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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

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Subject: A toast! (To be accompanied by your favorite beverage...)

Written By: Retroraider on 11/4/1998 at 12:03 p.m.

A toast! To Chucky G, defender of the faith!

...and to Dan Nero. Merlin, if you will, the man with all the right answers. (Makes me jealous sometimes, but oh well.)

...and to Lindsay. Glad you didn't have to witness all this. The world is still a happy place.

...and to MDC! Looking forward to the article! (By the way, your page rocks!)

...and to all the other members of the community. Welcome home.

I know this post may not be altogether relevant, but I am just a little enthusiastic that the hotel developers are gone. Is O.P. still here? Good.

It's good to be back. Now let's get back to business. Long live the eighties. Long live our utopia. Long live ChuckyG!
