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Subject: old computer game Taipan
Written By: bassmanwa on 07/17/05 at 12:13 am
Hi There
Does anybody know if this Apple Game Taipan was ever released in a format for PC's and if so where can I score a copy, it was my fav when I got my first Apple Clone with twin drives
Tha BassIc Man
Subject: Re: old computer game Taipan
Written By: mrgazpacho on 07/18/05 at 7:44 am
Don't know about a PC version, but nowadays a lot of old games for non-PCs can be run within emulation programs on a PC.
I used to cheat at Taipan by borrowing a small amount from the moneylender, then paying back more than this amount. He would start paying interest instead of charging it :D I do like the way that every time you bought a bigger fleet of pirate ships, they would send bigger enemies up against you so you couldn't just crush everyone with your naval might ;)
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