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This is a topic from the The 1980's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: A Toast! (To be accompanied by your favorite beverage...)
Written By: Retroraider on 11/04/98 at 12:14 a.m.
A toast! To Chucky G... defender of the faith!
...and to Dan Nero. The man with all the answers. Merlin, if you will. He knows more than me. I'm envious, but I'm glad he's on our side.
...and to Lindsay. Glad you didn't have to witness all that. The world is still a happy place.
...and to MDC. Looking forward to the article! By the way, your web page rocks.
...and to the rest of the regulars in our community, and the new ones as well. There will be no hotel here! Is O.P. still here? Great!
Welcome home! Now let's get back to business! Long live the eighties! Long live the board! Long live ChuckyG!
Thank you Chucky for caring enough to remodel. It's good to be back.
Subject: Re: A Toast! (To be accompanied by your favorite beverage...)
Written By: Mark on 11/05/98 at 07:39 a.m.
I second that toast! Could not have put it better myself.
Subject: Re: A Toast! (To be accompanied by your favorite beverage...)
Written By: Michael-Dante on 11/05/98 at 05:59 p.m.
Hey, Retro; thanks for the compliments on my web page, but I bow down humbly to Chucky G., who's 80's site is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive site on our fave subject to be found anywhere on the Web. Cheers!!!