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Subject: 80s DOS based computer game

Written By: Christy on 10/28/2000 at 6:50 p.m.

I need your help!! I'm trying to remember an 80s DOS based computer game. I think the title had something to do with rings, because I think the object of the game was to get these rings from fairy-type things in the middle of a river. There was a little guy that had a sword (worked by the spacebar) that would kill monsters such as possibly a werewolf or zombie type monster. I just know one big thing was walking upright. There was also bats I think or maybe rats ... maybe both. There were alligators in the rivers, because I often got eaten by them. You had to gather little blocks of food, you could pick up shields and maybe a shirt or two. I think you could throw fireballs sometimes, but they bounced off the walls and could hurt you if you didn't get out of the way. There were also mushrooms. I think the bad mushrooms had red eyes, but I'm not sure if there were good ones. It seems like I could go back and see some old mushrooms that had turned into good mushrooms. I know this sounds crazy, but I really want to figure out the name of this game. Obviously it's fantasy based and has something to do with rings. I looked up Lord of the Rings, but there was a screen shot and I don't think that was it at all. Please, if someone knows, please email me. I would be so grateful! Thanks in advance!