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Subject: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 08/31/11 at 11:41 pm

Is anyone familiar with old walkie talkie? Not sure if they were made in the 80s or earlier. My sister and I used to play with them as toys but not sure if they were toys. They were gray with black antennas. One had a white tipped antenna and the other had and orange tip. It had the moris(sp.) code type thing on the bottom. I've been looking for pictures but had no luck.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: moycon on 09/01/11 at 1:20 am

Maybe something like this?
It says these were from the early 90's, but I recall playing with very similar walkie talkies in the early 80's....

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/01/11 at 6:47 am

I remember the old walkie talkies,you used to press a button to talk to someone and you had another button for morse code.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: lorac61469 on 09/01/11 at 10:48 pm

We played with them in the 70's and my kids played with some in the 2000's.  Most walkie talkies have a Morse code chart on the front.  They really  changed much over the years.

Search  eBay for vintage walkie talkies maybe you find them there.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/02/11 at 12:25 pm

Walkie Talkies can be seen in the movie Super 8

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/05/11 at 9:28 pm

I'm pretty sure they might have been Fisher Price...the pics are very similar.
Moycon - The same looking antenna.
Lorac - Even closer. Same color. Same antennas. The part to speak in is smiliar. But the morse coda area is different.
Thank You everybody.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/05/11 at 9:35 pm

Just thinking and looking at Lorac's link I think those might be it. Its been a long time everything else looks exactly what I remember I just don't remember the power button or switch. But they really could be the ones.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Davester on 09/05/11 at 9:43 pm

  The walkie talkies I had.  Late '70s...

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/05/11 at 9:48 pm

Yes I think those are the same. Lorac also posted that picture. Thank you.
I don't ever remember getting other frequencys on the walkie talkies but I know they used to screech like crazy when you got them too close together.
Only time I had to worry about walkie talkies and other frequencys was when I got older and my younger female cousin got walkies for chirstmas. We live 5 minutes from a ski resort and she started to play nasty with some boy on the slopes. She almost got herself in trouble since he claimed his dad or uncle was a police officer. I took the walkies from her and told him I was sorry for the inconvience but she is just a kid she doesn't understand what she was doing was wrong. She just thought it was funny. I told her parents and they really didn't do anything which is a shame. But she will learn on her own one day when what she does she needs to take more seriously. That not everything is all fun and games.
I think these were safer for kids because of not tapping into other frequencys. Athough back then they might not have been used as often so I never would have had that problem. I had them back in the early 90s.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Davester on 09/05/11 at 9:54 pm

  Wow, all that for messing around with walkies..? 

  Such a long time ago, but I don't remember intercepting other frequencies.  Now that you mention it, I think I do remember them making weird sounds when they were brought close together.  Kinda like me and the ex...

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/06/11 at 6:28 am

   The walkie talkies I had.  Late '70s...

Wow I remember these.  :o

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/07/11 at 10:54 pm

We had Walkie Talkies for a while.  They were neat, but you could only talk to the few people who had Walkie Talkies within range.

It was much more fun to make prank phone calls!

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/08/11 at 7:07 am

We had Walkie Talkies for a while.  They were neat, but you could only talk to the few people who had Walkie Talkies within range.

It was much more fun to make prank phone calls!

plus you had a button for the morse code.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Tia on 09/08/11 at 9:24 am

Wow I remember these.  :o
i believe i may have had those very ones as well.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/08/11 at 1:46 pm

i believe i may have had those very ones as well.

Wow it must've been in 1984-1985 when I last had them,Me And my Brother always went outside and played with the walkie talkies,those were fun times. :)

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/08/11 at 7:53 pm

My sister and I had them in the 90s. She would go into our parent's room and I'd go to the living room or kitchen and we'd talk back and forth. When my cousins would come over they had fun playing with them too.  I never really tested out far they work. But like I said before they screach like crazy when too close together. Miss them walkie talkies. Nice to see I wasn't the only child to enjoy them back in the days. lol

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/08/11 at 7:59 pm

I am very positive it was those walkies I had.
The kid from the slopes wanted to know what my cousin's name was and where she lived. He said he would have her arrested. I told him myself she is just a child and being a nusiance. She can't get arrested when she is just playing around not causing any harm. I still don't think she should have done it but oh well. She I guess learned her lesson then. Even though now she is 22 sadly she has little growing up to do yet. She hasn't learned life like I have yet. Soon enough even if its the hard way. As I hate to admitt to myself.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/09/11 at 6:33 am

My sister and I had them in the 90s. She would go into our parent's room and I'd go to the living room or kitchen and we'd talk back and forth. When my cousins would come over they had fun playing with them too.  I never really tested out far they work. But like I said before they screach like crazy when too close together. Miss them walkie talkies. Nice to see I wasn't the only child to enjoy them back in the days. lol

They had walkie talkies in the 90's?

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: lorac61469 on 09/09/11 at 10:28 am

They had walkie talkies in the 90's?

