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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: FARLEY HATCHER on 12/16/98 at 02:31 p.m.
WHO ON THIS GREEN AND BLUE PSYCHO ORB remembers "SNIGLETS"? They were words that "were not in the dictionary but should be" according to the HBO series "Not Necessarily the News" which ran during the early 80s. Comedian Rich Hall hosted the sniglets segment which featured new words every episode or so. I still have a small book of sniglets at my mom's house somewhere (one of several editions that were published). The ones I can remember are: "Beado": a pencil with teeth marks all over it; CHEDDLE: the cheese residue that covers your fingers when you eat Cheetos; NAPJERK: The sudden violent jerk you make when you're about to or starting to sleep; PUPSQUEAK: The high-pitched squeak at the end of a dog's yawn. SPLOOGE: when you bite into a sandwich and it all comes out the back. Definitions I remember for words I can not: That little string on the carpet that you just cannot vaccuum up no matter what; and the word for burnt black chips in a sack of potato chips. If any of you remember SNIGLETS let me know!
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: mdwork on 12/16/98 at 04:18 p.m.
They were great! The only one I remember was Cheedle. I think that they were also on SNL when Rich Hall was on there.
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: BoyOfCorn on 12/16/98 at 06:36 p.m.
Yes I remember Sniglets. The one that really sticks in my mind is BEVAMETER: The distance your coaster sticks to the bottom of your glass before it falls.
I vaguely remember the books. I'm sure there was several editions of it.
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: PopUpVid on 12/17/98 at 08:44 a.m.
I remember both Not Necessarily the News and the Sniglets, featuring Rich Hall. I liked Rich Hall and his funny little lisp. I remember this show being the only good show that HBO had on at the time, circa 1986. I have been trying to recall some of the other cast from NNTN, but I can't seem to remember their names. Anybody else know???
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: steve on 12/17/98 at 11:17 a.m.
my favorite sniglet and the one I heard used the most was "pedittle". it was a car with only one working headlight.
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: Mallory Coyle on 12/20/98 at 04:46 a.m.
~~ Hi... In response to some of the other replies, first; The original NNTN cast was Rich Hall, Anne Bloom, Stuart Pankin, Mitchell Laurance, Danny Breen, and Audry Neenan... in 1984 fall (I think), Audry Neenan left and was replaced by Lucy Webb.... She stayed on for a year or two I think (I didn't see the show much after the spring or summer of 1985).... There were like 5 or 6 Sniglets books... "Sniglets"... "More Sniglets".... "When Sniglets Ruled the Earth"... "Angry Young Sniglets".... those are the titles I remember....I also remember alot of the Sniglets cause I used them alot... like "Flannister"... the thing that goes around a six-pack of cans. And "Fenderberg".... chunks of ice stuck on the underside of your car. A "Stroodle" is that strand of Cheese and Pizza sauce that doesn't break when you bite a piece of pizza, and it stretches all the way to your mouth. I was a big NNTN fan, and a big fan of Sniglets. :) ~~ Mallory
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: BoyOfCorn on 12/23/98 at 07:23 p.m.
I went to a couple of book store's web sites to try to find the sniglets books. www.barnesandnoble.com did not have them, but I tried www.amazon.com and I was in luck. They are currently out-of-print. They are going to search for them from other places. There were 6 available books: Sniglets, More Sniglets, Sniglets for Kids, Unexplained Sniglets of the Universe, When Sniglets Ruled the Earth, and Angry Young Sniglets.
I was a beast and ordered them all. I couldn't help myself. I must be an 80s addict!!!!
Subject: Re: SNIGLETS!!
Written By: Jack Day on 12/29/98 at 05:02 a.m.
Hmmmm.... I got about 164 of them stored away on a file on my computer...
if anyone wants a copy of it just email me...
Snackmasphere -- The explosive layer at the top of a potato chip bag.