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Subject: Help On 80's Report

Written By: Ehren Delossantos on 5/8/2001 at 1:48 a.m.

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew any new technological inventions that came in the 1980's besides the Nintendo Entertainment System. Please help if you can.

Subject: Lester can help too!

Written By: langdon hughes on 5/9/2001 at 7:19 p.m.

And cars. I'd call cars a technological whatcha-giggie.


Indoor plumbing.

My stars, all kinds of new-fangled stuff!

Subject: Re: Lester can help too!

Written By: Wicked Lester on 5/9/2001 at 8:38 p.m.

: And cars. I'd call cars a technological
: whatcha-giggie.

: Phones.

: Indoor plumbing.

: My stars, all kinds of new-fangled stuff!

Come on langdon, don't mislead the tyke! Everyone knows that telephones and indoor plumbing came into wide use during the 1970s, not the 80s. You want Ehren here to get a bad grade?

Here are some REAL 80s inventions - maybe not all techie stuff, but definately life improving.

1. dental floss

2. bikini wax

3. toe rings

4. double scoop ice cream cones

5. q-tips (never, EVER, try cleaning your ears with old bubble gum and a #2 pencil the way we used to do it!)

6. budweiser

7. 8 track tapes - still state of the art in my book.

8. the printing press

Like langdon says, there are many others, but I feel that these 8 have had the greatest impact on society as a whole.

Subject: Re: Lester can help too!

Written By: DJ Midas on 5/10/2001 at 8:32 a.m.

: And cars. I'd call cars a technological
: whatcha-giggie.

: Phones.

: Indoor plumbing.

: My stars, all kinds of new-fangled stuff!

Come on langdon, don't mislead the tyke! Everyone knows that telephones and indoor plumbing came into wide use during the 1970s, not the 80s. You want Ehren here to get a bad grade?

Here are some REAL 80s inventions - maybe not all techie stuff, but definately life improving.

1. dental floss

2. bikini wax

3. toe rings

4. double scoop ice cream cones

5. q-tips (never, EVER, try cleaning your ears with old bubble gum and a #2 pencil the way we used to do it!)

6. budweiser

7. 8 track tapes - still state of the art in my book.

8. the printing press

Like langdon says, there are many others, but I feel that these 8 have had the greatest impact on society as a whole.

You said it, Lester. 5, 6 & 7 have DEFINITELY made an impact on me. You don't see very many DJs mix with 8-track tapes like they did 15-20 years ago...

Subject: you're right, you're right

Written By: langdon hughes on 5/10/2001 at 3:32 p.m.

Don't know WHAT I was thinking. (the printing press - classic!)