90s. Same as the singing fish, and the scooters. So if any of you didn't like the 90s, you're sure to dislike this decade.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
^I think "COPS" came out in the '90s. "Real World" definately came out in the '90s. While "Survivor", "Fear Factor" and "Big Brother" did come out in 2000, they are from that '90s mentality.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
The Flowbee was pretty funny.
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Yep! When this came out I was like, CRIPES there goes my buisness! ::) Didn't Wayne and Garth call it 'suck cut'?? hehe
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
A test was done on "Consumer Reports" or one of those t.v. shows to see if The Flowbee cut a woman's hair as well as man's hair. Do I need to tell everyone the result? ::)
Yep! When this came out I was like, CRIPES there goes my buisness! ::) Didn't Wayne and Garth call it 'suck cut'?? hehe
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Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Well, you don't have to tell us, but a picture of it would have been cool. LOL! I can only imagine.....
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
^I think "COPS" came out in the '90s. "Real World" definately came out in the '90s. While "Survivor", "Fear Factor" and "Big Brother" did come out in 2000, they are from that '90s mentality.
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COPS came out in the late-'80's, and I'm pretty sure Survivor came out in 1998 or '99.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
oh wow.. hadn't heard that before.. that's too funny.. I never use the word fanny.. End Quote
I always use the word fanny, in the American context that is. My "pet name" for my daughter is Fanny.
Besides with kids you tend to avoid using a s s and butt. My mother is trying to convince my kids that butt is a bad word. (She says she doesn't want them to start saying butt head ::).)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Yep! When this came out I was like, CRIPES there goes my buisness! ::) Didn't Wayne and Garth call it 'suck cut'?? hehe
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Suck cut! That's funny - I've had haircuts that sucked. I wonder if sucked will be edited?
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
COPS came out in the late-'80's, and I'm pretty sure Survivor came out in 1998 or '99.
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Bad boys, bad boys, whacha gonna do? Whacha gonna do when they come for you?
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I think the worst "reality" based show didn't come from T.V. Some "genius" decided to rip off (literally, too) the "Faces Of Death" snuff videos in the 80's and advertise of sickening 90's news footage called "Banned From Television" . Included was a snippet of a young woman, maybe a college student, being run over by a high-speed locomotive. If you saw the "how-to-order" ad, you know that only a perverse money machine would love trash like this. >:(
Bad boys, bad boys, whacha gonna do? Whacha gonna do when they come for you?
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Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I always use the word fanny, in the American context that is. My "pet name" for my daughter is Fanny.
Besides with kids you tend to avoid using a s s and butt. My mother is trying to convince my kids that butt is a bad word. (She says she doesn't want them to start saying butt head ::).)
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Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
ROFLOL w/ TIME (Tears In My Ears!!!) I'm sorry. Seriously though, I use the word butt all the time - my favourite soccer team has a player called Butt anyway. For those who know which team I'm talking about, I am very sorry.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
So you should be! (Liverpool all the way ;) )
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Does the "Hairdini" count? I thought that was a ridiculous way to make a buck.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I don't remember the Hairdini personally, it probably does though.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
If I remember correctly, the "Hairdini" was nothing more than a bendy stick that you could put up hair into all sorts of buns or braids. No, wait...it was a contraption that helped create a french braid. The worst thing is that by the time it was released, french braids had gone out of style.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
a Fanny means the same in the U.k as Australia,I remember being so shocked the first time someone said about pinching someones fanny when I was in America.Mind you I got a very funny look when I asked someone if they had a fag ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Barney, Power Rangers, Teletubbies...
Actually the Power Rangers are just a rip off of the Go Rangers, which I used to watch as a little kid in the 70s, but the Power Rangers are just soooo much worse... course they also ripped of Voltron! Bah!
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Well, that's funny, because I've just seen The Power Rangers Movie for the first time for ages (don't ask why) - I never knew they were a ripoff. As for Barney, that was the best thing that was on the television when I was young, and I remember when it first started out. Speaking of which, I wonder if anyone can help me. When it first started, there were four children, one called Tina, one called Derrick, one called Michael. What was the other one called? She was tall, and always wore a luminous pink top. If anyone could help me, that would be appreciated.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
lol@ Gis. That must have been a very unfortunate experience. I always use the word fag (to mean cigaret) and nobody has yet noticed, let alone commented.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
...Speaking of which, I wonder if anyone can help me. When it first started, there were four children, one called Tina, one called Derrick, one called Michael. What was the other one called? She was tall, and always wore a luminous pink top. If anyone could help me, that would be appreciated.
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Do you mean Kathy? Or the older girl who was only around sometimes?
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Yes, I believe I do. Yes, Tina's sister was called Kathy. That sounds SO right. Thank you SO much.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Need I say more!
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I don't know. If you don't, can someone else?
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Electrolysis (sp?)
That $h@# hurts! It's a sheer waste of time because hair grows back. A woman has to go pore to pore/fallicle to fallicle. 1 leg could take days! I don't see how they (people who do it) do it.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Electrolysis (sp?)
