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Subject: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/11/05 at 11:27 pm

She's done other roles in movies and stage, but her role as the Ewing  matriarch was her most famous role. :\'(

Subject: Re: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: MetalManiac on 08/12/05 at 5:25 am

All this lung cancer in less than a week is scaring the hell out of me. I'm wishing I never touched my first cigarette.

My mom watched Dallas so I sort of know who she is.   Oy Vey...whose next?

Subject: Re: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: GREEN67 on 08/12/05 at 7:02 am

:o I Know Metal..Wake Up Call????????????? I did watch Dallas..Barbara was a fine actress..So sorry to hear of her passing..

Subject: Re: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: TC1970 on 08/12/05 at 7:28 am

All this lung cancer in less than a week is scaring the hell out of me. I'm wishing I never touched my first cigarette.

My mom watched Dallas so I sort of know who she is.  Oy Vey...whose next?

No time like the present to stop. ;)

RIP Barbara Bel Geddes

Subject: Re: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/12/05 at 10:05 am

My mom used to watch Dallas all the time. R.I.P. Barbara :\'(

Subject: Re: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: MetalManiac on 08/12/05 at 1:06 pm

No time like the present to stop. 

I did, Monday I started the patch and haven't had one in 5 days.

I'm gonna have to see if I can find a movie Barbara did-something about her is very calming. RIP Barbara.

Subject: Re: Dallas' Miss Ellie Barbara Bel Geddes Dead at 82

Written By: TC1970 on 08/12/05 at 8:19 pm

I did, Monday I started the patch and haven't had one in 5 days.

I'm gonna have to see if I can find a movie Barbara did-something about her is very calming. RIP Barbara.

Good for you! Best of luck. :)

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