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Subject: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: cinnabon on 05/19/08 at 6:05 pm
The very recent thread with Diamond Dave vs Sammy Hagar gave me the idea to start this poll; only unlike Van Halen the change in lead singers of this band resulted, sadly, from the death of Bon Scott in 1980. :\'(
Anyway I vote for both because I believe their best work came from the albums Highway to Hell (with Scott) and Back in Black (with Johnson). 8)
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: ladybug316 on 05/19/08 at 6:38 pm
I voted both also. Best replacement in rock and roll history!
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: whistledog on 05/19/08 at 6:46 pm
Brian Johnson for me. All the AC/DC songs I remember and love came from his vocals
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: coqueta83 on 05/19/08 at 7:45 pm
I like them both. :)
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Atari on 05/19/08 at 8:28 pm
Both. Best three albums were from 79-81.
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Dagwood on 05/19/08 at 8:45 pm
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Davester on 05/19/08 at 9:33 pm
I say both only because I like Brian Johnson's work up to Flick of the Switch and m-a-a-a-ybe Fly on the Wall but no later...
Bon remains AC/DC's Diamond Dave... :)
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: gibbo on 05/19/08 at 11:38 pm
I really liked both....but I agree with Davester. Johnson got a bit boring (one dimensional). Bon wasn't with us long enough to get boring...
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: VegettoVa90 on 05/20/08 at 2:48 pm
Bon FTW. Brian Johnson's voice got HORRIBLE over the years, and Back in Black is probably THE most overrated album of all time. I really like Highway to Hell and Dirty Deeds..., and Bon Scott was just an awesome person, so he gets my vote easily.
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Tanya1976 on 05/20/08 at 5:00 pm
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Davester on 05/20/08 at 9:00 pm
Bon FTW. Brian Johnson's voice got HORRIBLE over the years, and Back in Black is probably THE most overrated album of all time.
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Tia on 05/20/08 at 10:12 pm
yeah, i too must object! :D
so i've opened my ac/dc collection and got it going on random in the windows whatever thingy so that i can find the words to express what i feel.
so bon scott is truly the artist right? i think we all sorta know that, and my ac/dc collection has like 6 bon scott albums and from brian johnson, just back in black. but here's the thing: angus was always at least half the band and on back in black angus shone like a sick deranged genius of rock guitar, he busted out lots of mad guitar for that band but back in black he was at the best of his career. and it was such a weird accident because here comes this brian johnson, who was a great vocalist but not necessarily a writer or a showman the way bon scott was, but he just did his robert-plant-meets-tough-guy thing for that one album and let angus go POSTAL and you could tell on back in black brian johnson gave it his all because he knew that here was this bunch of musicians who were at the top of their game and were world famous and had just lost their main guy. and i really appreciate that and i honestly think back in black is the pinnacle of ac/dc's achievement for that reason, even though i think in the long haul bon scott has got it all over brian johnson, yanno? but for that one moment brian johnson shone like a star and let that band do an amazing album and i will always give props for him for that.
bad ass beat poetry ac/dc songs that you don't hear enough about, whatever the singer. and in whatever order.
let there be rock
whole lotta rosie
dog eat dog
beatin' around the bush
problem child
and from the opus:
what do you do for money
givin' the dog a bone
have a drink on me
shake a leg
it's a long way to the top
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Tia on 05/20/08 at 10:18 pm
one of the half-dozen or so mugs who REALLY made me wanna play. 8)
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Tia on 05/20/08 at 10:30 pm
ima listen to hells bells right now. just cuz. :P
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: Tia on 05/20/08 at 10:43 pm
but in terms of vocal talent, i'll give it. there's no competition.
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: johnny5alive on 05/21/08 at 8:29 pm
i went with both, not a huge fan but like most stuff ive heard from them, i think they both sounded similar and that was great for the fans, of both the singers and the band, in fact i never knew they had two different singers until just a few years ago! :D
Subject: Re: AC/DC - Bon Scott or Brian Johnson
Written By: zacpot on 06/06/08 at 12:28 am
id have to say Bon Scott is my fave with Brian being the a great replacement.
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