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Written By: the 80s goddess on 10/17/1998 at 12:07 a.m.

I was just trying to locate any Violent Femme fans. They seem to be an extinct species these days. Also, does anyone know anything about tour dates? I went on the web page and it is so outdated, it makes me want to cry. Well, just looking for someone to chat with about the coolest band!! Well, It is late so I must be "Gone Daddy, Gone" ha ha
yours truly, the 80s goddess

Subject: I'll take 1,1,1, cuz you left me....

Written By: Dan Nero on 10/20/1998 at 1:22 p.m.

: I was just trying to locate any Violent Femme fans. They seem to be an extinct species these days. Also, does anyone know anything about tour dates? I went on the web page and it is so outdated, it makes me want to cry. Well, just looking for someone to chat with about the coolest band!! Well, It is late so I must be "Gone Daddy, Gone" ha ha
: yours truly, the 80s goddess

Wasn't it a prerequisite at some point in the 80's to have a femmes album particularly the one with blister in the sun on it.
I didn't know they were touring either I got to see them 2 years ago in Columbus, Ohio and they were still incredible.
So please please please do not go--oo--oo!

Subject: Re: I'll take 1,1,1, cuz you left me....

Written By: the 80s goddess on 10/24/1998 at 12:21 a.m.

: : HELLO ALL...
: : I was just trying to locate any Violent Femme fans. They seem to be an extinct species these days. Also, does anyone know anything about tour dates? I went on the web page and it is so outdated, it makes me want to cry. Well, just looking for someone to chat with about the coolest band!! Well, It is late so I must be "Gone Daddy, Gone" ha ha
: : yours truly, the 80s goddess

: Wasn't it a prerequisite at some point in the 80's to have a femmes album particularly the one with blister in the sun on it.
: I didn't know they were touring either I got to see them 2 years ago in Columbus, Ohio and they were still incredible.
: So please please please do not go--oo--oo!
: Dan

Yes-it was a very good thing to have all of their albums. If you didn't, you were just a geek. I am so glad that I can at least talk to someone that doesn't say "who???" "the violent what???" We will have to get together and form a fan club. Hey-if we get enough people we can "Add it up" (really bad pun)
yours truly,
the 80s goddess

Subject: Re: I'll take 1,1,1, cuz you left me....

Written By: ChuckyG on 10/20/1998 at 7:32 p.m.

: : HELLO ALL...
: : I was just trying to locate any Violent Femme fans. They seem to be an extinct species these days. Also, does anyone know anything about tour dates? I went on the web page and it is so outdated, it makes me want to cry. Well, just looking for someone to chat with about the coolest band!! Well, It is late so I must be "Gone Daddy, Gone" ha ha
: : yours truly, the 80s goddess

: Wasn't it a prerequisite at some point in the 80's to have a femmes album particularly the one with blister in the sun on it.
: I didn't know they were touring either I got to see them 2 years ago in Columbus, Ohio and they were still incredible.
: So please please please do not go--oo--oo!
: Dan

if you want to see some cool concert footage of them, check the bargin bins for the Woodstock '94 video.. I just remembered they were on it (my friend has yet to return it too (grumble)) I forget which song he performs, but the lead singer ends it by playing an Australian instrument known as a Didgeridoo


Written By: ChuckyG on 10/17/1998 at 10:20 a.m.

: I was just trying to locate any Violent Femme fans. They seem to be an extinct species these days. Also, does anyone know anything about tour dates? I went on the web page and it is so outdated, it makes me want to cry. Well, just looking for someone to chat with about the coolest band!! Well, It is late so I must be "Gone Daddy, Gone" ha ha
: yours truly, the 80s goddess

I'm a big femmes fan myself, I wasn't aware they were touring currently though.. I usually check ticketmaster's web site for tour dates, though I don't know if they tour big enough venues anymore to come under ticketmaster's system...