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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: What's this song?
Written By: Stumped in MA on 11/18/98 at 08:48 p.m.
Does anyone know the artist and song title of this lyric? Sorry, but I can only remember parts of it! It starts out "Honestly, I believe in you. Do you trust in me?" and the chorus starts with something like "And through the years, I will be a friend for always. . . ." Please answer my question if you can!
Subject: Re: What's this song?
Written By: Retroraider on 11/19/98 at 05:51 p.m.
I gotcha on this one. (ha ha ha Dan Nero I beat you! :-) )
The song is "Honestly" and it's by Stryper. Stryper was a Christian Rock group that dressed in black and yellow striped outfits on stage. This song is really good, one of my favorites from them, along with "Counting On You". Though they were a Christian band, they had a very large following in my circles growing up along with the other hair bands of the eighties. They sound very similar as well, but maybe with a different message.
Hope that helps.
Subject: Re: What's this song?
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/19/98 at 06:21 p.m.
I was watching some horrible show on VH-1 in which they would show different groups of people different videos and ask their opinions of them.. They showed one of Stryper's videos to a Satanist group and asked if they knew who it was... and the head dude piped up and said, "Yeah! I loved those guys!"