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Subject: Disturbing/Surreal Fashion

Written By: hugo on 3/11/2000 at 6:11 p.m.

Hi I need some info. In the eighties there was a very bizarre fashion trend, usually at special 'balls' and 'shows'. One character in particular aquired a degree of celebrity. He was dressed in the most surreal and often shocking manner. Masks, and unusual head wear was common. This wasnt street fashion by any means. I wouldnt describe the fashion as fetish, but there was a subtle asexuality about his styles. sometimes his clothing would be feminine to a degree, like skirts etc, but this wasnt a theme in itself. the face was either hidden or unrecognizable, and the overall impression was shocking, surreal, even disturbing. I cant find anything about this person, and he may now be no longer alive. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