That $h@# hurts! It's a sheer waste of time because hair grows back. A woman has to go pore to pore/fallicle to fallicle. 1 leg could take days! I don't see how they (people who do it) do it.
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I heard you had to do it a few times before the follical was killed off?
Either way, It's much easier and a lot cheaper to use tweezers and a razor. :P
I tried waxing a few times but I mistakenly took off half of my eyebrow! ::) LOL
Speaking of wax....Was 'Nads' a 90's(1999) product?? If so, that was a dumb idea. :P Notice in the infomerrical they never show the face of those being waxed?! LOL That's cause the flucking product hurts!! ;D
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Speaking of wax....Was 'Nads' a 90's(1999) product?? If so, that was a dumb idea. :P Notice in the infomerrical they never show the face of those being waxed?! LOL That's cause the flucking product hurts!! ;D
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Hello! Experience here. It hurts like a @*%#$!
Money back guarantee my foot!
You always lose out on the shipping and handling! Actually, most people are just too damn lazy, including myself, to wrap the stuff up and go through the trouble of driving to the post office, sending it back and pay money to do it. It's too much of a hassle. No thanks. They can have it.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Worst People Of The 90s: Bill Clinton and Marilyn Manson. Worst Trends Of The 90s: Hollywood's "remake" obsession and the rise of "boy bands".
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Worst People Of The 90s: Bill Clinton and Marilyn Manson. Worst Trends Of The 90s: Hollywood's "remake" obsession and the rise of "boy bands".
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I agree 100%
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Me too. Boybands and Marilyn Manson meant the steady downfall of music as a whole. As for Bill Clinton, I never took any notice of him, even during the stuff that went on.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Here's another idea from the brilliant "minds" of the 90s: the lambada. It was big in Europe and they were going to force it on the American public, too. But why do they call it a dance when neither person could barely move?!! It looked more like when your dog humps your leg, only in super slo-mo. ::)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Dumb Idea's of the 90's: Bling Bling crap in rap video's, The Teen-Pop expolsion of 99, Chrsyler merging with Mercedes, MTV being called a music channel when it reality it should be called "Fashion and Image Television".
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I still have to say that fruit drink with the jello balls floating in it..no idea of the name (someone here told me once) it was like eating your drink!! YUK!! ::)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I still have to say that fruit drink with the jello balls floating in it..no idea of the name (someone here told me once) it was like eating your drink!! YUK!! ::)
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Ah, ORBITZ! The lovely drink you chew...
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
TQM-Total Quality Management. It work for the Japanese, but not for us. (Actually, this was made up by a Charles Deming after WWII and during the reconstruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the most overrated President before Clinton, Harry Truman, rejected it.)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
The pop explosion would of been more in the 1996 with Spicegirls and hanson and so on.
I cant think of anything stupid of the nineties really..Tamagotchis pissed me off a fair bit. Ill get back to you.
This post is Fanny..or sorry...Funny :-)
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Other bad ideas:
Billy Bass singing fish :-X
What else?
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Billy Bass went over really great with my relatives in Ohio, especially my mother, who had to run out and get one after she saw one her cousin had, 'cus it was "so cute." Of course, she took pink flamingos waaay too seriously in the 60s too.... :P
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I believe the 90s were the best known for very moronic ideas that, despite their lack of feasability, found the light of day in a catalog or a novelty store near you. Recently, I came across a catalog for football tailgaters that featured a portable potty can with the "odor-absorbing" crystals found in some new cat litters. (Made for Detroit Lions fans, whose season has gone to the crapper).
Other bad ideas:
Billy Bass singing fish :-X
The Flowbee haircutting "system" that requires a vacuum hose ???
Nad's hair remover-Too easy to mock :o
Poof skirts :-[
Chia Head (Looks like Bill Clinton) ::)
Crystal Pepsi :P
What else?
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I remember the Billy Bass singing fish being sold at Long's drug stores.An untapped idea would have been to have it sing in Hindi and call it Salmon Khan. ::) ::)The nads depilitory didn't work at all for me---I'll stick with the cherry -scented nair. 8) 8)Cheers!
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
How about Ebonix?
Whatever happened with that? That was 90s right ???
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Mcdonald's produced a couple flops in the form of the McLean and the Arch Deluxe.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Do any of you gals remember the EpiLady hair removal system? THAT was painful.
Can you imagine sitting in a room thinking...
"Hmmm, what product can I make that people will buy at least one time to try, will cost a fortune, and make me rich?"
Idea! A product that will pull hair out of your body!
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erm.. we still have that here.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
Those stupid dell computer comercials, barney, those boldflex comercials, Bill Clinton, and countless other things.
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I was about to mention "Barney the Dinosaur" too as well as "Teletubbies". How about "The Clapper"? :P
Subject: Re: Dumb Ideas of the 90s
I was about to mention "Barney the Dinosaur" too as well as "Teletubbies". How about "The Clapper"? :P
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that cartoon is hilarious. ;D