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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Under the category guess that tune, we have an audio daily double
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/04/98 at 08:57 a.m.
Ok, here is an email I got, and a sound file to match: Thank you for creating so good site, very informative and interesting. I have the tape with the song that have been recorded in 1989-1990 (i'm not sure of exact year). This song was recorded from the TOP10 (Europien verion of MTV) of the month. As I remember the singer was from the USA. I tried most major Record Stores in Boston, but wasn't able to find any information about the song. May be you have an idea of who is the singer and what is the name of the song? (the sound file is attached) Thank you very much in advence, Vitaliy.
Download 1 MEG WAV file Beware, this takes about ten minutes to download on a slow connection..
Subject: Re: Under the category guess that tune, we have an audio daily double
Written By: Amy D. on 12/05/98 at 09:36 a.m.
I am going to take a wild guess and say the singer sounds kind of like Irene Cara?? I don't think I've ever heard the song that I remember.