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Subject: Identify 80's Band or Artist by Song Titles (Reissue)

Written By: Wurzlsepp on 01/21/07 at 1:41 pm

A similar thread has been already started 6 month ago by HankTheSlayer
And I want to reanimate it
For initiation the first 3 songs:

Kiss me
I love you
Return to yesterday

Subject: Re: Identify 80's Band or Artist by Song Titles (Reissue)

Written By: Wurzlsepp on 01/24/07 at 3:18 pm

I liked the '70s thread, so I figured: Why not an '80s thread?
Shall we give it a go?

I'll start:

Kiss Of Life
This Is the Picture
Big Time

For finishing your old thread i want to solve your riddle:

It's Peter Gabriel, right?

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