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Subject: Another '80s fashion question

Written By: jolly dodger on 5/11/2001 at 6:50 p.m.

Ok....earlier part of this year I watched a series on BBC2 called I LOVE THE 1980's and on one episode of the show they featured another '80s fashion statement which was the rah-rah skirt. I knew what they looked like before I ever heard them called rah-rah because they are these little short skirts and I always rememeber the back cover of The Bangles single Walk Like An Egpytian, where the four girls appeared in a photograph and lead singer Susannah Hoffs was wearing one.
I'd like to hear a bit more about these clothing items so when I return to this messageboard tomorrow I would like to see some jolly good feedback so I can get excited over,

Toodles! Jolly.

Subject: Re: Another '80s fashion question

Written By: Todd R on 5/12/2001 at 1:54 a.m.

: Ok....earlier part of this year I watched a
: series on BBC2 called I LOVE THE 1980's and
: on one episode of the show they featured
: another '80s fashion statement which was the
: rah-rah skirt. I knew what they looked like
: before I ever heard them called rah-rah
: because they are these little short skirts
: and I always rememeber the back cover of The
: Bangles single Walk Like An Egpytian, where
: the four girls appeared in a photograph and
: lead singer Susannah Hoffs was wearing one.
: I'd like to hear a bit more about these
: clothing items so when I return to this
: messageboard tomorrow I would like to see
: some jolly good feedback so I can get
: excited over,

: Toodles! Jolly. >>>>> The "rah rah" skirt as they were known in the UK were actually popular here as well. But I dont think they had a special name other than "miniskirt". However, it was the STYLE of the miniskirt. The rah-rah type of mini was not a tight fitting skirt. It was a drop waist style, which means it had a yoke from the waistband (usually elastic waistband) and then flared out after a couple inches below the waistband. It was usually full circle cut and was quite a delight to watch on breezy days! They could be all colors or designs..I had several back then and still have two of them today. Both are white and one has little yellow dots on it. One of my fave music videos that features "rah-rah" skirts was "Its Not what you DO (But the Way that you DO It)" by Bananarama with the Fun Boy Three. All three Bananarama gals are wearing these cool skirts and look great in them!

Subject: Re: Another '80s fashion question

Written By: Todd R on 5/12/2001 at 1:59 a.m.

Almost forgot! I still wear my rah rah skirts to 80s parties every now and then and get quite the favorable response! Also, the Go-Go's, especially Belinda, Jane and Charlotte, made these style of skirts quite popular in the early 80s. For a good example of this type of skirt watch the GoGo's video for "We Got the Beat" (its a live clip video) and Belinda is wearing a black "rah rah" skirt in it...