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Subject: John Lennon: The Last Years:BTM

Written By: james martin on 12/6/2000 at 11:28 p.m.

Last night, I saw what was the emotional BTM episode since "The Day The Music Died". It was the last days of John Lennon. It covers the 5yrs. he spent away from the music scene and the making of what was to be somewhat his COMEBACK (last) album, "Double Fantasy" in 1980. I cried when I first heard about on Monday Night Football whie I was taking a bath. When I saw it first Sunday night, I cried again when they were showing the scenes of the people standing at the Roosevelt hospital & The Dakotas. I couldn't help it by re-seeing it again twice.I was wondering what was your reaction when you heard that John Lennon was dead and where were you when it happened? I'm sorry... I was about to cry again after typing this.