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Written By: jeff golay on 7/1/2001 at 10:31 p.m.

this has been bugging me for a while, and i can't take it any more. there was a show that i am pretty sure was aired in the 80s... all that i remember is that the main person was a man in a skin tight body suit, and the suit looked like a body that was turned inside out. it was a crazy inside out man. i think he had a cane and a hat and danced around a bit. if you know the name of this show, PLEASE tell me, i MUST know. thanks a lot

Subject: Slim Goodbody

Written By: The Insider on 7/1/2001 at 11:04 p.m.

You are referring to "Slim Goodbody". This show aired on PBS. Slim taught about the body and about nutrition. This show also spawned "Slim Goodbody In Nutri City". By the way, Slim Goodbody was played by a man named John Burstein.