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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: To Chucky G
Written By: Juli on 12/16/98 at 01:06 p.m.
I subscribed to your mailing list back on Oct. 25th and I never received one yet. Is there a problem? I sent the message back once I got it and I got another one saying I'n registered but I haven't gotten one yet. Have you decided not to do it anymore?
Subject: Re: To Chucky G
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/16/98 at 03:06 p.m.
I haven't sent one out yet, I've got the first one all but done, and then I never sent it out, I'm still debating wether or not I want to do it.. if I do, I will probably send one out at the first of the year, I will send something out to the list tonight and explain my final decision... if I rememebr how to even send something out with it.. they changed the server name and stuff, so I might have to spend some time to figure it out...
sorry about that
Subject: Re: To Chucky G
Written By: mdwork on 12/17/98 at 09:20 a.m.
Also, who won the trivia contest. I know that I missed enough to not come close but I have been curious as to who won and how well people did on it. There were quite a few questions that totally stumped me (even ones that I thought I nailed).