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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.

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Subject: Hey all.

Written By: Lindsay on 11/05/98 at 11:06 p.m.

I haven't been here lately, so I guess I missed out on what happened. I am sorry I have been away. I wanted to stop and say hello, especially to 80's goddess, Dan, Chucky, and Retro!

Subject: Re: Hi Lindsay!

Written By: Retroraider on 11/06/98 at 08:45 a.m.

Missed ya girl! You really didn't miss anything that you would have liked to witness anyway. What do ya think of the place? Are the changes cool or what?

Subject: Re: Hey all.

Written By: mdc on 11/06/98 at 03:20 p.m.

Lindsay... where have you been??? Well, you missed ALL THE ACTION, so be thankful!!! I know the dreaded one year ANNIVERSARY is coming up... what are your plans???

Subject: Re: Hey all.

Written By: the 80s goddess on 11/08/98 at 00:19 a.m.

Well, first I wanted to return the Hello to my buddy Lindsay. Then, I just wanted to declare my undying love for the 80s! Any T'Pau out there....give me a "click"! Remember "Valentine", "China in your hand" and the very famous "Heart and Soul"--let us rejoice together!!

yours truly,
the 80s goddess

Subject: Re: Hey all.

Written By: the 80s goddess on 11/08/98 at 00:22 a.m.

Well, I just wanted to return the "hi" to Lindsay. Also, are there any T'pau fans out there? Let me rephrase--any T'Pau fans who know more than "Heart and Soul"? Let's talk--we have lots in common!!!!

later guys,
the 80s goddess