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Subject: Need title and artist

Written By: Pick on 10/28/1999 at 7:48 p.m.

I heard this song only one time, very long ago, possibly the spring of 1984. It had lyrics in the chorus that included something about "a high school killing on a saturday night" The singer's voice sounded very much like Rick Springfield, but the song's length was much longer than anything he was doing at that time. The song was played on a Harrisburg AOR station as I was traveling through the area. At the time I thought I'd hear it again because it was an excellent song, but I never have. No one I've questioned has ever been able to identify it, and I have wondered if it possibly may have even been a local band. This has always stumped everyone, and it's driven me crazy over the years... Can somebody, anybody please help? Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. PS I've also tried lyric finders available on the net with no luck. 80's fans please help, thanks again.