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Subject: Carly Simon's 'Why' - any fans?
Written By: the_jock on 09/23/13 at 4:03 am
Am i the only one who likes 'Why' by Carly Simon?
I like the video as it's so early 80's, yet it's not dark like some new wave/punk/rock videos that used to be popular around that time. It's has that TV look. And the song itself is quite laid-back, makes you feel calm. It transports you right back to a summer midday in the early 80's. :)
Subject: Re: Carly Simon's 'Why' - any fans?
Written By: Paul on 09/23/13 at 4:19 am
Am i the only one who likes 'Why' by Carly Simon?
Probably not - enough people liked it back then to make it a rare top ten British hit for her...
One of the last great Bernard Edwards/Nile Rogers 'Chic'-type collaborations...
Subject: Re: Carly Simon's 'Why' - any fans?
Written By: Howard on 09/23/13 at 6:19 am
I'm not crazy about it, but it is a fun dance song.
Subject: Re: Carly Simon's 'Why' - any fans?
Written By: SpaceHog on 11/30/13 at 1:45 pm
It was on the soundtrack of a really crappy movie: Soup For One.
Her songs from Coming Around Again were better.
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