Howard, they still make Walkie Talkies.  My kids had them, probably still do somewhere around this house.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/09/11 at 7:26 pm

Howard, they still make Walkie Talkies.  My kids had them, probably still do somewhere around this house.

I had Walkie Talkies a long time ago but those broke and had to be thrown out.


Written By: Dude111 on 09/16/11 at 3:34 pm

Maybe something like this?


I used to have a pair in the early 80s :)

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/16/11 at 6:27 pm

Ever tape string to two frozen OJ concentrate cans and play telephone?

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/16/11 at 7:36 pm

Ever tape string to two frozen OJ concentrate cans and play telephone?

I remember doing that,those were the days. :)

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/18/11 at 11:34 pm

Ever tape string to two frozen OJ concentrate cans and play telephone?

No my sis and I never have done that. We used to get those ice cream cones where you push the button and the ice cream pops off connected to the string. I remember water toys you put water in and you press just one button and it pumps air into it and you capture the little balls in the little baskets or cups. I guess they were called Waterfuls.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 09/18/11 at 11:39 pm

They had walkie talkies in the 90's?

Yes they had walkie talkies in the 90s. I think they've been upgraded like cell phones over the years. My sister and I had ours that we played with in the 90s. Also my cousins the female who was more either 1989 or 1990 and her brother who was born in 1992 had walkie talkies back when they were little as I said before. The female got in major trouble with them. May be not with her parents but with me she did. I did the right thing looking out for her. Even still do and she must not realize it.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/19/11 at 6:42 am

Yes they had walkie talkies in the 90s. I think they've been upgraded like cell phones over the years. My sister and I had ours that we played with in the 90s. Also my cousins the female who was more either 1989 or 1990 and her brother who was born in 1992 had walkie talkies back when they were little as I said before. The female got in major trouble with them. May be not with her parents but with me she did. I did the right thing looking out for her. Even still do and she must not realize it.

walkie talkies were upgraded like cell phones,much smaller.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/20/11 at 8:36 pm

No my sis and I never have done that. We used to get those ice cream cones where you push the button and the ice cream pops off connected to the string. I remember water toys you put water in and you press just one button and it pumps air into it and you capture the little balls in the little baskets or cups. I guess they were called Waterfuls.

Wow.  Back in the day, if you wanted to play Pac-Man without a quarter and couldn't afford the vacuum-fluorescent display electronic mini-cabinets...

Anyways, Waterfuls were in production for almost 40 years: 1970-2009.  (Edit: Fixed typo!  Waterfuls, not waterfurls :)

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/21/11 at 6:32 am

Wow.  Back in the day, if you wanted to play Pac-Man without a quarter and couldn't afford the vacuum-fluorescent display electronic mini-cabinets...

Anyways, Waterfurls were in production for almost 40 years: 1970-2009.

I remember waterfuls,But why did they stop production?  ???


Written By: Dude111 on 09/21/11 at 2:11 pm

Cause like everything else: THINGS SLOWLY STARTED GOING DOWNHILL IN 1987 :(

Subject: ██

Written By: whistledog on 09/21/11 at 2:15 pm

Cause like everything else: THINGS SLOWLY STARTED GOING DOWNHILL IN 1987 :(

Why 1987?

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/21/11 at 2:19 pm

Why 1987?
Was 1987 a dark year?


Written By: Dude111 on 09/21/11 at 2:20 pm

Well Whistedog 87 is when that remake came out of 'HERE I GO AGAIN' and it isnt anywhere near as good as thier original version of it :(

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: whistledog on 09/21/11 at 2:28 pm

Well Whistedog 87 is when that remake came out of 'HERE I GO AGAIN' and it isnt anywhere near as good as thier original version of it :(

You are obviously talking about Whitesnake, but in this thread, no mention of Whitesnake there was, so for someone who may not know that song visits this thread, wouldn't know what you were talking about

Subject: Re: ██

Written By: King Tut on 09/21/11 at 2:38 pm

Why 1987?

Yes, why 1987?
Do you have a month and day or event when the human race jumped the shark?

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/21/11 at 2:40 pm

Yes, why 1987?
Do you have a month and day or event when the human race jumped the shark?
I do not remember jumping any shark in 1987, in fact jumping any shark in any year.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: King Tut on 09/21/11 at 2:47 pm

I do not remember jumping any shark in 1987, in fact jumping any shark in any year.

"Jumping the shark" is an idiom, first employed to describe a moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality that is beyond recovery.  The phrase jump the shark comes from a scene in the fifth season premiere episode of the American TV series Happy Days titled "Hollywood: Part 3," and aired on September 20, 1977. In the episode, the central characters visit Los Angeles, where a water-skiing Fonzie (Henry Winkler), wearing swimming trunks and his leather jacket, jumps over a confined shark, answering a challenge to demonstrate his bravery.
"It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now's all downhill"

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/21/11 at 2:48 pm

"Jumping the shark" is an idiom, first employed to describe a moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality that is beyond recovery.  The phrase jump the shark comes from a scene in the fifth season premiere episode of the American TV series Happy Days titled "Hollywood: Part 3," and aired on September 20, 1977. In the episode, the central characters visit Los Angeles, where a water-skiing Fonzie (Henry Winkler), wearing swimming trunks and his leather jacket, jumps over a confined shark, answering a challenge to demonstrate his bravery.
"It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now's all downhill"

Yes I do know of that phrase....

