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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Boy in the Bubble
Written By: Cathy on 12/06/98 at 11:30 a.m.
Does anyone remember the boy in the bubble? I wanted to read more about him after seeing a movie about him that John Travolta played him. I know that his name was David ?. I know he suffered from Adenosine Deaminase Disease and he lived in the 80's. Paul Simon wrote a song with the title "Boy in the Bubble" where he is mentioned about what a complex time it was
Thanks if you think of something please let me know at my address!
Subject: Re: Boy in the Bubble
Written By: Farley Hatcher on 12/16/98 at 02:34 p.m.
I remember hearing about the Boy in the Bubble. I think there may be in article in a Life magazine from around 1984 or 1985 about him. I remember seeing a picture. I'm in a library, so later I'll check issues from that time and let you know, OKAY!