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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: money
Written By: sid on 11/27/98 at 11:45 a.m.
does anyone out there know who wrote and sang the 80's hit "Money,money, MOney"? Its the one that is being used for a commercial about a bank. I need to know ASAP. thanks for your help
Subject: Re: money
Written By: Lionel Fouillen on 11/29/98 at 04:42 p.m.
This song is by ABBA.
Subject: Re: money
Written By: steve hargrave on 11/29/98 at 09:05 p.m.
I think that you are talking about the song "Mony Mony" by Billy Idol
Subject: Re: money
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/30/98 at 09:21 p.m.
Nope, it's definately the ABBA tune we're talking about (why would someone want Mony Mony for a BANK AD?) it's called "Money Money Money"