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/21/11 at 2:54 pm

"Jumping the shark" is an idiom, first employed to describe a moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality that is beyond recovery.  The phrase jump the shark comes from a scene in the fifth season premiere episode of the American TV series Happy Days titled "Hollywood: Part 3," and aired on September 20, 1977. In the episode, the central characters visit Los Angeles, where a water-skiing Fonzie (Henry Winkler), wearing swimming trunks and his leather jacket, jumps over a confined shark, answering a challenge to demonstrate his bravery.
"It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now's all downhill"

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 09/21/11 at 7:24 pm

Was 1987 a dark year?

a dark year for money and finance,The Stock Market Crash.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/22/11 at 9:09 pm

The phrase jump the shark comes from a scene in the fifth season premiere episode of the American TV series Happy Days titled "Hollywood: Part 3," and aired on September 20, 1977.

So, the decade from 1977 to 1987 was the decade in which shark-jumping jumped the shark?

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: King Tut on 09/22/11 at 9:17 pm

So, the decade from 1977 to 1987 was the decade in which shark-jumping jumped the shark?

1977: The year "Jump the shark" began
1987: The year people jumped into the shark after the stock market crashed.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Sammy Reed on 11/13/11 at 4:17 pm

    I can remember having both kinds of walkie-talkies from my childhood to teenagehood.
    From about the early-80's on back, they transmitted on CB channel 14, and from the mid-80's up to now it's been 40+ MHZ.
    Once I remember having this toy "SWAT" truck that was also a 40-channel CB! My 2 brothers played Batman & Robin with our pair of walkie-talkies outside, while I stayed in the house playing Commissioner Gordon communicating with them on my CB truck tuned to channel 14!

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: Howard on 11/14/11 at 6:20 am

Here's a beginner's Walkie Talkie for kids aged 3 and up.^

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 11/14/11 at 11:56 pm

Wow.  Back in the day, if you wanted to play Pac-Man without a quarter and couldn't afford the vacuum-fluorescent display electronic mini-cabinets...

Anyways, Waterfurls were in production for almost 40 years: 1970-2009.

Hey me and my sis both had one of those Waterfurls. I used to love mine. I got it out how many years later and was still entertained by it. Wish they still had them. A lot of good toys have been stopped being made. A true shame.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 11/14/11 at 11:57 pm

Was 1987 a dark year?

I doubt it was a dark year. lol I was born that year. Although to my sis may be it was since I was born.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 11/15/11 at 12:04 am

Here's a beginner's Walkie Talkie for kids aged 3 and up.^

They had those walkie talkies you can clip onto your kid's backbacks for emergencies which I say may not be as good as a cell phone. A lot of kids have cell phones today and surprisingly parents allow them to have them when they just think of them as toys. They don't understand money is involved. I guess parents who have a lot of money care less. I guess either way the clip on walkies and cell phones they'd use as toys. A cell phone lets you call 911 where a walkie you just get in contact with a parent and by then the child could be gone or worse.
I remember the Koosh ball for many years. Last time I saw one was 1999. I used to love them and they were made in 1987.  I think a lot of toys stopped being made because they were supposable dangerous like the snap braclet which they have a new version of today. I have a few kids at the day care I work at with them. They say they are all plastic but I don't know how that could work.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 11/15/11 at 12:06 am

Funny the walkies I was looking for I saw or swear I saw them on tv in a movie. Most likely a old movie. I was amazed.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: lorac61469 on 11/15/11 at 11:29 am

Hey me and my sis both had one of those Waterfurls. I used to love mine. I got it out how many years later and was still entertained by it. Wish they still had them. A lot of good toys have been stopped being made. A true shame.

Evey now and then you can find a smaller version of these toys in the "cheap-o" toy section of Walmart, Kmart and certain drug stores.  Both my kids had them, I think they were the kind where you had to catch rings on a small peg.

Oh, I just looked...apparently they are still available on Amazon.

Subject: Re: Walkie Talkies?

Written By: brwneydpdangl on 11/15/11 at 9:39 pm

Evey now and then you can find a smaller version of these toys in the "cheap-o" toy section of Walmart, Kmart and certain drug stores.  Both my kids had them, I think they were the kind where you had to catch rings on a small peg.

Oh, I just looked...apparently they are still available on Amazon.

Thank You. I may look them up one of these days. I am always on Amazon. Would love to have one again. lol I'm still a child at heart. Everyone is.

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