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Subject: Were black and white TVs still common in the early '80s?

Written By: Donnie Darko on 05/19/06 at 6:28 pm

I think they were hanging around, although color was pretty dominant by then.

Subject: Re: Were black and white TVs still common in the early '80s?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/19/06 at 6:31 pm

I asked a very similar question ages ago, and was surprised to learn that colour TV arrived in the US in the early 50s. I'm pretty certain most channels broadcast in colour by the late 60s (watch shows like Get Smart, Bewitched), but I'm guessing the point where 50 percent of TV's were colour would be the early 70s (?), though I could be well off the mark. I know we only got colour TV in 1975, and I can remember in the earlier part of my lifetime a time when BW TV's made up a substantial proportion of sets as a whole. Even today many motels make a point of advertising they have colour TVs!

Subject: Re: Were black and white TVs still common in the early '80s?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/19/06 at 8:48 pm

They were common in the early '80s, but by the mid-80s, they were rapidly fading away. Color TV's were cheap by then, and pretty much everyone wanted color for cable, VCR, and video games. I still remember them abandoned in closets and basements through the '90s, but I haven't actually seen one in years...unless you count surveillance monitors.

Yeah, I always laugh when I see a "Color TV" sign by some motel.

Some comic had a joke about prison. It went something like, "You know you've got these guys who say, 'Yeah, prisoners have it easy in jail, they got color TV and everything!' Like, what do you expect, the corrections staff to cruise yardsales collecting all the old Magnavoxes!"

Subject: Re: Were black and white TVs still common in the early '80s?

Written By: T on 05/22/06 at 3:09 pm

We still had only a black & white television untill I think 1987 when we got a color television set.

Subject: Re: Were black and white TVs still common in the early '80s?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 05/23/06 at 3:43 am

I got a Goldstar Black and White TV for my 6th birthday. That thing was probably $100 bucks. I remember feeling bad my parents spent that much on it. It only had 13 channels and it had a turn dial *no remote*  :o

I LOVED it, though  :)

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