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Subject: help finding old jeans commercial with frightening music

Written By: dn on 10/12/19 at 4:39 pm

Hi all,

I remember a commercial from the late 80s (or early 90s) which I am having no luck finding on YouTube.  I remember it was for Lee Jeans (or perhaps another jeans company), and the scenario involved a guy on foot being accosted by a police officer in a car.  I don't remember any of the exchange.  The reason I have any recollection of the commercial at all is because of the thoroughly bizarre choice of music, which lent the commercial a bit of menace.  I recognized the music as Charles Ives's Robert Browning Overture.  Here's a link to the spot in the music:

Does anybody remember this commercial, and know where I can find it?


Subject: Re: help finding old jeans commercial with frightening music

Written By: pell on 11/08/19 at 12:52 am

What country did you see this in? And can you provide a link not in Facebook or anywhere else that doesn't require logging in? You can link a YouTube video and tell us the time of the part of music you're talking about.

Subject: Re: help finding old jeans commercial with frightening music

Written By: robby76 on 11/09/19 at 10:19 am

Starring Sasha Mitchell...


Subject: Re: help finding old jeans commercial with frightening music

Written By: dn on 11/09/19 at 4:28 pm

Yes!  Thank you so much, robby76!  This is exactly it.  This has been haunting me for a long time...

Subject: Re: help finding old jeans commercial with frightening music

Written By: dn on 11/09/19 at 6:56 pm

What country did you see this in? And can you provide a link not in Facebook or anywhere else that doesn't require logging in? You can link a YouTube video and tell us the time of the part of music you're talking about.

Oh, I'm sorry!  Didn't realize I had provided a facebook link.  Here's a link to a recording which should work.  It's cued to a spot right before the segment used in the commercial which I saw in the U.S.:

My impression after all these years is that the music is way more terrifying than the situation.  My memory of the scenario was altered by my familiarity with the music into something quite a bit more ominous....

Subject: Re: help finding old jeans commercial with frightening music

Written By: pell on 11/09/19 at 9:59 pm

Good find, robby76. I searched for a bit, but didn't find is using obvious search terms like "80s jeans commercial", "80s Lee commercial" with and without the name of the music piece.

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