The Pop Culture Information Society...
These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
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Subject: what movieis this from?
Written By: nycmystery on 10/27/05 at 4:48 pm
who knows what movie this tagline is from....."But do I look Gooood"?
Subject: Re: what movieis this from?
Written By: AmyLyn on 10/27/05 at 8:47 pm
Less Than Zero I believe
Subject: Re: what movieis this from?
Written By: nycmystery on 10/28/05 at 6:50 am
thats it,,,you got it,,,ok heres another............"slippery little suckers"
Subject: Re: what movieis this from?
Written By: robby76 on 10/28/05 at 7:52 am
Pretty Woman, though I'm afraid that was a 1990 movie.
Subject: Re: what movieis this from?
Written By: nycmystery on 10/28/05 at 11:57 am
how about...."sic balls,sic!"
Subject: Re: what movieis this from?
Written By: cables on 10/28/05 at 1:44 pm
how about...."sic balls,sic!"
Stand By Me
Subject: Re: what movieis this from?
Written By: nycmystery on 10/28/05 at 3:37 pm
wow,,,three in a about....."the bitch kicked me right in the family jewels"
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