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Subject: cannery row soundtrack

Written By: sean on 9/17/2000 at 11:51 p.m.

i have attempted unsuccessfully to acquire the soundtrack for the movie Cannery Row. does anyone have suggestions as to how i could secure the soundtrack? no, i do not want the movie but my wife would sure like the soundtrack for her birthday at month's end if it is available. help!

Subject: Re: cannery row soundtrack

Written By: John Gammon on 9/18/2000 at 4:42 p.m.

: i have attempted unsuccessfully to acquire the
: soundtrack for the movie Cannery Row. does
: anyone have suggestions as to how i could
: secure the soundtrack? no, i do not want the
: movie but my wife would sure like the
: soundtrack for her birthday at month's end
: if it is available. help!

I don't know if the soundtrack was released or not, but the bulk of the music is performed by Dr John. Maybe she'd like some of his other stuff.
