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Subject: Dirty Dancing music (nitpicking)?
Written By: Marty McFly on 01/10/06 at 2:25 am
While I've actually never seen the movie, I know it's from 1962. It was made in 1987, but takes place a quarter century earlier.
There's twelve songs on the soundtrack. Six of those are oldies that were pre-existing at the time of the movie's date. These existed in the real 1962 as well as the one in the movie, of course. However, there's also six new songs that came out in "our" 1987, written specifically for the film. Now, those songs are also featured in the movie: in 1962! That means, in the "Dirty Dancing Universe", music was way advanced over ours! Even if everything was identical prior to that time, you'd have to wonder what kind of far reaching impact the "80s sound" would have had on future music in their world! ;)
P.S. Told you I'm a geek and love to think about this stuff. ;D
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/10/06 at 2:33 am
Marty, you're building a time machine, aren't you? Dude, If I start thinking about this the next time i watch DD, I'm gonna feel like I was tricked.
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: Marty McFly on 01/10/06 at 2:38 am
^ I wish I could build one, LOL. If I do, believe me I'll not keep it a secret. :)
Seriously though, was I right about the movie (the 80's songs exist in their 1962)?
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/10/06 at 2:50 am
^ I wish I could build one, LOL. If I do, believe me I'll not keep it a secret. :)
Seriously though, was I right about the movie (the 80's songs exist in their 1962)?
Yes you were quite observant, more than most i would say. When I think about what you noticed, then yes, the newer songs don't belong to that era, but the average viewer wouldn't and haven't noticed until now thank you very much ;D
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: whistledog on 01/10/06 at 11:14 am
^ I wish I could build one, LOL. If I do, believe me I'll not keep it a secret. :)
Seriously though, was I right about the movie (the 80's songs exist in their 1962)?
I always thought that was odd too. 80's music in a movie set in the 60's
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: snozberries on 01/14/06 at 11:57 am
The same thing can be said for Moulin Rouge.... btw WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? WATCH THE MOVIE ALREADY!
Then you'll realize whether the music is 80's or 60's doesn't matter cause you get lost in all the love!
Okay so its confession time. I saw this movie in the theater the day it opened. The 8pm showing was practically sold out. I was not in a good mood because my friend was home for the weekend from college freshman year and I felt like I was wasting my life because I started worked retail and wasn't going to school. But we saw this movie and it cheered me right up. I got into it so much that at the end, when they did the lift I actually clapped! :-[ But then the whole audience applauded with me so I stood up and others did too! I am guessing my screening was the only one to give DD a standing ovation.
I have so much love for this film even today that I will stop and watch it anytime its on. And it still makes me feel better if I am blue when I start to watch I am happy by the end.
I had the opportunity to meet Kelly Bishop at a Gilmore Girls event (she played the mom in DD) and I told her how much I loved the movie and she looked at me like I was a little nuts (WHICH I AM!) and asked WHY? I guess she is a little embarrassed by the film but it has given me so much pleasure that I will never be embarrassed about loving it so much!
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: Jennifer028 on 01/14/06 at 1:06 pm
you havent seen Dirty Dancing?? Are you insane?? LOL Hurry up and go watch it!
Subject: Re: Dirty Dancing music question (geek/nitpick alert).
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/14/06 at 3:38 pm
wow...I can't believe you haven't seen Dirty must see happens to be one of my favorite movies...and I really dig the soundtrack too! :)
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