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Subject: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: BEK on 10/31/05 at 4:46 pm

Am I crazy, old or right when I remember that the original Starburst had lime in it? 

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: pell on 10/31/05 at 4:59 pm

It doesn't anymore? It's been a few months since my last pack of Starburst, but it seems like they had a green one. Maybe the green one wasn't lime, though.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 10/31/05 at 11:21 pm

I used to LOVE the lime starburst.  They took it out 'cause it wasn't very popular.  I don't care what they say, I love Lime everything.  Thank goodness they still sell Lime Scittles and Lime kool-aid.  I even like Coca cola with Lime in it.  Never realized how lime obsessed I may be.  hmmmm.. I wonder if there is a support group?

According to the Starburst webpage (yes, they have one) the Baja California type of Starburst fruit chews has "Limon" flavored, and the Tropical Fruitchews type (that is green) is Kiwi Bananananananana (sorry got carried away there)

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 10/31/05 at 11:26 pm

Just to add to the excitement of my post  ;D  I've discovered some interesting trivia about Starburst.

Did ja know?

Starburst came to America in 1976 in the original flavors of orange, lemon, lime, and strawberry?

Starburst fruit chews were originally introduced in England in 1960?

All Starburst are made in Waco, Texas now?

By the way, the site does not say WHEN lime was taken out.  :\'(

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: BCRichrocker on 11/01/05 at 10:34 am

Am I crazy, old or right when I remember that the original Starburst had lime in it? 

Wow, someone else remembers this flavor besides me? Yes, I used to love the flavor. Do you also remember when Starburst included the lime flavor it also came in a white package instead of yellow as it is now? There was also only one variety of Starburst as opposed to the many now such as "California Fruits", etc. also. But if you get a real hankerin' to eat a lime flavor Starburst, try the green Skittles. I think all Skittles are are small round candy coated Starbursts. And the green is lime flavor.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: BCRichrocker on 11/01/05 at 10:35 am

By the way, the site does not say WHEN lime was taken out.  :\'(

I'd say around '77 or '78 is the last I remember seeing them.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: Dee-Dee on 07/17/07 at 5:11 pm

My favorite was also the lime Starburst.  When they replaced it with cherry, I wrote to them protesting.  Of course, that didn't

do any good.  They just said it wasn't very popular. But recently my daughter found some that said "retro" flavor included, and

sure enough, it was lime!  She gave them to me. Now, I wonder if they are going to start including them again.  Tried to contact

them, but my Email wouldn't go through.  The lime Skittles are almost the same, and so are the Tootsie Roll midgets in lime.

But I'd still like to be able to get lime in Starburst.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: coqueta83 on 07/17/07 at 10:59 pm

Awwww, I never got to try Lime Starburst!  :( I wished I was old enough to try it. Sounds yummy!

Speaking of Starburst, here's a commercial I found from 1982. Looks like they had just introduced the cherry flavor at that time:

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: lorac61469 on 07/17/07 at 11:20 pm

I loved the lime...I wish they'd bring it back.  :(

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: Gis on 07/20/07 at 4:26 am

Just to add to the excitement of my post  ;D  I've discovered some interesting trivia about Starburst.

Did ja know?

Starburst came to America in 1976 in the original flavors of orange, lemon, lime, and strawberry?

Starburst fruit chews were originally introduced in England in 1960?

But in the U.K they were called 'Opal Fruits'. They only changed it to Starburst a few years ago to national uproar! We don't have Lime anymore either, or Lemon. We now have Strawberry,Lemon and Lime, Orange and Blackcurrant. I have to say I always *hated* the Lemon ones so I'm glad they have gone. the Blackcurrant ones are lovely.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: dan boland on 08/07/09 at 2:41 am

Nah, they definitely had lime starbursts in the 80s.  I was born '75 and I was eating them at least as late as '81, '82...

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: JamieMcBain on 08/07/09 at 1:49 pm

Yes, it had lime in it.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: karen on 08/07/09 at 8:45 pm

But in the U.K they were called 'Opal Fruits'. They only changed it to Starburst a few years ago to national uproar! We don't have Lime anymore either, or Lemon. We now have Strawberry,Lemon and Lime, Orange and Blackcurrant. I have to say I always *hated* the Lemon ones so I'm glad they have gone. the Blackcurrant ones are lovely.

Oh bleh.  Remind me not to eat these then when we move back.  I hate blackcurrant flavour but will tolerate the lime ones

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: Fairee07 on 08/13/09 at 8:30 pm

Not that I hate lime but I'm glad that the cherry-flavored ones got introduced because I love anything that's cherry. Thank God lime didn't get replaced with black currant.  8-P

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/13/09 at 9:26 pm

Just to add to the excitement of my post  ;D  I've discovered some interesting trivia about Starburst.

Did ja know?

Starburst came to America in 1976 in the original flavors of orange, lemon, lime, and strawberry?

I do remember the initial ad campaign for Starbursts.  They really pushed them on kids' TV programming.  Anything to drive up the family dental bills!

Starburst fruit chews were originally introduced in England in 1960?

All Starburst are made in Waco, Texas now?

These things I did not know.  I'm always glad to hear we still make something here in the U.S., even if it's just Starbursts!

I was never big on Starbursts.  I liked the classics: M&M's, Lifesavers, Tootsie Rolls, and such.

Subject: Re: Lime Starburst?!?!

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/11/14 at 1:41 pm

Am I crazy, old or right when I remember that the original Starburst had lime in it? 
May be the green colouring was banned during the e-numbers used as food substances back then?

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