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Subject: Scenario: 80s camp
Written By: Love Triangle on 09/01/13 at 9:45 pm
Imagine that you and your friends from college are going on an 80s-themed camp and each person is asked to bring five items.
An item can be a music album, a movie, a video game etc.
Which five items would you bring and why?
Subject: Re: Scenario: 80s camp
Written By: Mitch Kramer on 09/04/13 at 12:41 am
Imagine that you and your friends from college are going on an 80s-themed camp and each person is asked to bring five items.
An item can be a music album, a movie, a video game etc.
Which five items would you bring and why?
I was in college during the 1980s. Our school owned a rustic little cabin out in the woods. We'd usually go there about once or twice a year (usually autumn or spring, although I've heard rumors about people being crazy enough to go out there in winter). If the weather was warm, we'd be wearing T-shirts and cut-off jeans. If it was chilly, we'd be wearing jeans and flannel shirts. If it was cold, sweatshirts or even a heavy winter coat. The place was a couple miles from the center of campus, so we traveled light. I just brought a sleeping bag, a flashlight, a compass, food and water. Maybe someone might bring beer or weed. But mostly, everyone just brought food, water and a sleeping bag. The college was kind enough to provide firewood, so we used the fireplace and made smores and stuff. For entertainment, we told jokes and stories or gazed at the stars if the sky was clear. Maybe someone would bring a guitar and we'd sing maybe something like Simon & Garfunkel, Peter Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan, Arlo Guthrie, Joni Mitchell ... or something more recent like Tracy Chapman. Just like today, we'd lament about how much better pop culture was in the past. Except, instead of pointing fingers at cell phones, Twitter, Facebook, iPods, reality TV, Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber and the Republicans, our targets would be MTV, Walkmans, Cheers, Donald Trump, Tiffany and ... the Republicans. OK, so that last one never changes. :)
By the way, just to be clear, I DO understand your question (I think). You're not trying to replicate an 80s camping trip; you want a camping experience that's infused with 80s pop culture (I think). It's just that, having done real camping in the real 1980s, I'm initially coming up a bit blank. I mean, if someone had, say, brought along a Walkman (nobody ever did, as far as I can remember) and started listening to it, we'd probably think the person was feeling sad and depressed, or perhaps anti-social.
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