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Subject: What was the deal with the band Lions and Lasers?
Written By: Drnkard on 10/16/23 at 6:24 pm
I have vague memories of an awesome sci-fi rock band in the 80s called Lions and Lasers who had a concept album in the works about some big cosmic space saga. They were pretty popular at the time from what I recall but then they just sort of dropped off the map before they could even release their album!
Does anyone know what happened to them? It's so strange, it's like they had a good following and lots of hype around their space opera idea but then they just disappeared out of nowhere. There must be an interesting story there. I can't even find much about them online now, which makes it even more odd and mysterious.
If you happen to remember Lions and Lasers or ever saw them live back in the day, I'd love to hear your memories and stories! Or if you happen to have any old merch or anything related to them, please share pics! Trying to shine a light on this seemingly forgotten retro band. Let me know if this rings any bells!
Subject: Re: What was the deal with the band Lions and Lasers?
Written By: pell on 11/30/23 at 2:33 pm
Here was an old Geocites site dedicated to the band:
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