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Subject: identify a drink for me?

Written By: feralfreak on 10/29/23 at 7:29 am

in the pic im going to attach, there is a red drink that came in some kind of bottle thing with a straw attached, one of those that you had to cut the tip of the straw to get the drink out, what is the name of that drink?

Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/29/23 at 4:31 pm

in the pic im going to attach, there is a red drink that came in some kind of bottle thing with a straw attached, one of those that you had to cut the tip of the straw to get the drink out, what is the name of that drink?

The picture is hard to see. What other info can you tell us about it?

Oh, and welcome to the boards. Hope you stick around.


Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/29/23 at 6:15 pm

The picture is hard to see. What other info can you tell us about it?

I tried Googling Image Searching for it, and came up with nothing.

Oh, and welcome to the boards. Hope you stick around.


Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: feralfreak on 10/30/23 at 12:57 am

i dont remember much from it, i know it was available into the 90s but i havent seen it beyond that , the bottom was kinda rounded, and when i wanted to drink milk from it after the juice was gone, it was hard as hell to fill up, the straw was a part of the container, the plastic was thin, the end was heat sealed and had to be snipped off to drink it

you might be able to get a bigger view of it, if you jumped to an episode of an austrailian show i saw it on, "the girl from tomorrow" season 2 episode 6, roughly 19 minutes in. im not trying to advertise this incase there is any thought of that, i have nothing to gain from this show being mentioned, so i think i can safely say where to catch that part of an episode from, its on tubi. i hope this helps identify the drink, its not a far drive but its driving me a bit nuts

Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/30/23 at 2:52 am

i dont remember much from it, i know it was available into the 90s but i havent seen it beyond that , the bottom was kinda rounded, and when i wanted to drink milk from it after the juice was gone, it was hard as hell to fill up, the straw was a part of the container, the plastic was thin, the end was heat sealed and had to be snipped off to drink it

you might be able to get a bigger view of it, if you jumped to an episode of an austrailian show i saw it on, "the girl from tomorrow" season 2 episode 6, roughly 19 minutes in. im not trying to advertise this incase there is any thought of that, i have nothing to gain from this show being mentioned, so i think i can safely say where to catch that part of an episode from, its on tubi. i hope this helps identify the drink, its not a far drive but its driving me a bit nuts
Are you based in Australia?

Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: feralfreak on 10/30/23 at 3:09 am

nope, i just watched it maybe a year or 2 ago here in the states, someone on youtube was kind enough to upload it before i knew about tubi, i was a bit surprised to see that drink in that episode, i wish it had a label on it

Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: pell on 11/30/23 at 2:27 pm

While I couldn't find the drink either, here's a Reddit thread looking for something similar. It started three years ago, but it has had occasional hits since then:

I think they're looking for something different based on a drawing they attached, but someone may post something related to the product the OP is looking for.

Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: feralfreak on 11/30/23 at 11:09 pm

THANK YOU!! those boo bee drinks looks exactly like what i remember!

Subject: Re: identify a drink for me?

Written By: pell on 12/01/23 at 11:59 am

THANK YOU!! those boo bee drinks looks exactly like what i remember!

No problem. I'll note that some posters in the thread I linked think there was a different drink back then that was similar to the Boo Bee drinks. I sent an email to Sweetzone, the company I think makes Boo Bees, asking how long the drink has been available. Their website says the company started in 2003.

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