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Subject: What is this 80's song?

Written By: Beck on 09/17/06 at 8:26 pm

I'm trying to figure out a song from the 80's.  It has a male singing, and the sound is a little poppy and new wave sounding.  It kinda sounds like the singer from Tears for Fears but I don't think it's them, the song has too much poppiness to it for TFF.  It goes something like this:

Wah wah whoa-----(note is held slightly)
whoa whoa whoa-ah-oh-----(note is held again)

Repeats a few times then there is singing, not sure what the singer is saying, couldn't hear lyrics clearly but there's a few words sang at the end of a phrase that go:

------- ------- -------- makes it all feel better

I'm sorry, I don't know more about the song.  I would love to know who sings this and what the song's title is.
Thanks :)

Subject: Re: What is this 80's song?

Written By: Tam on 09/17/06 at 8:37 pm

Nice Name!


Things can only get better - Howard Jones

Subject: Re: What is this 80's song?

Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 09/18/06 at 4:57 am

That is correct- Howard Jones's "Things Can Only Get Better".

(As opposed to Howard, the "In the '00s" member's song, "Things Go Better With Me (Losing My Virginity)")

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