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Subject: Survey Time Again - Vocalists

Written By: mdwork on 12/02/98 at 11:36 a.m.

I responded to a couple of threads today and put in my two cents worth regarding vocalists and thought aloud about the need for a survey. So here it is:

Who are the best vocalists of 80's and why?

Female: Pat Benatar - I know much has been made about her opera training but believe me, it is something to take into account. Her wide range can go from soft ballads to "screaming" with the best without losing the beauty of her voice (most screamers in my opinion tend to lose it going for that extra edge).

Male: Tough one, I would have to pick Michael Hutchence, though there are many who are equavalent. I don't know how to characterize it but his voice was just was very distinctive from the rest (it would be harder to differentiate between say, either of the Tears for Fears vocalists and Jim Kerr).

Subject: Re: Survey Time Again - Vocalists

Written By: Dan Nero on 12/03/98 at 02:04 p.m.

Hey there,

Female: I guess I would have to say Cyndi Lauper. No special reason really.

Male: Well it would have to be Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode. The skinny guy with that great deep voice. (if you didn't know I go ga-ga over DM :) )
Have a good day,