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Subject: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/26/05 at 5:59 pm

I believe this was a late 1980's show, but I could be wrong. I remember liking it a lot...

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: MetalManiac on 07/26/05 at 6:12 pm

Didn't this usually have sit com stars on it? It was two teams of 3 players?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, I remember it and used to like it. Was a cool show!

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: Howard on 07/26/05 at 6:14 pm

Didn't this usually have sit com stars on it? It was two teams of 3 players?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, I remember it and used to like it. Was a cool show!

Yes It did MM and other people had to guess what they were drawing.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/26/05 at 6:34 pm

I looked this show up on the Internet Movie Database and it had Lynda Carter on it as a frequent guest and had two hosts. I remember thinking the second host was kinda cute. He had dark hair (may have been wavy) and was good at letting them guess without interfering much. It ran between 1987 and 1989, so I suppose it was rather shortlived.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/26/05 at 9:27 pm

I remember that game show! I remember their pictures were always so hard to figure out.

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/26/05 at 9:52 pm

It was ok....

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: rich1981 on 07/26/05 at 11:33 pm

I think it was produced by Bert and Burt, talk about an alliteration.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: nally on 07/26/05 at 11:37 pm

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do remember it. It was on during the late 1980's, and hosted by the late Bert Convy.

GSN began showing re-runs of it in April 2002 but dropped it last year...what a shame. >:(

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: TC1970 on 07/27/05 at 6:30 am

It was a fun game show. Drove nuts when someone could not get the answer.  :P

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: iluvthe80s on 07/27/05 at 7:29 am

Burt Reynolds was also one of the producers of the show and he was on there a lot with his then-wife, Loni Anderson.  I think this show was sort of based on Pictionary.  Vicki Lawrence also hosted it for about a year.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: karen on 07/27/05 at 7:43 am

There have been two versions in the UK.  The first one was hosted by Danny Baker and was screened at lunchtime (ish) or occasionally in the afternoon.  I think maybe it was on in the late '80s.  The second version was on recently and was a late night version with drunken guests.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: Paul on 07/27/05 at 7:52 am

There have been two versions in the UK.  The first one was hosted by Danny Baker and was screened at lunchtime (ish) or occasionally in the afternoon.  I think maybe it was on in the late '80s.  The second version was on recently and was a late night version with drunken guests.

I remember when Bob (In Bed With Me Dinner) Mills used to host it...can't remember whether that was before of after Danny Baker...

Earlier than that ('70s) there was something in a similar vein called 'Quick On The Draw'...I only remember cartoonist Bill Tidy on that...

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: karen on 07/27/05 at 10:59 am

I remember when Bob (In Bed With Me Dinner) Mills used to host it...can't remember whether that was before of after Danny Baker...

I think Bob Mills (if I'm thinking of the right guy) did it after Danny Baker.

Earlier than that ('70s) there was something in a similar vein called 'Quick On The Draw'...I only remember cartoonist Bill Tidy on that...

Remember that one too.  Bill Tidy lives (lived?) just up the road from me (not literally you understand)

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: Howard on 07/27/05 at 5:58 pm

Will they ever bring back Win,Lose Or Draw on The Game Show Network? ???

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/27/05 at 6:10 pm

I wish they would, as I never caught that run on GSN as we didn't have that channel

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: Howard on 07/27/05 at 6:29 pm

Win Lose Or Draw always ran on Channel 4 Here in New York.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/27/05 at 7:45 pm

Win Lose Or Draw always ran on Channel 4 Here in New York.

Was channel 4 like NBC for you. I think it was on channel 5 for us, which is CBS. I could be mistaken

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: Howard on 07/28/05 at 2:27 pm

Was channel 4 like NBC for you. I think it was on channel 5 for us, which is CBS. I could be mistaken

Yes Ultraviolet Channel 4 was NBC where I live.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: whistledog on 07/01/07 at 10:28 pm

I really miss WLD.  It was produced by Burt Reynolds and Bert Convy.  The set for the show was modeled after Burt Reynolds' actual living room

There was a spin-off called 'Teen Win, Lose or Draw' as hosted by Marc 'Skippy' Price, but it wasn't as good.  I liked Bert Convy the best, cause I watched him all the time on Super Password

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/02/07 at 3:39 pm

I remember this show alot.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: coqueta83 on 07/03/07 at 12:38 am

I remember this show, too. I really loved it!

RIP Bert Convy  :\'(

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: ajisfine09 on 07/15/07 at 1:44 pm

Oh  my god I remember that show I was little when it was on but I remember it I was born in the early 80s but that was a pretty cool show

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: nally on 06/06/23 at 10:26 pm

Was channel 4 like NBC for you. I think it was on channel 5 for us, which is CBS. I could be mistaken

Yes Ultraviolet Channel 4 was NBC where I live.

It might have been shown on NBC in some areas; perhaps the program was syndicated?

But yeah, I do remember seeing it on my NBC affiliate while it was in production. Not sure if another channel carried the reruns. I can always look it up on Wikopedia.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: nally on 06/06/23 at 10:34 pm

Yep.. according to Wiki, it indeed aired on NBC as well as in syndication. However, it was taped at CBS Television City despite never airing on the CBS network. Vicki Lawrence hosted the NBC edition, while Bert Convy hosted the syndicated edition.

There was also a “teen” spinoff which aired on Disney Channel in the early 1990s.

Subject: Re: Does Anyone remember the show "Win, Lose Or Draw"?

Written By: yelimsexa on 06/18/23 at 8:54 am

WLoD also reran on the USA Network for two years in the early '90s as well, which is where most of my memories of the show stem from, specifically from the summers of 1991 and 1992 since the show aired during the midafternoon while I was still in school. It had a rather cheap budget for the time, where the biggest win daily was around $2800 or so, but to me the doorbell sound effect when there's 30 seconds left on a word stood out for me since there was the dilemma to pass the markers off for half the value of the puzzle, usually $100 instead of $200.

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