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Subject: 80s are back

Written By: mdwork on 11/11/98 at 08:43 a.m.

I was watching TV over the weekend and all I saw were features on Doug Flutie. Flashbacks to 1984. I guess everything good comes around again (and I am not a Bills fan by the way). Now if the 1987 A.L. Rookie of the Year can get in some sort of hot streak????!!!!

I have noticed on the radio that a lot of bubble-gum pop songs are starting to get a kind of subtle 80s synth feel to them. Even 90s bubble-gum songs are better than this 70s crap you hear on what seems to be every commercial.

Speaking of bad 70s flashbacks, question of the day: Who are the bigger losers in the latest Burger King commercials: the girls at the counter for still being there 20 years later or the geeks in the polyester? (my choice: the latter).