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Subject: Anyone remember this movie?

Written By: KD on 5/26/2000 at 2:06 a.m.

I remember a movie I saw at my cousin's house way back in the mid-late 80s. It was based on the "My Pet Monster" doll I think. It started off as a kid going on a field trip to a museum. The class enters a room wich displays three huge statues of monsters. The kid walks infront of one of the monsters, lightning shoots out of the monster's eyes, and the kid turns into a monster(resembling the "My Pet Monster") I forget what triggers him to turn from human to monster throughout the movie. His brother and sister try to hide him from their parents, and from a man who's trying to capture the boy/monster. I don't remember too much about it, except at the end, the man who was after the boy entered the monster exhibit, and was, too, cursed by one of the monsters. Does anyone remember this movie? Thanks! :)