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Subject: Did anyone see the "Self-Love" segment of Pop Up Videos?

Written By: ChuckyG on 7/24/1998 at 7:57 p.m.

I was watching VH-1 last night, and they did a whole show on 80's "self-love" songs. It looks like they might have gotten inspiration from somewhere on the web! Of course they don't credit the inspiration, but how many people would have started a list on masturbation? They used 4 of the 5 same ones I did.

Should I be upset or honored?

Subject: Re: Did anyone see the "Self-Love" segment of Pop Up Videos?

Written By: Lindsay on 7/27/1998 at 6:28 p.m.

I have seen the "Self-Love" segment twice now..
It is cool! And, to think, I was singing each and every word
to "She Bop" at 6 years old ;)
I would feel honored to have the same insight and
sharp eye as those of VH-1!!!

Subject: Re: Did anyone see the "Self-Love" segment of Pop Up Videos?

Written By: Retroraider on 7/25/1998 at 1:47 a.m.

Both. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. However, big corporate conglomerate Viacom looks real good with their VH-1 program, while you are still a guy with a cool web page but not a lot of exposure. Such is the corporate world.