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Subject: Care Bears

Written By: Allie:) on 7/12/2001 at 1:11 a.m.

Ok, run with me on this one, because this may be hard to follow. Remember the "Care Bears" TV Show? If so, good. Now, I think this may have been an episode or the second film, but I remember a girl who had a brother who was a really bad, they lived in the city. Well, a creepylady came and convinced the boy to come with her. Following me? She took him to her ar or something, where bratty kids were turned into these hideous goblins and were her slaves, performing labrorous tasks. Well, she gave him a drink and he turned into one of these zombies, and the girl was found by the Care Bears, who rescued all these kids. Was this the TV show??? Please help me out! Email me! Thanx in advance!