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Subject: Pet Benatar
Written By: eightieschick53 on 04/12/05 at 10:11 pm
Anyone remember some of her songs? We Belong or Love Is A Battlefield? She is a good singer.
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: george78 on 04/13/05 at 9:01 am
Pat Benatar has a tons of good songs. I have her box's incredible!
My favorite Benatar songs are:
Le Bel Age
You Better Run
Run Between The Raindrops
Precious Time
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: 80smuzikhead on 04/13/05 at 9:08 am
Pat rocks! My favourites:
All Fired Up
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/13/05 at 9:57 am
My favorites are We Belong and Love Is A Battlefield.
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: poison7j on 04/13/05 at 10:02 am
Ive always liked " Love is a battlefield " and, "Sex as a weapon"...
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/13/05 at 11:35 am
I love her entire "Crimes of Passion" album-every song. I think my old LP probably have many skips and pops from being overplayed. Haven't replaced on CD yet.
Some of her later stuff that I like includes:
Love is a Battlefield
Shadows of the Night
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: JohnTaylorsHeart on 04/13/05 at 4:35 pm
Love is a Battlefield
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
We Belong
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: bumperskittles on 04/13/05 at 10:18 pm
Love is a Battlefield
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
We Belong
Every one of those songs are my favorite!! Mostly Hit Me With Your A Best Shot!!
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/14/05 at 6:14 am
Despite my never having been a huge fan in general (she's way more of a singles artist, IMO), I always loved the 80's pop/rocker "Hit me with your Best Shot" and her breakout single "Heartbreaker" (what a rush!! Borderline metal there!).
Seems like she kinda disappeared after about 1984/85, since some of her later hits like "Love is a Battlefield" and "We Belong" are in more of a mid-level pop direction - probably even more Top 40ish than hard rock.
Loved the "Battlefield" video since I first saw it in the early 90's - splashing water on that creepy-looking guy and, I believe, yelling something like "Leave me alone!!" stands out.
PS: Hard to believe she's around 50 today - sure doesn't look it!! Is it just me, or does she actually look better than in the early 80's? :)
Subject: Re: Pet Benatar
Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/14/05 at 12:44 pm
I love her entire "Crimes of Passion" album-every song. I think my old LP probably have many skips and pops from being overplayed. Haven't replaced on CD yet.
Same here! I LOVE that LP! Mine is also scratched up pretty bad :)
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