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Subject: National Outsiders Day

Written By: Erik on 3/25/2001 at 10:27 a.m.

In 1988 I declared March 25th National Outsiders Day in honor of the 5th anniversary of the release of The Outsiders. That was about my favorite movie in my high school years. I thought I would share this holiday with you all today, since I'm in the fine company of others obsessed with the 80's. As a side note, the short-lived TV series of The Outsiders premiered on National Outsiders Day 1990. For anyone who missed it or forgot, it introduced us to David Arquette as Two-Bit! Anyways, what better day to pull out that old Vhs, laserdisc, DVD or Beta tape and watch the film?

Let's do it for Johnny, man! We'll do it for Johnny!


Subject: Re: National Outsiders Day

Written By: pegacornj on 3/25/2001 at 1:38 p.m.

: In 1988 I declared March 25th National
: Outsiders Day in honor of the 5th
: anniversary of the release of The Outsiders.
: That was about my favorite movie in my high
: school years. I thought I would share this
: holiday with you all today, since I'm in the
: fine company of others obsessed with the
: 80's. As a side note, the short-lived TV
: series of The Outsiders premiered on
: National Outsiders Day 1990. For anyone who
: missed it or forgot, it introduced us to
: David Arquette as Two-Bit! Anyways, what
: better day to pull out that old Vhs,
: laserdisc, DVD or Beta tape and watch the
: film?

: Let's do it for Johnny, man! We'll do it for
: Johnny!

: Erik---

Ok, for Johnny, and for another look at all those young stars. (How about that Patrick Swayzie and Emelio Estevez.) Can't remember who the cute lil' blond kid was. (He got famous.) He was the bad kid in this one.
There were so many stars and it was such a good movie that it's good to know someone is still holding the torch for it. Thanx.