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Subject: WHY I LOVE THE 80S

Written By: SCARLETT on 11/06/98 at 08:49 p.m.


i just found this page. my name is scarlet. i go to highschool. i love music especially from the eighties. which is ironic because people listen to the new stuff. i dont though. my fave songs are shout, everybody wants to rule the world, head over heels, sowing the seeds of love, famous last words, year of the knife,rapture,call me, der kommisaar both english and german version. poison arrow, look of love,obsession, rock me amadeaus as you can see i have many favorites and still some examples abracadabra,goody two shoes, and well you see i absolutely love the song what is love.
i love the eghties because well it was the eighties an era of music and most of the music and the artists were terrific but they didnt serfuce back up in the nineties.