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Subject: My Memory Needs Refreshing

Written By: Dan on 5/11/2000 at 9:43 p.m.

Today I was involved in a conversation about childhood television memories. I grew up on the shows Pinwheel and Today's Special but I have never met anyone who remembers these shows. Unfortunately, my memory is a little fuzzy about the details, so if anyone can give me any information (i.e. plot, characters, etc.) I would be forever indebted. Thank you.

Subject: Re: My Memory Needs Refreshing

Written By: Amy Parsons on 5/11/2000 at 11:15 p.m.

Well, I was a little old for those shows the one year I had cable, but I definately remember Today's Special. I'm almost positive that it was a show very much like the movie "Maniquin". There were many adult characters, but only some of them knew that the maniquins could talk. It took place in a department store of course. I believe that Pinwheel was a lot like Sesame Street except that it was not as educational. It had small sketches in claymation and animation and was meant to be more visually pleasing than anything else, like Teletubbies is now. I'll never forget that annoying little girl's voice that said "Pinwheel!" right before the ending credits. I think it was on right before "The Mysterious Cities of Gold", which I was fanitical about.

> Today I was involved in a conversation about childhood television
> memories. I grew up on the shows Pinwheel and Today's Special but I have
> never met anyone who remembers these shows. Unfortunately, my memory is a
> little fuzzy about the details, so if anyone can give me any information
> (i.e. plot, characters, etc.) I would be forever indebted. Thank you.